Dynamic Earth Overview

Science Unit Overview
Subject: SCIENCE
Unit Title:
Year: 9
Term 3 Week7 – Term4 Week3
This unit provides students the opportunity to investigate the structure of the Earth and the universe using models,
theories and laws and how these have been refined over time. Scientific knowledge about global patterns and
geological activity is explained, and how these have influenced the decisions affecting contemporary issues. The
topics covered within the topic are aimed at developing students’ learning according to differentiated learning
What students will do:
Unit Outline
What students will learn:
Key Learning Outcomes
What students will be assessed on:
Evidence of Learning
 Major features of the universe
 Present researched ideas on
including galaxies, stars solar
the Big Bang Theory vs.
systems and nebulae
Dreamtime vs. other
 How technology has influenced
(creationism etc.) via
and advanced scientific
PowerPoint or Publisher.
understanding of the universe
 A model of the Aboriginal
 Understanding the influence of
Morning Star
gravity on all other objects in the
 Scientific reports writing –
data to support the practical
 How the ideas of the origin of the
investigations carried out in
universe has been refined over
lessons, discussions and
 The relationship between Earth’s
explanation text types, and
plates to mantle convection
presenting information in
currents and gravitational forces
tables and graphs
 Theory of plate tectonics
explaining earthquakes, volcanic
activity and formation of new
 The influence of technological
developments on the
understanding of geological
activity, including the AsiaPacific region.
 The interaction biosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere and
atmosphere, including the
carbon cycle
 The impact of natural events on
Earth’s spheres: cyclones,
Essential Words:
volcanic eruptions and
plate tectonics, crustal, folding, faulting,earthquakes
seismograph, impact, natural, cyclones, volcanic eruption,
 Determine the size and
distance of the different
structures in the universe
using appropriate scales and
 Research and explain using
the Big Bang Theory the
origin and age of the universe
 The theory of plate tectonics
and its influence on the
understanding of Earth and
the continental movement
 Research the current issues
affecting society that are a
result of human activity on
global systems – i.e. the
greenhouse effect, effect of
climate change on sea levels.
earthquake, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, fossil, sediment, greenhouse, ozone
As per homework folder – Year 9 Homework –Dynamic Earth
Grade Descriptors
Work Samples