Demographic Factors Related to Teachers’ Confidence and Competency in Using Technology Robert J. Leneway, Warren E. Lacefield, Spencer Carr, and David Lazala de la Rosa Western Michigan University Abstract: This is a study of the relationship between teacher competency and confidence in the use of technology and various demographic and school administrative factors. De-identified data collected from 593 teachers by a U.S. Department of Education GEAR UP project at Western Michigan University serving 3 urban and 1 rural school district during a 4 year period was used for this study. The analysis of this data shows moderate to strong relationships between teacher confidence and teacher competency regarding instructional use of technology as well as interesting relationships between multiple demographic factors and teachers’ readiness to use technology in the classroom. Also noted is that the teachers in this large study did not generally perceive professional development as currently offered by the schools to be of help regarding their “readiness” to use technology in the classroom. Lack of “technology readiness” may be more related to the education field acknowledging “what works” than the demographics of its teachers. Introduction Bridging individualized learning and high stakes accountability while maintaining a coherent curriculum requires a new breed of teacher. Teachers are needed who can work creatively and collaboratively with students and others to use technology to help create and manage appropriate and engaging learning experiences. There is a daily struggle between the needs of individual learners, their parents, and school administrators and increasing demands for accountability by the local community and school board as well the state and federal government. As we move into this evermore technologically involved society, it is important that classroom experiences with computers are ones of discovering and learning. In most schools teachers have primary responsibility for effective implementation of computer technology. Given the great potential for modeling and expressing values and beliefs to students, it is necessary to understand which factors affect or may affect teachers’ technology use in their classrooms for learning and teaching purposes. Previous research has focused on the teacher’s computer attitude as one of the main factors that affect his or her use of technology (Kadijevich 2002; Woodrow 1991; Ma, et al, 2005; Shashaani, 1997; Gibbone, Rukavina, & Silverman, 2010). One objective of this study was to determine if analysis of a large recent multi-year survey database supports previous research or suggests new trends regarding teacher computer use as expressed by North and Noyes (2002) and by Teo (2008). These researchers found support for the idea that increased use of computers for teaching and learning in schools has affected teacher computer attitudes positively. If teachers are the most prominent factor in student achievement (Hannaway, et al, 2010), (Hanusek, 2010), (Clotfelter, et al, 2007a; Ladd 2008; Sass 2007; Xu, Hannaway, and Taylor 2009) then they seem likely to be a key factor in passing on technology confidence and competence to their students. This study will test this hypothesis as well as look at other factors that may impact teachers’ levels of technology confidence and competence. Literature Review While many factors may affect teachers’ use of technology, a significant amount of research supports the idea that teacher technology confidence is directly related to computer use in the classroom for learning purposes. Zhao, Tan, and Mishra (2001) found a strong relationship between teacher confidence and use of technology in the classroom. Teo (2008) studied pre-service teaching students and their attitudes towards computer use. In that study, positive teacher attitude was associated with high confidence levels. Teacher technology confidence (attitude) was measured in terms of “affective, perceived usefulness, perceived control and behavioral intention.” The results showed that overall positive attitudes toward computers appear related to years of computer use and amount of professional development with the technology This also supports previous research (Shashaani, 1997) that using computers more frequently and developing a variety of computer related skills increases one’s knowledge about computers and computer technology in general. In turn, they argue that “learning by doing” likewise promotes positive feelings. Woodrow studied (1991) 98 student teachers enrolled in an introductory computer course who were administered four computer attitude scales related to educational technology utilization and performance improvement for teachers. Analysis of the data established the reliability, dimensionality, and construct validity of the four scales. Three scales focused primarily on attitude dimensions: Computer Anxiety, Computer Liking, and Social and Educational Impact of Computers. A fourth scale, the Computer Use Questionnaire, appeared particularly appropriate for evaluating attitudes related to the impact of computers. It was found that computer attitude not only influences the acceptance of computers but also their use as professional tools for assisting teaching/learning. Ma, et al, (2005) investigated student teachers' perceptions of computer technology in relation to their intention to use computers and found that 1) student teachers' perceived usefulness of computer technology had a direct significant effect on their intention to use; 2) student