BSc (Hons) Health Professional Studies (Midwifery)

BSc (Hons) Health Professional Studies (Midwifery)
The modules below are currently suspended due to low uptake. These modules will be offered
if demand increases.
92240 Practice skills for Midwives
92228 Advances in Midwifery Care
92228 Management Supervision and Accountability
92226 Preparation for Parenthood
92222 Issues in Intrapartum Care
Title and module no: Examination of the Newborn (Theory) 47397
Module Leader: Rhona Williams, tele 01482 463512,
Credits: 20 credits at level 6
Delivery: Semester Two - total of 12 half days
This module is suitable for: Midwives and those working in a special care/neonatal care
Antenatal screening
Embryology and foetal development
Neonatal physiology
History taking
Physical examination of the newborn
Major and minor congenital abnormalities
Professional, ethical and legal aspects of examination of the newborn
Communication with and support of parents and family
Assessment: Essay
Learning Outcomes:
 Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of embryonic/foetal development and physiological
adaptation of the newborn
 Critically discuss his/her role in the assessment, management and referral of the infant
 Demonstrate critical understanding of the professional and legal aspects of examination of the
 Critically discuss the importance of communication with and support of the family
Title and module no: Examination of the Newborn (Practice) 47398
Module Leader: Rhona Williams, tele 01482 463512,
Credits: 20 credits at level 6
Delivery: This is a practice based module which runs over two semesters (2 and 3)
This module is suitable for: Midwives and those working in a special care/neonatal care
environment and undertaking/completed module no. 47397
Content: See module no. 47397
Assessment: Two elements a 2000 word written report and a practice assessment which consists of
20 examinations of the newborn
Learning Outcomes:
Determine the relationship between antenatal and intrapartum events that may impact on the
newborns health status
Ensure the environment is conducive to safe and effective examination practice
Communicate the reason for the examination to the parent and obtain verbal consent
Utilise a holistic, systematic approach, to comprehensively examine the neonate
Maintain sensitive and effective communication
Effectively and sensitively record and communicate findings to parents and relevant
Demonstrate evidence of professional development
Title and module no: Theoretical Aspects of Sexual health 47885
Module Leader: Susan Hannigan, tele 464522,
Credits: 20 credits level 6
Delivery: Semester 1 (September) every academic year.
This module is suitable for: Health care practitioners who have a family planning remit.
Development of contraception and sexual health services
Reproductive anatomy and physiology and sexual development
Barrier methods of contraception
Principles of hormonal contraception
Natural family planning
Sexual health needs of specific groups
Sexual health education/promotion
Social and cultural issues which affect the delivery of sexual health care
Pregnancy planned and unplanned
Cervical cytology
Sexually Transmitted infection
Social construction of sexuality
Law and ethics relating to sexual health mental capacity
Assessment: this is in two parts 50% weighting. 3,000 word essay relating to legal and ethical
dilemmas in sexual health and a two hour exam
Learning outcomes:
 Explore the human reproductive system in relation to contraception and sexual health
 Critically analyse issues relating to contraception and sexual health
 Evaluate the accessibility, effectiveness and efficacy of reproductive sexual health
services, giving consideration to social and religious culture
 Specify the existing avenues for referral and analyse limitations on personal practice
 Relate legal and ethical concepts to sexual and reproductive health dilemmas
Title and module no: Practical Aspects of Sexual health 47886 and 47887
Module Leader: Susan Hannigan, tele 464522,
Delivery: Semester 2 and semester 3
This module is suitable for: Health Care practitioners who have completed module no. 47885
Theoretical Aspects of Sexual Health
Child protection in relation to sexual health
Developing a portfolio and reflective practice
Consultation models and application to sexual health
Hormonal contraception
Contraceptive dilemmas
Sexual History taking
Learning theories in relation to health education/health promotion
Aetiology and key presenting symptoms of sexually transmitted infections
Care of unplanned pregnancy
Assessment: Two 2,000 word reflective accounts and submission of sexual health competencies
practice document
Learning Outcomes:
 Effectively utilise key techniques of sexual history taking, assess the sexual health
needs of patients/clients
 Appropriately apply the established legal and ethical guidelines in the practice of
sexual health. Including Fraser guidelines and relevant policies, Department of health
 Address the needs of clients/patients regarding their sexual health in terms of their
screening, treatment and referral pathways
 Facilitate a health promotion intervention for a patient/client following appropriate
Title and module no: Women and Mental Health 47378
Module Leader: Nicky Clark, tele 01484 464621,
Delivery: Semester 2 ½ day per week over 12 weeks
This module is suitable for: Midwives and any health professional dealing with women with mental
health problems.
Definitions of mental health
Serious mental health disorders in women
Risk and assessment management
Violence, abuse and self-harm
Post natal depression
Service response and delivery to women with mental health problems
Pharmacological treatment of mental health dysfunction
Inter-professional working
Maintaining mental well-being
Ethnicity, culture, stigma and labelling
Assessment: Essay related to women and mental health topic agreed with module leader
Learning outcomes:
 Demonstrate understanding of the professional, legal and ethical issues surrounding women
and mental health
 Critically evaluate the mechanisms in place to support women with mental health problems
and their families and collaborate with other health professionals
 Explore the impact of society on women with mental health problems
 Demonstrate the ability to explore and analyse current literature
Title and module no: work based learning 92353, 92354, 92355
Module Leader: Dr Patricia Pearcey, tele 01482 464524,
Delivery: There is an induction day which is the only "taught" session you are expected to attend
please contact module leader for details. The module runs over two semesters and is available in
semester 1, 2 and 3.
This module is suitable for: Any health care practitioner. If undertaking this module as part of the
Midwifery BSc you must select a midwifery topic to explore
Student determined and dependent on the nature of the work based learning project
Assessment: Assessment methods vary and are negotiated with the student’s academic supervisor
Learning Outcomes:
 Demonstrate within the submission for assessment evidence of educational development
 Discuss how the change advocated in the submission articulate with current initiatives and
policies from professional and government bodies
 Discuss the extent to which this educational development is operationalised within the
workplace and links theory with practice
 Demonstrate the ability to use reflective skills in critically analysing the effectiveness of the
changes, which are initiated as part of this programme