2012_1_9_0_27_4043 - Ohio Union

Tie-Dye Club at The Ohio State University
Article l - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization.
Section 1: Name: Tie-Dye Club at The Ohio State University
Section 2: Purpose: To enjoy the craft of tie-dye and to develop and share creative new
methods and designs of tie-dye.
Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not
discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity
or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
This organization does not discriminate against any individual when electing officers.
Eligible officers may be an individual who has been a member of the club for at least two
quarters/one semester.
Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.
Membership is limited to currently enrolled students at The Ohio State University main
Columbus campus. Alumni of the organization are encouraged to participate in
organization-affiliated events, but as honorary members. For educational and leadership
development reasons, this organization is to be student led and run.
Article III - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the
Organizational leaders should at the minimum include a President and a Vice-President.
The President is the face of the organization and should embody everything that tie-dye
represents. The President watches over all events and makes sure that all meetings and
events run smoothly. The Treasurer shall be in charge of all financials. The Treasurer
shall be in charge of all budgeting for materials, club t-shirts, and making and forecasting
future purchases. The Treasurer should also make sure there is enough money for at least
one party a year. Officers may be selected through an application and interview process
taken during the second semester from a pool of current members that have been active
members for at least one quarter/semester. Each officer should ideally serve for no more
than one year.
Article IV-Executive Committee
The executive committee shall be no larger than 8 members, but may increase if
necessary as the organization increases in size and needs.
Article V-Standing Committee
If needed, standing committees shall be no larger than 5 members. Chairpersons of the
organization will be chosen by organization officers.
Article VI- Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members
Members and appointed leaders shall conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent
with the identity of Tie-Dye Club. In the event that a member or leader does not meet
those expectations, the organization shall first address the member or leader with a
corrective warning. A second warning should not be needed; if necessary, their
resignment shall be suggested. An unbiased standing committee should need to form if
the situation arises and should conduct the review and ultimately make the decision. The
discrimination policy of the organization should protect members from removal based on
those listed statuses.
Article VII- Advisor(s) or Advisory Board:Qualification Criteria
Advisors should be members of the University faculty or Administrative and professional
staff. Advisors should be able to represent the organization in an appropriate manner.
Advisors should have an established relationship with the officers.
Article VIII- Meetings of the Organization: Required meeting and their frequency
There should be at least two meetings involving tie-dying each academic term, with the
exception of summer.
Article IX-Method of Amending Constitution: proposals, notices, and voting requirements
Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon until they are read
in an officer meeting, should be read again in at least two more consecutive meetings and
the meeting in which the votes will be taken. Approval should require at least two-thirds
of officers present. The constitution should be amended with Tie-Dye Club’s best
in mind and proposals should be made with much consideration. Proposals
should be
created with the identity of the organization when it was first created in mind.
The constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.
Article X-Method of Dissolution of Organization
Dissolution of the organization should be avoided at all costs.
Article I- Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in A Manual of Parliamentary Practice shall govern the
organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not
inconsistent with the by-laws of this organization.
Article II- Membership
Members can be an undergraduate student of any major and should not be discriminated
against. There shall be no application process to become a member. Dues should cover
all tie-dye material, supply, and event costs. Additional dues should be applied to a
member if they are to sign up for a special event that the basic dues do not cover,
including club retreats. Membership should only be terminated if the member slanders
the organization or commits an act that significantly alters the face of the organization in
a bad light.
Article III- Election/Appointment of Government Leadership
Officers shall be elected by the current officers through an application and interview
process. Officers should be an active member for at least one quarter/semester and
commit to serve as the face of the organization. Appointments should occur as early as
March, but no later than May so that future officers may be groomed and trained by
current officers.
Article IV - Executive Committee (if needed): Size and composition of the Committee.
Executive committees should be created if deemed necessary in order to for the club to
run properly. This includes the committee that elects future officers.
Article V - Standing Committees (if needed): Names, purposes, and composition.
Standing committees should be created if deemed necessary in order to focus on smaller
details in relation to the club. These committees can be retreat committees, party
committees, etc.
Article VI- Advisor/Advisory Board Responsibilities
The advisor should be an active member of the executive board of Tie-Dye Club. All
executive members should be well-acquainted with the advisor. Formal, written
communication should exist between the executive members and the advisors at least
once a month. The advisor should watch over club activity and make suggestions in
consideration as to where the club is going; but should leave all decision making to the
officers and members. The advisor should have one available date a month to meet up
with executive members and address any concerns.
Article VII-Meeting Requirements
The club should meet at least two times a quarter for tie-dying activities. At least one
tie-dye party shall be held a year, preferably near the end of the first quarter/semester
in order to boost membership and promote retention for the next quarter/semester.
Article VIII- Method of Amending By-Laws
By laws should be amended by proposing in writing and reading the change to a
executive officer meeting. The by-law change will be passed with a two-thirds majority
vote of the executive officers.
Constitution Revised 1/2012