teachers' perceived ease of use had only an indirect significant effect on intention to use; however, 3) student teachers' subjective norms - that is the possible influence of external expectations - did not have any direct or indirect significant effects on their intention to use computer technology. Ma found that that even when computers are available, they may rarely use them in their educational practice if they don’t have enough knowledge and skill related to what can be achieved by using those tools. Similarly, Kadijevich (2002), (2005) and especially (2006) researched the relationship between student teachers’ interest in technology (from a pedagogical standpoint) and the institutional support they were offered. The study used a sample of 39 mathematics student teachers and 62 elementary student teachers. The two groups only differed in support favoring elementary student teachers, who, contrary to mathematics student teachers, received some basic instruction concerning educational technology standards. Kadijevich claims from this research that in order to develop interest, support should focus on developing favorable attitudes. In other words, attitude is crucial to develop interest and computer attitude is an important issue to consider when attempting to apply educational technology for learning purposes. Gibbone, Rukavina, & Silverman (2010) found generally that physical education teachers responded favorably to technology. Ninety-five percent of their respondents indicated they felt that technology can enhance education; 90% had increased their internet use over the past 3 years; 82% indicated that they would consider technology when redesigning their curricula; and 57% reported being in the process of applying technology in their current curricula. Technology use and teachers’ perceptions of importance/relevance of technology were found positively related. One important observation about these results was that even if positive attitude and experience are correlated with technology use, they don’t translate necessarily into actual technology use. Expectations to use technology may not be realistic if there are other implementation challenges. Participants identified administrative challenges such as budget, class size, and lack of training as barriers that pose integration difficulties for teachers. Franklin (2007), and Friedman (2006) have reported similar findings with teachers in other fields. Concerns about budget size, training, availability, and accessibility of hardware in relation to class size were reported by Park & Ertmer (2008) who found that teachers find these issues problematic and indicative of less likely use of technology in teaching. However, in the Gibbone, Rukavina, & Silverman (2010) study, class size seemed less a limiting factor per se, while teacher perceptions of the amount of technology equipment required for their students seemed relatively more important. Of possible demographic factors affective technology utilization, the researched literature appears inconsistent regarding gender. Some studies suggest that men tend to regard computer use slightly more favorably than do women (Dupagne & Krendel, 1992; Ertmer, Addison, Lane, Ross & Woods, 1999). Some report that men in their samples seemed to have more experience and made more use of computers than women (Brosnan & Lee, 1998; Balka & Smith, 2000) or that the masculine image of computers possibly has deterred women from benefiting from the technology and thus may cause women to feel less confident or more anxious, thereby resulting in women tending to hold more negative attitudes toward computer technology than men (Culley, 1988; Campbell, 1990). Other studies, however, report little to no difference in teacher attitudes on the basis of gender (Gressard & Loyd, 1986; Cavas, et al, 2009; Gibbone, Rukavina, & Silverman. 2010). North and Noyes (2002) argue that increased use of computers for teaching and learning in schools has worked against the development of gender differences. Teo (2006) reports similar findings in Singapore schools. Likewise, some studies indicate that there is no significant relationship between age and computer attitudes (Teo, 2008; Massoud, 1991; Woodrow, 1992; Handler, 1993). However, other studies do suggest that teacher age have important effects on attitudes toward technology (Chio, 1992; Blankenship, 1998). Deniz (2005) (as cited by Cavas, et al, 2009) believes that teacher age is significantly related to teacher attitudes and he reported the age of 36 as a “breaking point” for the positive attitudes of primary school teachers. If even close to truth, this conclusion would raise some serious issues. Research Questions and Hypotheses The term “technology readiness” was first coined by the U.S. Defense Department to assess the level at which a technological device or system was ready for use in the field. “Technology readiness” went from exploring the technology by notable experts all the way to full scale acceptable use by the intended audience. In education, Kumar, Rose, & D’Silva (2008) found that teachers’ acceptance of computer technology is an important factor to actual successful use of computers in education. They found that computer acceptance and actual use were also related to other factors, including perceived utility, perceived ease of use, job relevance, and computer compatibility. A longitudinal study by Peterson (2010) of preservice teachers found success in both online and face to face technology methods classes was related to both perceived technology confidence and actual