Collingham with Linton Parish Council – Operational Plan 2015 Purpose of the Parish Council: To ensure Collingham and Linton remain pleasant places by carrying out the duties of the Parish Council under the rules and regulations contained within the Local Government Act 1972. This includes: 1. Spending monies properly on maintenance and improvement of our assets and other items within the Parish for the benefit of all our residents. 2. Putting in place governance procedures to demonstrate our compliance with appropriate practice as described in the Act. 3. Litter picking, grass cutting, tree management and general maintenance of those parts of our village shown on Map 1 and Map 2. 4. Considering and responding as necessary to Planning Applications. 5. Liaising with Leeds City Council with regard other village matters which are Leeds responsibility such as highways and footways, highway drainage, waste collection, planning enforcement and environment protection. 6. Liaising with our Ward Councillors. 7. Communicating with our residents about Parish Council matters. 8. Representing the residents when concerns are raised about the quality of our environment. Method of Operation: Councillors will be elected or coopted onto the Parish Council. Councillors are all volunteers. There will be a Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council as agreed at the Annual Parish Council meeting. A salaried Clerk to the Parish Council will be responsible for ensuring the affairs of the Parish Council are carried out legally. The Clerk will be responsible for ensuring the following are maintained: 1. Financial records including annual accounts and audit. 2. Minutes of meetings. 3. Standing Orders and other Parish Council procedures. Meetings of The Parish Council will be monthly. In addition there will be an annual Parish meeting. Items will be raised by Parish Councillors for inclusion on meeting agenda. Only items included on the agenda can be discussed at meetings. Members of the public may make representations, these must be limited to five minutes in time. Members of the public may listen to the proceedings of the meeting. 1 From time to time Parish Councillors will need to attend other meetings for example the Outer North East Leeds Parish Council Forum. Parish Council expenditure will be monitored against an annual budget. Expenditure will be agreed in advance by resolution at meetings. On rare occasions for example emergency tree surgery, the Clerk may agree to spending of up to a value £500. Minutes and agenda will be displayed in Village Notice boards and be included on the Parish Council website. Minutes will record the items that have been resolved but will not record the discussions held. In addition opportunity will be taken to communicate via The Magazine. Special items will be communicated by email and or newsletter. An action log will record items not concluded from one month to the next, and allow decision making to be tracked. Assets to be Maintained by the PC: The assets to be maintained by the Parish Council are: 1. Glebe Field 2. Children’s play area and football pitch at CALSA. 3. Hedges and Gates on the perimeter of CALSA. 4. Woodland adjacent to Linton Road, including the footpath to Church Lane. 5. Footpaths but not footways within Collingham centre. 6. Public open space in Linton including the triangle, site of pump on Muddy Lane and Sodom Lane. See Maps 1 and 2. Subcommittee Structure The following subcommittees are required to support the Parish Council: 1. Finance Subcommittee – set annual budgets, review records at least quarterly, implement the grants application process and ensure spending represents value for money. Risk Assessment and Insurance. 2. Environment Subcommittee – communicate with contractor’s to ensure the village environment is maintained in an appropriate condition. This will include grass cutting, tree maintenance, litter picking and occasional fencing and wall repairs. Liaison with our Footpath Action Group and Flood Committee. 3. Planning Subcommittee – review of planning applications and comment as necessary. Conservation issues and Neighbourhood Plans. Community Infrastructure levy sums and processes. 4. Communication subcommittee – text for The Magazine. Newsletters as necessary. Maintenance of the website, improvements to the website and communication by Twitter and Facebook etc 2 Subcommittees will up-date the monthly meetings and ensure items needing consideration and resolution are included on agenda. In addition to the above, Linton and Collingham benefit from the work undertaken by the following other committees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Linton Village Society Linton Memorial Hall Trustees Collingham Memorial Hall Trustees Collingham Methodist Church Orchard Gardens Trustees Footpath Action Group Flood Protection Committee CALSA Management Committee The Parochial Church Council. Finances: The Parish Council budget is produced in November to inform the decision on precept sums to be requested from Leeds. In 2015, the following income is budgeted by the Parish Council: 1. 2. 3. Precept Rents Interest - 2015/16 £52,759 £5,020 £20 2016/17 £52,759 £5,020 £20 4. Total - £57,779 £57,779 2015/16 £18,000 £19,670 £12,883 £8,000 £58,553 2016/17 £18,000 £19,670 £14,171 £8,000 £59,841 2017/18 To be confirmed in November 2015 The following expenditure is budgeted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintenance, grass cutting, litter picking etc Loan repayments Clerk’s salary and other admin costs Grants in support of projects etc Total - 2017/18 To be confirmed in November 2015 This excludes costs associated with the Collingham Plan which should be reimbursed by grant monies. The sum £8,000 can be assumed to be available in support of our projects and allocated following review of Grant Application forms. 