VCA QUALITY SERVICE COMMITMENT CIVIL MBE E N G I N E E R S , I N C. STRUCTURAL DBE SBE 3.3 EXISTING ON -SITE SEWER UTILITY. 3.4 EXISTING ON -SITE STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY. 3.4.1 EXISTING SURFACE FLOW Site analysis of the existing surface elevations, within the boundaries of the AB 900 delineation, show that the onsite surface flow drains outward and off the site from three different locations. Most of the site’s surface flow drains from a North West to a South East direction. There is a concrete gutter beginning at the 14 foot gate north of Building 3. Going through between building 2 and 3 heading towards the basketball court between building 23 and 25, collecting the surface water from the buildings in the area. Here the concrete gutter separates and the flow path continues to the curb and gutter that surrounds the turf area that separates barracks 7 through 15 and barracks 16 through 22, collecting the surface water around the barracks as well as 9 concrete gutters that are located between the individual barracks. The concrete gutter ends past the second 14 foot perimeter fence and discharges the flow out onto the adjacent landscape area. V C A E n g i n e e r s I n c ▪ 3 9 5 1 M e d f o r d St r e e t , L o s An g e l e s C A 9 0 0 6 3 T e l : 3 2 3 - 7 2 9 - 6 0 9 8 ▪ F a x : 3 2 3 - 7 2 9 - 6 0 4 3 ▪ e m a i l: vc a @ vc a e n g i n e e r s - i n c . c o m www.vcaengineers