technology competence. In 2006, an online technology assessment tool, the Texas Teacher STaR Chart, was developed to help a school and its teachers self-assess readiness to integrate technology into the curriculum. This assessment was based on both teachers’ attitudes (confidence) and actual reported behaviors (competences). This study looks further at the relationship between teacher confidence (positive attitude) and competence (reported actual use) as a basis for developing a potential teacher technology “readiness” scale. Primary issues explored by this study include: The relationship between measures of confidence and competence. Is “readiness” (defined as a composite of confidence and competence) related to demographic variables such as: o Gender o Ethnicity o Grade level taught (6-12 or Middle and High School) o Subject matter taught o Age o Years teaching experience o Years of formal education Methods This study explores the relationship between teacher confidence and competence in the use of the technology and various demographic and school administrative factors that impact the use of technology in the classroom by teachers. It draws on de-identified data collected from 593 teachers participating in the WMU GEAR UP project during a four year period from 2007 to 2010. Teacher surveys were administered in four different urban and rural western Michigan and northern Ohio school districts. These surveys, which were the primary source of data for this study, were divided in three parts: demographic information, classroom structure, and teacher beliefs. The last two parts used 5-point Likert scales for collecting the data. Selected teacher demographic variables and survey questions related to classroom practices were used to explore possible relationships. Participants: For the present study, we used a set of 593 unique survey responses from participating school teachers who taught students between the 6th and 12th grades. Ninety percent of these responses came from three large urban schools with diverse student populations; 10% came from a smaller rural school with an equally diverse student population. As a condition of the district participating in the WMU GEAR UP project, all teachers in the district were asked to participate in the survey each of the four years. Thus, the participation rate was very high (close to 98%) for the four selected survey years from 2007 to 2010. To eliminate duplication from one year to the next, the last survey response from each individual teacher was used for purposes of this study. About 42% were from middle schools and 58% from high school. Fifty three percent were academic core teachers; 28.5% were specialty area or support teachers, and 18.5% were special education teachers. Other demographic data included age, years of teaching experience, class size (average number of students in classroom in a typical month), educational level attained, gender, ethnicity, and subject taught. Two thirds (68%) of the teachers were female. Half (50%) were aged 40 years or older (Range=22 to 75, X=41, SD=12). Forty eight percent of the teachers were Caucasian. The mean number of years teaching of the participants was 13 years with a range of 0 to 55 and a SD=10. Class size ranged from 1-on-1 to 55 (X=21, SD=7.5) and their classes met for an average of about 61 minutes. Half (50%) of the sample reported have earned graduate degrees and 88% reported completing graduate work beyond the B.A. The sample included 129 teachers who selfdefined themselves primarily as math teachers(22%), 81 as science teachers (14%), 74 as social science teachers (13%), 108 as language arts teachers (19%), and 180 as teachers of other subjects (32%) out of 572 valid responses. Measurement: One part of the survey asked teachers a series of questions about their teaching pedagogy, their beliefs about teaching and learning, their students, and the educational environment of their school and school district. Among those questions were two focused directly on technology confidence, i.e., “I feel well prepared to use technology to improve student learning” and “I feel that I know more about technology than my students.” Two additional technology related questions were included to assess feelings of competence, i.e., “[I] use technology for instruction” and “[I] ask students to use technology as part of the assessment process.” Response options for the technology confidence questions were strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Response options for the technology competence questions were never, sometimes, often, very often, and always. These two subscales were combined to form an aggregate measure of “readiness” to use technology in the classroom. Reliability of the 4-item readiness measure was estimated by Cronbach’s Alpha = .735. Results Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics v19.0 for Windows. Frequencies and crosstabulations summarized survey question data about teaching pedagogy and beliefs about teaching. An alpha level of .05, was set of statistical significance. Correlation analysis was used to examine bivariate relationships among continuous variables. Simple one-way ANCOVA analysis was used to examine effects of categorical demographic factors on the dependent variable “Readiness.” AGE was controlled in each of these analyses as a covariate. Tables 1 and 2 on the next page present the results of the correlation analysis. The subscales Confidence and Competence are moderately and positively correlated (R=.42, p<.001) indicating that teachers who feel to some degree