ETR Evaluation Team Report Child’s Name: ID NUMBER: DATE OF BIRTH: INDIVIDUAL EVALUATOR’S ASSESSMENT Section to be completed by each individual evaluator. Evaluator Name: Position: AREAS OF ASSESSMENT: Fine Motor Skills Indicate the area(s) that were assessed by the evaluator in accordance with the evaluation plan. EVALUATION METHODS AND STRATEGIES Indicate the types of assessment strategies used to gather information about the child’s performance OBSERVATIONS SCIENTIFIC, RESEARCH-BASED INTERVENTIONS INTERVIEWS REVIEW OF RECORDS AND RELEVANT TREND DATA (SCHOOL RECORDS, WORK SAMPLES, EDUCATIONAL HISTORY) CURRICULUM BASED ASSESSMENTS NORM-REFERENCED ASSESSMENTS CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENTS OTHER (Specify) ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Provide a summary of the information obtained from the assessment results per the evaluation plan including the child’s strengths, areas of need and baseline data. To the teacher: Please read and consider each item carefully. Place a check mark before any item which is characteristic of the student. SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS: ____ Irregular eye movements. ____ Poor body control (i.e. frequently bumps into desks, walls, other children, etc…) ____ Difficulty holding onto things/drops items frequently. ____ Motor activity involves unnecessary or inefficient movement of body parts. ____ Difficulty with eye-hand tasks. ____ Difficulty holding a pencil correctly and applying appropriate pressure. ____ Written work is poorly spaced and disorderly. ____ Difficulty using scissors. ____ Difficulty folding paper or drawing lines as directed by teacher. ____ Difficulty working at or crossing midline. ____ Does not use one hand consistently for writing and other motor tasks. ETR Evaluation Team Report ____ Other motor problem(s). Describe: _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Motor skills contribute to difficulty with academic work. Describe: _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: To the teacher: Based on the information provided above, prioritize important areas of need, related to the student’s educational success. Continue on back if needed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ IMPLICATIONS FOR INSTRUCTION AND PROGRESS MONITORING: To the teacher: Summarize how the Educational Needs impact the student’s progress in the general education curriculum. Each of the educational needs identified in the previous section should be addressed by including a summary of the types of supports, services, or specially designed instruction, if appropriate, that is necessary to address those needs and to enable the child to progress in the general education curriculum. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluator’s Signature Date