Keystone Review Module B

Keystone Review Module B
Mitosis & Meiosis Multiple Choice Questions
1. In sexually reproducing species, the number of chromosomes in each body cell
remains the same from one generation to the next as a direct result of?
Meiosis and Fertilization
Mitosis and Mutation
Differentiation and Aging
Homeostasis and Dynamic Equilibrium
2. A sudden change in the DNA of a chromosome can usually be passed on to future
generations if the change occurs in a
skin cell
liver cell
sex cell
brain cell
3. The diagram below represents some stages of early embryonic development
Which process is represented by the arrows in the diagram?
a. meiosis
b. fertilization
c. mitosis
d. evolution
4. Human egg cells are most similar to human sperm cells in their
a. degree of motility
b. amount of stored food
c. chromosome number
d. shape and size
5. Which statement is true of both mitosis and meiosis?
a. both are involved in asexual reproduction
b. both occur only in reproductive cells
c. The number of chromosomes is reduced by half
d. DNA replication occurs before the division of the nucleus
Short Answer
1. The diagram below represents reproduction of single celled organism A, which has a
normal chromosome number of 8. In the circles representing offspring 1 and
offspring 2, write the number of chromosomes that result from the normal asexual
reproduction of organism A.
2. Compare asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction. In your comparison, be sure
to include:
 Which type of reproduction results in offspring that are usually genetically identical
to the previous generation and explain why this occurs.
 One other was these methods of reproduction differ
Genetics Multiple Choice Questions
1. Scientific studies show that identical twins who were separated at birth and raised
in different homes may vary in height, weight, and intelligence. The most probable
explanation for these differences is that
a. original genes of each twin increased in number as they developed
b. one twin received genes only from the mother while the other twin received
genes only from the father
c. environments in which they were raised were different enough to affect the
expression of their genes
d. environments in which they were raised were different enough to change the
genetic makeup of both individuals
2. Which statement best describes the relationship between the terms chromosomes,
genes, and nuclei?
a. Chromosomes are found on genes. Genes are found in nuclei
b. Chromosomes are found in nuclei. Nuclei are found in genes.
c. Genes are found on chromosomes. Chromosomes are found in nuclei.
d. Genes are found in nuclei. Nuclei are found in chromosomes.
3. The chart below shows relationships between genes, the environment, and coloration of
tomato plants.
Which statement best explains the final appearance of these tomato plants?
a. the expression of gene A is not affected by light.
b. The expression of gene B varies with the presence of light.
c. The expression of gene A varies with the environment.
d. Gene B is expressed only in darkness.
4. The diagram below shows a process that affects chromosomes during meiosis.
This process can be used to explain
a. why some offspring are genetically identical to their parents
b. the process of differentiation in offspring
c. why some offspring physically resemble their parents
d. the origin of new combinations of traits in offspring
5. Use the table below to answer the question.
Blood type is inherited through multiple alleles, including IA IB, and i. A child has type A
blood. If the father hast type AB blood, what are all the possible phenotypes of the mother?
a. phenotypes O or A
b. phenotypes A or AB
c. phenotypes A, B, AB
d. phenotypes O, A, B, AB
Extended Response
Part B:
Explain how a roan calf results from one white- and one red-coated parent. In your
explanation, use letters to represent genes. Be sure to indicate what colors the letters represent.
Part C: Predict the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring produced from two roan
DNA, RNA, Transcription, Translation Multiple Choice Questions
1. When DNA separates into two strands, the DNA would most likely be directly
involved in
a. replication
b. fertilization
c. differentiation
d. evolution
2. The instructions for the traits of an organism are coded in the arrangement of
a. glucose units in carbohydrate molecules
b. bases in DNA in the nucleus
c. fat molecules in the cell membrane
d. energy-rich bonds in starch molecules
3. The diagram below represents a section of a molecule that carries genetic
The pattern of numbers represents
a. a sequence of paired bases
b. the order of proteins in a gene
c. folds of an amino acid
d. positions of gene mutations
4. In a cell, information that controls the production of proteins must pass from the
nucleus to the
a. cell membrane
b. chloroplasts
c. mitochondria
d. ribosomes
5. The sequence of subunits in a protein is most directly dependent on the
a. region in the cell where enzymes are produced
b. DNA in the chromosomes in a cell
c. Type of cell in which starch is found
d. Kinds of materials in the cell membrane
6. This diagram below shows some of the steps in protein synthesis
The section of DNA being used to make the strand of mRNA is known as a
a. carbohydrate
b. gene
c. ribosome
d. chromosome
7. The diagram below represents an incomplete section of a DNA molecule. The boxes
represent unidentified bases.
When the boxes are filled in, the total number of bases represented by the letter A (both
inside and outside the boxes) will be
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Biotechnology & Mutations MC Questions
1. Which statement is true regarding an alteration or change in DNA?
a. It is always known as a mutation
b. It is always advantageous to an individual
c. It is always passed on to offspring
d. It is always detected by the process of chromatography
2. Individual cells can be isolated from a mature plant and grown with special
mixtures of growth hormones to produce a number of genetically identical plants.
