Study Guide for A Royal Mystery

Study Guide for “A Royal Mystery”
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the themes of the play? (There is more than one.)
2. What does it mean to be open-minded? What does the saying “never judge a book by
its cover” mean?
3. One of the themes in the play is: It is important to feel special and talented. Cite
evidence from the text that supports this theme.
4. What evidence in the story leads you to believe Althea thinks Rena is a princess?
5. What is the main plot event of Scene IV?
6. Which scene contains the resolution of the play?
7. How does the setting influence the events of the play?
8. Which words best describe Althea?
9. What do Althea and Rena have in common?
10. How does Rena change during the play?