洛克、帕斯卡尔 李忠伟 Zhongweili.net 洛克(Locke):人心如白板 最为重要的政治著作《政府二论》 1685年在政治风暴中写作了”Two Treatise on Government”。 第一卷反驳了君权神授; 第二卷论证了政府是由自由状态中的人为保护自由和财产而建 立的,且如果政府任意妄为,而政府部门相互僭越,政府就解 体了而且反叛是合理的。 《人类理智研究》 第一卷:《论内在观念》 所有观念均来自经验,直接来自感知或间接来自反思。即便在 诸如数学等“先天”科学中,所使用观念也并非内在的。 人心如白板 知识的来源? 洛克论观念《人类理智研究》第二卷 简单/复杂的观念: 简单观念:包括关于对物体的第一属性(Primary Qualities)的观念和第二属 性(Secondary Qualities)的观念; 第一属性:They are in bodies whether we perceive them or not.包括 硬度、运动和形状。 第二属性:” ‘are nothing in the objects themselves, but powers to produce various sensations in us by their primary qualities” 知觉(sensation)的观念/反思的观念; 反思的观念:关于感知的观念——只有通过反思我们才能知道感知是什么。 感知是某种被动的体验(passive experience)。该概念对洛克的哲学体系 非常重要,是其基石之一。 第三卷:为了阐明知识而研究语言 ‘our abstract ideas, and general words, have so constant a relation one to another, that it is impossible to speak clearly and distinctly of our Knowledge, which all consists in propositions, without considering, Wrst, the Nature, Use and Signification of Language’ (E, 401) 洛克论抽象观念与实体理论 抽象观念: 心灵观察对象之相似性,将其置于抽象观念之下,而一般名词附属于这些抽 象观念。抽象观念具有如下特征:关于三角形的抽象观念: the general idea of a triangle, for instance ‘must be neither oblique nor rectangle, neither equilateral, equicrural nor scalenon, but all and none of these at once’. 实体概念 实体拥有性质和能力,我们用这些性质能力来定义某物;然而 这些定义不关于其本质,仅仅是名义上的本质(nominal essence)。关于实体一般,我们对其的观念仅仅是“something we know not what”,而属性归属于它。 第四卷:知识 关于自然界:因为我们对实体没有观念,故而没有关于自然世 界中事物的真实科学,只能有或然性的信念。 关于自身与上帝:对于其存在可以有真实知识;在有限范围内, 我们知道外物存在。 证 据 理 论 : The love of truth should prevent us from entertaining any proposition with greater assurance than the evidence we have for it: ‘Whoever goes beyond this measure of assent, it is plain, receives not truth in the love of it, loves not truth for truth’s sake, but for some other by end’ (E, 697). 思考问题 1. 洛克关于政治权利的契约论; 2. 试述洛克的“观念”概念及其对“观念”的分类。 3. 什么是第一属性和第二属性? 4.为什么我们没有关于自然物体的真实知识? 5. 洛克如何论述证据和信念的关系? 帕斯卡尔:人类的处境 人是会思想的芦苇 帕斯卡尔的生平与思想 1.受家庭教育 2. 数学与科学上的天才 3. 宗教倾向 4. 哲学观点 Pascal Calculator 死后出版著作:《思想》 该著作思考了人类的本性和人类的处境,思考了人类如无理性保证, 是否可以相信上帝存在? 一些格言化的思想片段 ‘The eternal silence of the infinite spaces terriffies me’; ‘Had Cleopatra’s nose been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed’, ‘We die alone’. 人是会思想的芦苇 人只是一根芦苇,自然中最脆弱者;然而他是一根会思想的芦 苇。 Man is only a reed, the frailest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed. To crush him it does not take the whole universe in arms: a breath of wind, a drop of water is enough to kill him. But were the universe to crush him, man would still be nobler than his killer. For he knows that he is dying and that the universe has the better of him. But the universe knows nothing of this. (P, 231) 银翼杀手(Blade Runner)著名台词 I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those...moments will be lost...in time. Like...tears...in rain. Time...to die. 我所见过的事情 你们绝对无法 置信 我目睹了战船在猎户星座的边缘 中弹燃起熊熊火光 我见过C射线,划过了‘唐怀瑟之 门’ 那幽暗的宇宙空间 然而所有的这些片段 . 那所有的瞬间,都将湮没于时间的 洪流, 就像泪水消逝在雨中。” 帕斯卡尔之赌(Pascal’s Wager) 如果没有理性保证,我们是否能够信仰上帝? The wretchedness of our condition is made clear by the philosophical debate between sceptics and rationalists. The sceptics are right that we cannot even be certain whether we are awake or asleep; the rationalists are right that there are some natural principles we cannot doubt. But whether these principles are true or not, depends on whether we come from a good God or from an evil demon. And we cannot know, without faith, whether there is a God: nature offers no satisfactory proof that he exists. The best we can do, if we do not accept revelation, is to bet on his existence.9 (P, 38,42) 人类的处境与信仰 人类处于各种悖谬之中 We have an ideal of truth, and yet we possess only untruth. We have a yearning for happiness, and we cannot achieve it. Humanity is something monstrous: ‘Chaotic, contradictory and prodigious; judge of everything and mindless earth— worm, storehouse of truth and cesspool of error; the glory and refuse of the universe.’ The greatness of man is so evident that it can be inferred even from his wretchedness. For that which is nature in animals we call wretchedness in man. And by this we recognize that his nature being now like that of the animals, he is fallen from a better nature which formerly was his. For who is unhappy at not being a king, except a deposed king? (Ibid.) The Heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing. Not placing Feeling above Reason, but Contrasting Intuitive and Deductive Knowledge. 思考问题 1. 帕斯卡尔如何描述人类的处境?你在什么程度上同意/不同意 吗? 2.如果理性不能保证我们的某种信念(如对上帝的信念),我们还 能够持有该信念(信仰)吗? 3.如何理解:“The heart has its reason that reason knows nothing ”?