3 It is estimated that year end reserves will be around £30k which is in line with recommended best practice guidelines. In the future additional sums may be generated by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions. The Parish Council will receive £13.50 per metre square of new build dwellings or extensions over 100 square metres, raising to £22.50 on ratification of our Neighbourhood Plans. This is to be spent on infrastructure projects ie footpaths, parking, gateway features etc. These sums are unlikely to be large as Leeds CC are not currently allocating large sites for development in Collingham or Linton. Projects The Parish Plan, Village design Statement and Neighbourhood Plans have progressively identified projects for the improvement of Collingham and Linton. The projects to be progressed and supported in the next three years will be: Project Description Responsible Group A tree management strategy is required to include fully updated review of Tree Preservation Orders together with ongoing tree protection and replacement. Registration of any important hedgerows. Ensure that the following Assets of Community Value are appropriately registered on the ‘List of Assets of Community Value’ maintained by LCC: Environment Planning and Linton Village Society Post Office Doctor's surgery Shops and services Hastings and Elizabeth Court Nursery School Public House, restaurant and bistro Bus shelter adjoining the Windmill Inn; The telephone box in Main Street; The village pump, and White post and rail fencing on Main Street junctions with Stammergate and Northgate Lane. This allows the Parish Council to bid for the property or service should it become available. Improve parking on Church Lane. Quality permeable paving materials for parking should be provided on Church Lane to prevent erosion of the grass verges. Provide a Plan showing Green space and public access in the display 4 Environment/LCC Footpath Project Description Responsible Group board in front of Memorial Hall. Install Guard rails on Linton Road where ginnels emerge from Beck Lane. Create additional community amenity space next to Linton Tennis Club and Linton Memorial Hall in the heart of the village possibly with seating areas. Make improvements to poorly surfaced sections of Stammergate Lane to allow pedestrians safe access to Collingham avoiding the use of Main Street, which has sections of no pavement. Construct the missing footway sections and improvement to existing footway from north of Kiln Hill to the Linton Memorial Hall and a continuation of the footway along Linton Lane to give improved pedestrian access to Wetherby. This may include a gateway feature. Major maintenance works at St Oswald’s Church. Major maintenance works at Collingham Memorial Hall. Major maintenance works at The Methodists Church. Liaise with the Linton Memorial Hall Trustees and Management Committee to facilitate improvements to and upgrade of Memorial Hall Populate the Parish Council web site with information about local facilities and services. Upgrade and improve the Linton village website and provide a facility for web links for local village businesses. The condition of footways will be surveyed and a programme of maintenance agreed with Leeds City Council. Ensure control of HGV access Improvements to Harewood Road Collingham including crossing point at the Half Moon. Improvements to surfacing of Linton Road Environment/LCC Environment and Linton Village Society Environment and Linton Village Society LCC ,Footpath and Linton Village Society Parochial Church Council Collingham Memorial Hall Trustees Collingham Methodist Church Linton Memeorial Hall Trustees Communication Communication Footpath/Environ ment, Leeds CC Environment and Leeds CC Leeds CC Leeds CC The Parish Council proposes to direct any CIL funding received in 2015 to 18 towards the following infrastructure projects: 1. Car Parking on Church Lane, Collingham. 2. Connect Collingham Beck to the flood basin adjacent to Linton Lane. 3. Gateway feature and footpath provision Kiln Hill, Linton, and in Collingham. Parish Council Calendar 5 January February March April May June July August September October November December Financial Statement 3 Precept Application Ask for hanging basket quotation Receive Grant Applications for Consideration at April meeting Make Grant payments Financial Statement 4 and prepare year end accounts Annual meeting of the Parish Council – elect Chair etc. Annual Parish meeting – update public on progress with this plan. Churches together Collingham Gala Financial Statement 1 Annual meeting with CALSA management committee Annual review of Risk Assessments Receive Grant Applications for Consideration at October meeting. Remembrance Service – organize wreaths Financial Statement 2 Make Grant payments Start preparations for Xmas lights turn on Set salary budget for following year. Arrange EA annual river inspection. Remembrance Day Service Clerk to present budget for following year. Xmas lights turn on in Collingham and Linton What can residents do to support the Parish Council? We are all jointly responsible for helping to make sure Collingham and Linton remain pleasant places to live. Please help by: 1. 2. 3. 4. Supporting Community events and functions. Driving carefully and respectfully through the villages. Parking considerately. Maintaining our property including cutting back vegetation from pathways and roads. 5. Reporting to Leeds CC deficiencies in their service for example litter collection, potholes and badly maintained footpaths and bridleways. 6 Useful Contacts: Parish Council matters Parish Clerk - Gina Carter or website Email : 07778 140837 COMPLIANCE ISSUES- Such issues as illegal advertising signs and hedges need cutting etc. HIGHWAY- Drainage Outer North East Leeds Contact – Bev. Kirk Beverley.Kirk@ Jessica Hodgson or direct to drainage Mick Johnson HIGHWAY – pot holes HIGHWAY resurfacing LITTER BINS and LITTER issues. Tel : John Woolmer or Jessica HodgsonManager Our area. Report to Leeds via their website: Do it online/environmental issues/litter and dog fouling or click link below Link to Leeds Dog Fouling Page River/Beck issues and annual visit. Flooding concerns Police ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - Matt Smith Alan Stead PCSO Mobile 07887832798 Office 01904 822597 (Always try Mobile first) 111 non-emergency calls for example antisocial behavior. Any other contacts that residents would like to include here? 7 Map 1: Assets to be Maintained in Linton 8 Map 2: Assets to be Maintained in Collingham 9 10