This process is known as
a. cloning
b. meiotic division
c. recombinant DNA technology
d. selective breeding
3. A change in the order of DNA bases that code for a respiratory protein will most
likely cause
a. the production of a starch that has a similar function
b. the digestion of the altered gene by enzymes
c. a change in the sequence of amino acids determined by the gene
d. the release of antibodies by certain cells to correct the error
4. The flounder is a species of fish that can live in very cold water. The fish produces an
“antifreeze” protein that prevents ice crystals from forming in its blood. The DNA for
this protein has been identified. An enzyme is used to cut and remove this section of
flounder DNA that is then spliced into the DNA of a strawberry plant. As a result, the
plant can now produce a protein that makes it more resistant to the damaging
effects of frost. This process is known as
a. sorting of genes
b. genetic engineering
c. recombination of chromosomes
d. mutation by deletion of genetic material
5. A mutation occurs in a cell. Which sequence best represents the correct order of the
events involved for this mutation to affect the traits expressed by this cell?
a. a change in the sequence of DNA bases – joining amino acids in sequence –
appearance of characteristic
b. joining amino acid in a sequence – a change in the sequence of DNA bases –
appearance of characteristic
c. appearance of characteristic - joining amino acids in sequence - a change in the
sequence of DNA bases
d. a change in the sequence of DNA bases - appearance of characteristic - joining
amino acids in sequence
6. The diagram below shows a normal gene sequence and three mutated sequences of a
segment of DNA.
Which row in the chart below correctly identifies the cause of each type of mutation?
Constructed Response
Base your answers to the next three questions on the diagram below and on your
knowledge of biology. The diagram shows the results of a technique used to analyze DNA.
1. This technique used to analyze DNA directly results in
a. synthesizing large fragments of DNA
b. separating DNA fragments on the basis of size
c. producing genetically engineered DNA molecules
d. removing the larger DNA fragments from the samples
2. This laboratory technique is known as (Cont from previous page)
a. gel electrophoresis
b. DNA replication
c. Protein synthesis
d. Genetic recombination
3. State one specific way the results of this laboratory technique could be used (Cont)
Evolution MC Questions
1. Which statement is best supported by the theory
of evolution?
Genetic alterations occur every time cell
reproduction occurs.
The fossil record provides samples of every
organism that ever lived.
Populations that have advantageous characteristics
will increase in number.
Few organisms survive when the environment
remains the same.
2. A species that lacks the variation necessary to
adapt to a changing environment is more
likely to
a. develop many mutated cells
b. become extinct over time
c. begin to reproduce sexually
d. develop resistance to diseases
3. Which statement provides evidence that evolution is still occurring at the present
a. The extinction rate of species has decreased in the last 50 years
b. Many bird species and some butterfly species make annual migrations
c. New varieties of plant species appear more frequently in regions undergoing
climatic change
d. Through cloning, the genetic makeup of organisms can be predicted
4. The diversity of organisms present on Earth is the result of
a. ecosystem stability
b. natural selection
c. homeostasis
d. direct harvesting
Short Answer
1. Small ground finches and medium ground finches live on an island with abundant plant
and animal food. Predict how the small ground finch and the medium ground finch would
be affected if warbler finches migrated to the island where these finches live. Support your
Ecology Multiple Choice
1. A stable ecosystem is characterized by having
a. predators that outnumber their prey
b. a continual input of energy
c. limited autotrophic nutrition
d. no competition between species
2. A manatee is a water-dwelling herbivore on the list of endangered species. If
manatees were to become extinct, what would be the most likely result in the areas
where they had lived?
a. The biodiversity of these areas would not be affected.
b. Certain producer organisms would become more abundant in these areas.
c. Other manatees would move into these areas and restore the population.
d. Predators in these areas would occupy higher levels on the energy pyramid.
3. One way that humans could have a positive impact on local environments is to
a. generate waste products as a result of technological advances
b. use resources that are renewable
c. increase planting large areas of one crop
d. increase the use of pesticides
4. Changes in an ecosystem over a long period of time are shown in the diagram below.
These changes will most likely lead to a
a. stable ecosystem that can last for many years
b. loss of heterotrophs that cannot be recovered
c. long-term rise in environmental temperatures
d. forest consisting of only producers and decomposers
5. The graph below represents the populations of two different species in an ecosystem
over a period of several years.
Which statement is a possible explanation for the changes shown?
a. Species A is better adapted to this environment.
b. Species A is a predator of species B.
c. Species B is better adapted to this environment.
d. Species B is a parasite that has benefited species A.
Constructed Response
The graph below shows the growth of a population of coyotes in a wilderness area.
1. State one possible cause for the population decrease at X.