more confident in their understanding of computer technology also tend to report using it more in the classroom. Confidence (but not Competence) is related negatively to chronological age (R=-.23, p<.001) and to Years Teaching (R=-.21, p<.001) However, Readiness (a composite of Confidence and Competence) is to a lesser degree negatively related to chronological age (R=-.16, p<.001) and to Years Teaching (R=-.15, p<.001). This tends to support the idea that older teachers have less confidence and perhaps more difficulty with technology in the classroom. Table 1: Correlations .420 ** .834 ** -.226 ** Years Teaching -.209 ** -.064 -.041 .000 .000 .000 .000 .128 .331 564 583 560 580 564 572 1 ** -.049 -.054 -.025 .005 .000 .255 .199 .560 .914 567 546 564 558 561 1 ** ** -.047 -.015 .000 .000 .263 .711 563 583 567 575 1 ** ** -.076 .000 .000 .074 567 545 555 1 ** .013 .000 .749 565 575 1 -.046 Confidence Competence Rxy Confidence 1 Sig. N 583 Rxy Competence Sig. N 567 Rxy Readiness Readiness .855 Age -.156 Sig. N 586 Rxy Age -.148 .742 Sig. N 569 Rxy Years Teaching Sig. N 587 Rxy EducLevel .427 .449 ClassSize Sig. .281 N 568 Rxy ClassSize EducLevel 563 1 Sig. N 578 **. 2-tailed Rxy is significant at the 0.01 level. Perhaps the most surprising results were that no relationship was found for (1) expressed technology Confidence (R=.05, p<.231) and slight positive relationships (2) for Competence (R=.15, p<.001) and (3) for Readiness (R=.11, p<.007) between (4) an item addressing a “felt need for professional development” for the 593 participants in this study (Table 2). That Confidence did not correlate with perceived need for further professional development in technology apparently suggests a lack of confidence in the value of professional development in this area. On a positive note, teachers who reported using technology and those scoring higher on Readiness do appear to recognize a value in learning more. Table 2: Other Correlations Felt need for additional Professional Development Confidence Rxy .050 Sig. .231 N Competence Readiness 576 Rxy .147** Sig. .000 N 561 Rxy .113** Sig. N .007 577 **. 2-tailed Rxy is significant at the 0.01 level. Means tables and ANCOVA results (controlling for the covariate AGE) presented in Table 3 illustrate the effects of various demographic variables on the computer utilization Readiness measure. Job status, ethnicity, educational level, and subject matter taught were not significant factors affecting reported Readiness of ageequivalent teachers. On the other hand, gender was significant, favoring men slightly, and so was grade level taught, favoring middle school teachers. Table 3: ANCOVA Results: Dependent Variable: Readiness; Covariate: Age Std. Std. Grade Level Taught Mean N Gender Mean Deviation Deviation N Middle 6-8 3.3697 .80276 234 Female 3.2190 .84800 379 High 9-12 3.1358 .69827 81 Male 3.3967 .69753 184 Total 3.3095 .78287 315 Total 3.2771 .80565 563 F1=5.928, p<.015 F1=.5.011, p<.026 Job Status Mean Std. Deviation N Subject Mean Std. Deviation N Academic core teacher 3.3421 .73720 304 Math 3.4028 .70283 126 Specialty/support teacher 3.1981 .98629 154 Science 3.2785 .67817 79 Special education teacher 3.2048 .68270 105 Social Studies 3.2169 .68961 68 Total 3.2771 .80565 563 Language Arts 3.3190 .76546 105 Other Subjects 3.1871 .97698 171 Total 3.2787 .80655 549 F2=.597, p<.391 F4=.1.480, p<.207 Ethnicity Mean Std. Deviation N Education Level Mean Std. Deviation N African-American 3.2656 .76040 48 BA 3.4706 .71436 68 Asian 3.2500 .83541 13 BA + 1-13 3.3209 .82192 74 Caucasian 3.3568 .77034 206 BA + 14-24 3.2617 .77349 128 Hispanic 3.2500 1.32288 4 MA 3.1397 .79102 136 Middle East 3.5500 .97468 5 MA+add hrs 3.3377 .86725 134 Multi-Ethnic 3.1250 .62750 6 Ph.D. 3.6250 .43301 4 Native American 3.2140 .83851 271 Total 3.2868 .80373 544 Hawaiian Native / Pacific Islander 3.4000 .63683 10 Total 3.2771 .80565 563 F7=.569, p<.781 F5=.1.802, p<.111 Conclusions This study clearly showed that if teachers feel well prepared to use technology to improve student learning, they are likely to ask their students to use technology as part of the assessment process and likely to use it in their own instruction. However, other than age and slight gender and middle/upper school effects, teacher demographics, subject area taught, and/or class size appear to have little or no relationship to their perceived or actual technology readiness. Also, as a group, the teachers within this large longitudinal study did not seem especially interested in additional professional development. These results suggest further study of the role and the importance of preservice technology methods education to insure that teachers gain sufficient technology confidence and competence before they enter the classroom. Project Red (2010) found that one of the most significant predictors of teachers’ effective use of one-to-one computing environments was the level of technology leadership provided by the principal. Unfortunately, the results of that study were published after the data was collected for this study. In future studies, additional school technology leadership questions might be included to help confirm such findings related to all use of technology in schools. 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Acknowledgements This project has been funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education under contract number P334A050257. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education or Western Michigan University, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.