THE FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION FORM OF PROXY If you are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, you may appoint someone to attend, speak and vote on a poll on your behalf by completing this form. A proxy need not be a member of the Association. The form must be signed and received by the Secretary at the Freshwater Biological Association, The Ferry Landing, Far Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 0LP by 13:30 hrs on Wednesday, 2 September 2015. I/We hereby appoint the Chairman of the meeting or ………………………................................................................................................................................ of ..................…………….............................................................................................................................. If you wish to appoint someone other than the Chairman as your proxy, delete the words ‘the Chairman of the meeting or’ set out above and insert the name and address of your chosen proxy. as my/our proxy to attend, speak and, on a poll, to vote for me/us on the following or any further amended resolutions at the Annual General Meeting of the Freshwater Biological Association to be held on Thursday, 3 September 2015 and at any adjournment of the meeting. Indicate how you wish your proxy to vote by ticking the appropriate boxes below. If you give no specific instruction, your proxy will have discretion to vote on your behalf. Resolution 1. To approve Minutes of the 85th Annual General Meeting 2. To adopt the Financial Accounts for 2014/2015 3. To elect a new Chairman of the Association for an initial term of 4 years Mr G. R. Bateman For 4. To elect Vice Presidents as listed on the Agenda for a term of 4 years 5. To elect a new Honorary Treasurer of the Association for an initial term of 4 years Mr R. A. W. Middleton 6. Against Elected Members of Council – Council recommends that no persons be elected at this meeting. 7. Honorary Members – Council recommends that no persons be elected at this meeting. 8. Appointment of Auditors To re-appoint Messrs Couch Bright King & Co as Auditors of the Association for 2015/2016 Name (Please Print) .......................................................................…………………………………....... Signature ............................................................................................…………………………………... If someone else signs on your behalf, his or her authority to sign must also be sent. If a Company or other Organisation appoints a proxy, this form should be under Seal or signed by an attorney or duly authorised person. Notice of 86th Annual General Meeting & Nominations for Council Page 13