FMA Constitution - Texas A&M University

The name of this organization shall be known as the Financial Management Association,
or FMA.
Purpose and Goals
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose shall be to provide members with a chance to explore the career
opportunities currently available in finance through corporate visits and guest speakers.
Section 2. Goals
The major goals shall be 1) To enhance the knowledge of the members concerning careers in
finance though interaction with financial executives, 2) To provide a means of improving
student/faculty relationships, 3) To raise funds needed to support said goals.
Section 3. National Affiliation
The Financial Management Association on the Texas A&M University campus is a local
chapter of the Financial Management Association International.
Section 1. Eligibility
Any member of the student body that maintains a 2.0 may apply for membership.
Section 2. Attendance
Attendance is optional at all meetings, but is strongly encouraged.
Section 1. Officers and duties
President: Shall preside over regular and executive meetings, coordinate group
activities, and communicate with the officers and advisor on all matters.
Vice President (Operations): Shall work with the president in coordinating internal affairs
such as meetings, fundraisers, planning of Out of State trip, planning of golf tournaments, and
social events.
Vice President (Programs): Shall be responsible for the recruitment of guest speakers as
well as providing assistance in the process of planning field trips.
Assistant Vice President (Programs): Shall be responsible for the planning of the In
State trip. This includes establishing office visits and travel plans for the trip.
Secretary: Shall maintain a file of all members as well as set up communities for events.
The secretary will also prepare resume books for all companies that visit, as well as the
companies we travel to through field trips and assist in the makeup of travel information for
Treasurer: Shall be responsible for all financial transactions of the club which include
making deposits to the club account as well as disbursing funds to pay for club expenses (all
disbursements subject to advisor approval). The treasurer shall also be responsible for
collecting membership dues and keeping the president and advisor informed on the status of
the club’s account.
Public Relations: Shall be responsible for maintaining the club website and listserv on a
regular basis. Information on all officers, activities, and events shall be posted on the website
when information is received from other officers. The Public Relations officer shall also be
aware of all current and proposed club activities so that he/she can keep members informed
through the posting of such information on the club’s bulletin board outside of Wehner 134, the
cubicle in Wehner 116, various boards in the Finance Department, and the finance faculty for
announcements in classes.
BSC Representative: The Business Student Council Representative shall relay
information concerning club activities to the Business Student Council for announcements, as
well as relay information to the club about activities happening in the Business Student Council
and the College of Business.
Section 2. Election Process
Elections shall be held at the last social in December for the fall semester and in May for
the spring semester; each active member will be allowed one vote per office. A simple majority
vote will win. Newly elected officers shall assume responsibility at the end of the semester in
which they were elected. For individuals running for the office of President must have served as
an FMA officer in a prior semester or have been an active member in the FMA organization for
at least one full year.
Section 3. Vacancies in Office
A special election will be held to fill any vacancy immediately after it occurs.
Section 4. Qualifications for Officers
(a) Have a minimum grade point ratio as stated below and meet that minimum GPR in
the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of
election/appointment and semesters during the term of office.
1. For undergraduate students, the minimum GPR is 2.0. In order for this provision
to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the
semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester
hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to
qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election/appointment, at least six credit
hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer
2. For graduate level students, the minimum GPR is 3.0. In order for this provision
to be met, at least four hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the
semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester
hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to
qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to election/appointment, at least four credit
hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer
sessions unless fewer credits are required as they complete the final stages of
their degree.
(b) Be in good standing with the university and enrolled:
1. At least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless
fewer credits are required to graduate in the Spring and Fall Semesters) during the
term of office, and
2. At least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer
credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous
Registration Requirement) during their term of office.
(c) Ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as
prescribed in (a) and (b).
Advisor Expectations
The advisor to the Financial Management Association is expected to meet with the officers to
discuss expectations for roles and responsibilities. The advisor is expected to regularly attend
meetings and be available outside of meetings for advice and consultation related to the
operations of the organization. He/She should also assist the officers in developing realistic
goals for the academic year.
Disciplinary Actions
If a member acts inappropriately or unprofessionally, the member will be warned twice in writing
via letter or email. If the behavior continues the member will go before a council of his/her peers
to debate the issue. A majority vote by the council is needed for removal from the organization.
If an officer acts inappropriately or unprofessionally, the officer will be warned once in writing via
letter or email. If the behavior continues, the officer will go before a council of his/her peers to
debate the issue. A majority vote by the council is needed for removal from his/her position and
the organization.
Regular meetings shall be held as announced by the club’s officers; at least one regular
meeting per month is projected.
Section 1. Dues
Dues shall be determined per academic year and will be collected from all members of
this chapter.
Section 2. Deposit and Disbursement of Funds
All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a
bank account established for this organization at the Student Organization Finance Center
and/or the Fiscal Office. All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. The
advisor to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.
Amendments and Revisions
Section 1. Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the active
membership. Amendments must be reviewed and are subject to the approval of the Director of
Student Activities.
Section 2. Revisions
This document must be reviewed annually and is subject to the approval of the Student
Activities Office.