Intelligent Design or Chance?

From the microscope to the telescope – there is order that science cannot explain
From the smallest particles to the distant galaxies, science has discovered anthropic principles
that look like everything in the universe was designed for there to be higher life on earth.
Three Creation views held by Christians from various interpretations of Scripture:
 Young Earth Creationism – God created in six 24 hr days – out of nothing. This is
possible because He can do anything He wills to do, but study the 20 creation
 Old Earth Creationism – God created in six events, long times apart – out of nothing.
This matches up with what science has discovered about the universe and life.
 Theistic evolution – the theory God created life over millions of stages – one species
into the next. This view is problematic because there is little evidence for macroevolution in genetics or the fossil evidence in the “Cambrian Explosion.” Many
secular scientists are rejecting macro-evolution as being an explanation for the
origin of life. Why then would Christians want to think God would use this method –
dysfunctional creatures in stages?
There are only 4 possibilities for the existence of our universe:
 It’s an illusion – Like a Zen concept – nothing is real (a false religious hope for
 It’s eternal – it has always been up there, no beginning, no end (defies known
 It’s self-created – it came into existence on its own without transcendent help (no
 It was created by a Transcendent Cause outside of our dimension – in other words
– God
Kalam Cosmological Argument:
 Everything that had a beginning had a cause – (nothing can create itself – universal
 The universe had a beginning
 Therefore, the universe had a cause – (one that is outside of itself)
Five scientific proofs the universe had a beginning: Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God
 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (entropy- heat dissipates, things run down, energy
used up)
 Universe is expanding outward from a point
 Cosmic Background Radiation – (like measuring heat from various distances from a
 Galactic “Seeds” - ripples in the radiation that formed the stars, gasses, and matter,
 Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity
Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity – e=mc2 – matter, energy, time, & space- all
and all came into being at one moment – a one-time singularity; before this there was nothing.
This theory predicted the “Big Bang” – the universe came into being out of nothing.
Scientists have discovered up to 200+ constants (facts about physics) that are necessary for
These would include:
 The 23 degree tilt of the earth’s axis
 The moon’s size, distance from the earth, its gravitational pull being exact for 24 hr
 The earth’s distance from the sun, and the sun being just the right kind of star
 Our galaxy’s location in the Milky Way – not too close to the central cluster of stars
 The expansion rate of the universe – not too slow to collapse or too fast to
 The gravitational force of all matter
 The electromagnetic force of all energy
 The strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force
 The proton to electron number ratio, and the mass ratio, and the charge ratio
The order and precision of the whole of creation is beyond the possibility of random chance
evolution. For example, in biology, consider the following:
 DNA molecule – longest strand of information – 3 billion bits of information in each
of our 100 trillion cells, and each strand is 6’ long if stretched out. The
unanswerable question is “Where did this information come from?” Information
comes from mind.
 Every cell compares to a computer-run, fully-automatic, high-tech factory
 The human brain – most intricate computer network in the universe
 Molecular machines like Flagella motors – 40 protein parts of an actual motor that
propels e-coli bacteria through the water, like the motor on a boat. There are over a
hundred different machines like this in our bodies, in animals and plants.
 Irreducible Complexity – if any one of these parts is removed, the motor quits
 Bombardier beetle – has a chemical cannon in its rear that can bomb an
approaching enemy. The chemicals in this process have to be within a millionth
part correct or the beetle would blow itself up.
Darwinian evolution (macro-evolution = one species grows into another) can only explain
“micro-evolution” – in other words – adaptation to one’s environment. These kinds of changes
are only within the limits of the creature’s DNA.
Natural Selection, as this process is called, actually reduces the amount of information in the
Why is any of this teaching vital to you?
When you go off the a secular college, the professors may tell you that evolution is a “proven
fact” and the origins of the universe can be explained by naturalistic means. So the
implications are obvious – “God is out of a job.”
Whenever you have a question or a doubt about the reality of God, don’t “stuff it” and let it
fester into atheism. There are answers to most of the questions we could ever think of, but
we’re not going to understand all the answers the moment they come to mind. And the very
One who created mind would not have you bury these thoughts, but wait to have them
answered as you search for Him and His Truth in the Word.
All Truth is God’s Truth, and remember Jesus teaching, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
For further information, check out:
YouTube - Intelligent Design
Bill Schappert 415-531-6575
BASS Convention 6 Mar ‘15