Directions - Mr. Travis Engebretson

Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Period ______________
Ancient Egypt Crossword Puzzle
Phase 1 - Terms:
1. You will be given a list of 30 terms from our study of Ancient Egypt.
2. Pick 20 of the terms and write the definition for each one.
a. Use your notes and readings to find the definitions.
b. The 20 terms you select will become answers to a crossword puzzle you will create.
3. On a separate sheet of paper, write your “answers” (the 20 terms you select) and the
“clues” to each one (the definitions for each term)
Term: Polytheism
Highlight the term “Polytheism” – that becomes your answer
The clue (definition): Worship of more than one god
- You cannot use the example as one of your terms in your crossword
Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Period ______________
Ancient Egypt Crossword Puzzle
Phase 1 - Terms:
1. You will be given a list of 30 terms from our study of Ancient Egypt.
2. Pick 20 of the 30 terms and write the definition for each one.
a. Use your notes and readings to find the definitions.
b. The 20 terms you select will become answers to a crossword puzzle you will create.
3. On a separate sheet of paper, write your “answers” (the 20 terms you select) and the
“clues” to each one (the definitions for each term)
Term: Polytheism
Highlight the term “Polytheism” – that becomes your answer
The clue (definition): Worship of more than one god
- You cannot use the example as one of your terms in your crossword
Phase 2 – Crossword Puzzle:
1. In the computer lab, go to the website
2. Click on “Criss-Cross Puzzle”
3. Type your title for your Crossword Puzzle – your title will be your name and period
4. The width and height should be 20 each
5. The size of the square should be 20
6. Type your answer into the box, then leave a space and type your entire clue.
7. Once all your clues are typed in, click “Create My Puzzle!”
8. Print your crossword and put your name and period at the top
9. Hand in to Mr. Engebretson
10. Grab a Crossword Puzzle created by Mr. Engebretson and go to work!
Phase 2 – Crossword Puzzle:
1. In the computer lab, go to the website
2. Click on “Criss-Cross Puzzle”
3. Type your title for your Crossword Puzzle – your title will be your name and period
4. The width and height should be 20 each
5. The size of the square should be 20
6. Type your answer into the box, then leave a space and type your entire clue.
7. Once all your clues are typed in, click “Create My Puzzle!”
8. Print your crossword and put your name and period at the top
9. Hand in to Mr. Engebretson
10. Grab a Crossword Puzzle created by Mr. Engebretson and go to work!
Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Period ______________
Ancient Egypt Study Guide
________________1. Large stone tombs with four triangular sides that met in a point on the top; built so the dead could climb to
heaven; built during the Old Kingdom
________________2. Famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom; responsible for building the Great Pyramid
________________3. Located in northern Egypt; called this because it was flat, on a plain
________________4. A stone discovered in 1799 that had hieroglyphics, Greek, and later Egyptian writing on it; it allowed
archaeologists to read hieroglyphics
________________5. One of the few Queens of Egypt; greatly expands Egypt’s wealth and power
________________6. A specially treated body wrapped in cloth; Egyptians practiced this to prepare the bodies for the afterlife
________________7. Tall four-sided pillars that were pointed on the top
________________8. Lasts from 2700BCE – 2200BCE; begun by the Third Dynasty; ended when nobles overthrew the pharaoh; the
time period when the Egyptians built the pyramids
________________9. A path used by traders
________________10. Kerma, Napata, and Meroe
________________11. Imaginary creature with the body of a lion and head of something else
________________12. Located in southern Egypt; called this because it was uphill
________________13. Ruler of Kush; conquered Upper Egypt in 751 BCE
________________14. Queen of Kush; the first woman to rule Kush
________________15. Lasted from 2050BCE – 1750BCE; begun by Mentuhotep II; ended when Hyksos invaded and conquered
________________16. Steep rapids or waterfalls
________________17. A long-lasting paper-like material made from reeds that Egyptians wrote on
________________18. A series of rulers from the same family
________________19. Ruler of Kush; in 716BCE he conquered all of Egypt
________________20. The worship of many gods
________________21. Howard Carter discovered his tomb in 1922; gave us a lot of information about burial practices of Egyptians
________________22. The name of the Egyptian written language
________________23. Worship of one god
________________24. Lasted from 1550BCE – 1050BCE; begun by Ahmose of Thebes; ended when violence and disorder ended
Egypt’s empire
________________25. Egypt’s first pharaoh; set up the first Egyptian dynasty; his capital city was Memphis
________________26. Pharaoh during the New Kingdom; considered one of the greatest pharaohs to ever rule; built many temples
and monuments including Abu Simbel
________________27. The title of the Egyptian ruler; “Great House”
________________28. He defeated all of his rivals and took control of Egypt beginning the Middle Kingdom
________________29. This is the largest pyramid ever built; built by the pharaoh Khufu
________________30. This man defeated the invading group called the Hyksos and began the New Kingdom
Name as many natural boundaries that surrounded Ancient Egypt as you can:
List as many “Gifts of the Nile River” as you can:
Why did the pharaoh wear a double crown?
Describe the four Social Classes in Ancient Egypt:
Why did Egyptians mummify the dead?
Why was the Egyptian Middle Kingdom so short?
Why did Egypt become so wealthy during the New Kingdom?
List some reasons why Ramses II was a “Great” Pharaoh:
List some reasons why Kush declined:
Things to remember:
- Where Egypt is in the Ancient World (Use your Ancient Civilizations Map!)
- BCE years: bigger year comes first; CE: smaller year comes first
- How to find out how many years are between events (same abbreviation means subtract; different
abbreviation means add)
- Geographical features around Egypt (Rivers, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, etc.)