CIV/T/570/2002 IN THE HIGH COURT OF LESOTHO HELD AT MASERU In the matter between: PAUL RAMAHETLANE PHEKO 1st Applicant ‘MAMATSELISO PHEKO 2nd Applicant And MALEFETSANE PHEKO 3rd Applicant ‘MATEBOHO PHEKO 4th Applicant MOTHETHE PHEKO 5th Applicant JUDGMENT Coram : Hon. Acting Chief Justice T. E. Monapathi Date of Hearing : 15th July, 2014 Date of Judgment : 15th August, 2014 SUMMARY CITED CASES STATUTES BOOKS [1] The Applicants approached this court on an urgent basis for four main prayers for an order interdicting and restraining the Respondents form using the property of the Estate of the late Timello Pheko pending finalisation hereof; an order to appoint a provisional executor pending appointment of an executor by the Master of the High Court; an order declaring the Second Applicant as the lawful heir of the Deceased Timello Pheko; Directing Respondents to release to the Applicants forthwith the Deceased’s Death Certificate. [2] The Applicants in this matter son and mother respectively. Applicants allege that the late Timello Pheko was Second Applicant’s husband married by civil rites. A marriage certificate between Second Applicant and Deceased has been attached to her Founding Affidavit marked annexure “PRP1” (page 8). The First Applicant is their son born out of that communion. They allege further that the late Timello Pheko whose estate is in dispute had quite a number of concubines and for purpose of this application the Second Respondent is the most relevant concubine. We hope that the court has taken a Judicial notice that she is now late. [3] Applicants allege that Second Respondent came to work at one of the Deceased’s shops at Masianokeng Junction and be and became Deceased’s concubine. Hey allege further that First Respondent who is the son of the Deceased has been staying with his mother in Ladybrand but only came to Masianokeng to start up a business of panel beating. He then hired a shack that belonged to the Deceased. The Applicants do not deny that First Respondent is the Deceased’s son but aver that he was born out of wedlock but on the other hand claims to be Deceased’s heir. [4] The Applicants aver that on or about November 2002 the Deceased died and one of the Deceased’s brothers, one Othoane nominated the First Respondent as the heir. Then the three Respondents started to occupy the Deceased’s business 2 where they continue to run shops. The First Respondent is also said to be collecting rentals from the Deceased’s flats. On the contrary, the Respondents allege that the Deceased had four (4) wives and the Second Respondent is one of the wives as well as First Respondent’s mother. Applicant confirmed that she is an illegal wife of the Deceased. The Deceased Timello Pheko married the Second Applicant when Deceased already had a customary law wife hence the Deceased’s marriage to the Second Applicant is null and void according to Respondents. [5] Applicant contract that however, the Respondents have all failed to produce any documentary proof of Deceased’s marriage to any of the purported four (4) customary law marriages. Neither have they at least stated when those marriages were negotiated and entered into, how much bohali cattle was agreed upon and paid and also who took part in the bohali negotiations. These have not been done even by deponents who made supporting affidavits in relation to the said marriages. [6] Whether the Second Applicant’s marriage to Deceased Timello Pheko was valid. Applicants say that it is a valid marriage because marriage was in terms of Marriage Act. Whether the Respondents have any right over the Deceased’s property in any circumstances. [7] A civil rites marriage is governed by inter alia Marriage Act of 1974. See section 15 and 16 f the said Act provide that no marriage shall be valid unless there has been publication banns or a special licence is issued and this should be done within a period of not more than three (3) months receding the solemnization. Section 23 (1) of the same Act provides that any person desiring 3 to raise an objection to any proposed marriage shall lodge an objection in writing, with the person who makes publication of the banns of such marriages or the person who issues a special marriage licence in respect of such proposed marriage or the marriage officer who is to solemnize such marriage. Section 23 (3) provides that if any such objection is brought to the notice of the marriage officer who is to solemnize such marriage he shall inquire into the ground of the objection and if he is satisfied that there is no lawful impediment to the proposed marriage, he may solemnize the marriage in accordance with the provisions of this Act. [8] In the present case, as reflected in paragraph 5.1 of Othoane Pheko’s Affidavit (for Respondents) there was an objection to the solemnization of the marriage. However, the said objection fell away in terms of section 23 (3) of the Marriage Act of 1974. The person who made the object tis said to have been Letsema Pheko, section 11-12 support affidavit of Joseph Caswell Pheko. The late Timello Pheko never accepted the First Respondent’s mother (Malefetsane’s mother) as his wife. He proceeded to marry the Second Applicant (‘Mamatseliso Pheko), and the First Respondent’s mother never challenged the said marriage to be annulled. [9] This therefore means that the marriage officer in charge found out that there was no legal impediment to the intended marriage i.e. it was not true that the late Timello Pheko had an existing marriage at the time to marry the Second Applicant. The deponent Othoane Pheko has failed to inform this court why the marriage was solemnized despite the objection and the logical conclusion that one can come to …. is that it was because it was found out that there was no 4 impediment, hence the parties Second Applicant’s and the late Timello Pheko’s civil rights marriage was valid for all intends and purposes. [9] It follows therefore that any kind of marriage be it civil or customary which followed the Deceased and Second Applicant’s marriage was void ab initio. This means therefore that even if the First Respondent was the son of the Deceased, he was born out of wedlock because if his mother was indeed legally married to the Deceased the objection could have stood. It goes without saying also that the Third Respondent’s mother was not legally married to the Deceased as he purported marriage followed a valid civil rites marriage. The Second Applicant’s marriage is indeed valid as it satisfied all the requirements shown in the Marriage Act. [10] The Second Applicant has annexed her marriage certificate as proof that she was married civilly to the Deceased. It is surprising that the Respondents are saying they knew of existence of a marriage certificate. A civil rites marriage goes with a marriage certificate. Even if they did not know of the existence of a marriage certificate, they at least knew of the existence of the marriage which is what is important. A customary marriage is valid if the following essentials are met to wit, agreement between the parties to the marriage, agreement between parents or those in loco parentis, agreement over quantum of bohali and payment of part or all bohali agreed upon. See Laws of Lerotholi Part II section 34 (1) pages 72 and 74. 5 [11] It is our submission that in the present case the Respondents have failed to prove that any of the purported customary marriages was valid. They have not shown that any of the requirements of the customary marriages existed. Not even to show at least when anyone of the alleged wives was married, not even single documents evidencing the said marriages. Their allegation is therefore a bare one and one concludes that failure to prove one of the points to the fact that they are merely fabricating. [12] On the contrary, the Second Applicant has been able to prove that she was married civilly to the Deceased Timello Pheko and has put forward some proof which is in the form of a marriage certificate. The said certificate was not attached to by the Respondents as having been obtained fraudulently hence t stands unchallenged. In the circumstances, we submit that the First Applicant is in the heir of the Deceased Timelo Pheko and the First and Third Respondents are illegitimate and therefore belong to their mother’s family. We humbly pray that the application be granted as prayed in the notice of motion and that the Respondents pray the costs of this Application. 6