Meeting Minutes - Tri-Cities Columbia Chorale

Columbia Chorale - Board Meeting Minutes - August 18, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Ms. Bonnie McVicker, President. A quorum (8 of 12) was
present as follows:
President: Ms. Bonnie McVicker
Treasurer: Mr. Paul Muller
Secretary: Mr. Al Edmondson
Librarians: Jeannie Connor
Publicity: Ms. Linda Garner
Technology: Ms. Elisabeth Potter
Hospitality: None at this time
Section Lead Representatives:
Altos: Ms. Fern Blake
Sopranos: None at this time
Tenors: None at this time
Bass: Not Present
Minutes were read including those from a Special Board Meeting held at the home of Margaret
Greenwood on the evening of May 19, 2015, and from a General Membership Meeting, held at the
same place, also on the evening of May 19th. Meeting minutes where approved by unanimous vote.
The Treasurer provided a Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the month of July, 2015. The
current treasury balance is $935.41. A $200.00 disbursement to the First Presbyterian Church for an
annual Damage Deposit was made in July. The Damage Deposit is refundable at the end of the current
Chorale season.
The Treasurer also provided a proposed budget for the current fiscal year of $3,130. Various line items
were discussed. Income to the budget will come from a $30 donation per member, $50 donation for
married couples. An estimated $1,030 in donations from the public are included in the budget as
income. A motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed budget; the motion was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
The coordinator for the Tri-City Arts Calendar, Fred Warren, will advertise our Fall Concert, scheduled
for November 8th. WSU Tri-Cities 2nd Annual “Night With The Arts” has requested our participation by
manning a vendor booth, and with a 15 minute presentation of our music. This is a recruitment
opportunity for our organization.
The Inland NW Conference for Greater Good has contacted us, inviting participation in an upcoming
conference with a focus on “Strengthening Your Organization”. Board Members are to contact Bonnie
McVicker if you have an interest in attending.
An action item was assigned to Elisabeth Potter to look for the meeting minutes that approved changes
to the Columbia Chorale Bylaws. A current copy of the bylaws is available on our website. [Note: The
posted versions of the Bylaws have incomplete sections and comments.] The current Board is
requesting a record of prior Board approval of Bylaw revisions.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm by unanimous vote.
Respectfully submitted, Al Edmondson, Secretary