HINDLIP, MARTIN HUSSINGTREE & SALWARPE PARISH COUNCIL PO Box 6986, Kidderminster, DY11 9FB PLANNING CONSULTATION – PARISH COUNCIL RESPONSE Application No: Location: Proposal: Parish Council Response: Date: Case Officer: W/15/01837/RM Land between Roman Way & Copcut Lane, Salwarpe. COPCUT RISE MULTI PARISH/MULTI WARD. Approval of Earthworks and associated Landscaping. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS 28th August 2015 Emma Worley COMMENTS: The Parish Council express concern that conditions set out that no works be carried out until details of works and landscaping be approved. This application is retrospective in that: 1. Earthworks 1.1. Significant earthworks are well advanced with no protection measures incorporated to mitigate the impact of the excavations particularly on the Southwest section of the site. 1.2. Large bunds of excavated earth have been positioned adjacent an existing pond, wetland area and around the gated access adjacent to the Copcut Lane Railway Bridge resulting in blockage of the existing surface water run-off channels and creating localised flooding onto Copcut Lane. 1.3. A Ground Investigation report undertaken concluded that soil conditions on the site are not suitable for surface water infiltration. 1.4. The Master Plan and Development parameters indicated that the existing topography would be utilised to create gravitational drainage, along with a new attenuation basin on the Western edge, to reduce the rate of surface water run-off. 2. Landscaping 2.1. The retention and strengthening of existing vegetation along the Western boundary would utilise the existing landscape features to provide a Green Buffer zone and hedgerow corridor. 2.2. Excavation work appears to have destroyed much of the existing natural hedgerow on the Southwest outer boundary. 2.3. The site is heavily influenced by its topography with significant slopes between 75m to 45m AOD. A sustainable urban drainage system is required to be incorporated into the Landscaping layout within the broader Green infrastructure scheme. CONCLUSION (i) The Local Planning Authority has a duty to ensure that on approving the Earthworks and associated Landscaping, all the works are carried out to a design which prevents the risk of flooding onto surrounding roads, neighbouring land and the adjacent Network Rail embankment and track. (ii) Particular concern is expressed for the protection of the railway corridor where the line emerges from a cutting with steep embankments which feature existing mature vegetation. (iii) The Parish Council concurs with the County Landscape Advisors grave concerns regarding the significant changes in landform to create levels and grading. (Letter dated 14th August) Elizabeth Gallagher Clerk to the Parish Council e: hindlipmartinandsalwarpepc@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01562 700479 28th August 2015