Rubric: Problem Based Learning Activity Task: Create a presentation package (executive summary and video presentation) to a policy expert. The focus of this presentation package is to advocate for the healthcare needs of a selected vulnerable population. Definitions of Ratings: Quality Indicators 5 points = Outstanding work: the level of scholarship demonstrates critical thinking, a mastery of all crucial elements and creativity 4 points = Very good work: all crucial elements are included and adequately described. 3 points = satisfactory work: meets the criteria for performance, although revisions are strongly suggested in components/aspects that are of lesser quality (lack accurate or complete description) than the rest of the quality indicators in this section. 2 points = unsatisfactory work: One or more essential component(s) are not satisfactorily described. Work lacks evidence of basic knowledge. Work must be revised and resubmitted to meet minimum passing criterion. 1 point = failing work: One or more required element(s) are missing or previous requests for revision were ignored Points Feedback/comments earned Demonstrates evidence of application of workshop content A vulnerable population, consistent with nursing experience is selected. (Lesson A) Individuals come together around a shared concern for a specific patient population to form a collaborative work group (Lesson A) Individual contributes to the creation of a group mind-map (Lesson A) Group share a mind-map of their vulnerable population with the class. (Lesson A) Individual demonstrates knowledge of the role and accountability of the APN as an advocate for vulnerable patient populations. (Lesson A) Individual contributes to the creation of a group interview guide (Lesson B) Completes individual interview with a nurse expert and shares collected data (Lesson B) Completes individual interview with a non-nurse provider or consumer and shares collected data (Lesson B) Demonstrates skill as a group member in the analysis and synthesis of collected data (Lesson B) Demonstrates skill as a group member in the integration of collected interview data and evidence from the literature and other sources in forming conclusions. (Lesson B). Group creates a total package presentation to a policy maker focused on health policy needs and reform for a specific vulnerable patient population. Presentation needs to include: (lesson C) Assessment Criteria written executive summary Online video presentation which includes: Verbal presentation by all group members Images to emotionally involve the audience Analysis and synthesis of data and perspectives collected through the interview process. Specific recommendations for policy development or reform. Grounding in the discipline of nursing Outline of the role and accountability of the nurse in the newly developed or reformed system. Share video presentation and executive summary with facilitator and other class members. View and comment on the presentations of your colleagues Demonstrates consistent use of critical think behaviors. Demonstrates skill in the use of a variety of technologies in the completion of this PBL experience. Demonstrate content knowledge of the lesson probes: What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the US health care system — costs, a nursing shortage, a lack of respect for patients’ experience, or something else? What role do advance practice nurses play in meeting this challenge? What challenges have you experiences in your hospital/clinic/office/town in providing care and general health and well-being for persons in vulnerable populations? What are some local challenges that you think will soon be a problem nationwide? What do you want policy makers to know about this vulnerable population? What qualities make APNs good advocates for vulnerable populations and important players in the development/reform of health care policy? What changes/reforms do you recommend for healthcare policy in the US (or in your state)? Individuals demonstrate self-direction and participative leadership in identifying and completing tasks to promote high quality group work. Group members work synergistically to enhance the quality of the group final product and the development of individual group members. Completes and submits reflective and constructive peer review of each group member. (triple value: quality score: __ x3) (double value: quality score __ x2) Presentation effectiveness and quality Executive summary is focused and makes an impact Executive summary is clearly written and demonstrate proper writing mechanic and use of references. Link to video is posted to the discussion area Movie communicates a message and/or make an impact on the viewer/policy maker (is targeted for a non-healthcare audience) Graphics, tables, pictures, and other visual effects effectively demonstrate concepts and capture the audience’s attention. Narration is well-rehearsed, providing a smooth delivery that captures the audience’s attention. Presentation demonstrates original and creative thought in the presentation of ideas. All group members share in the delivery of the video presentation. Movie concludes with a strong message the policy maker will remember Graphics, photos or video and voice are used effectively to keep the viewer’s attention and to communicate the message and evoke emotion The final product is edited with smooth transitions and logical presentation/progression of the content. Total Points earned (potential 200 points): Grading scale: 200-180 points: 179-160 points: 159-140 points: 139-120 points: < 120 points: A B C D F