LESSON PLANNING TEMPLATE - ElementaryHealthPhysicalActivity

Teacher Education Candidate
Supervising Teacher
___Catherine Wilson________
School ______________________________
Block No. __1___
Specific Learning Objective(s)
Grade Level: _Kindergarten_
Establishing Set
Stage 1 The Desired Results
HEK.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and
disease prevention to enhance health.
HEK.6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance
HEK.7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation,
Picture, etc.)
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric,
Checklist, etc.)
___Mrs. Butts__________
Date of Implemented Lesson Plan __________________________
Subject: ________Nutrition__________________________
Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson:
UWG Supervisor
The student will be able to identify ways how eating healthy impacts
your personal life and behavior.
The student will be able to identify healthy foods from unhealthy foods.
The student will be able to identify a personal goal and make plans for
achieving the goal.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Students will be assessed on the discussion and participation on the worksheets.
Students will be evaluated on the completion of the “Healthful Food Choices” and
“Healthful Foods I Like” worksheets.
Stage 3 Learning Plans
“Healthful Food Choices” worksheet
“Healthful Foods I Like” worksheet
Poster board
Magazine cutouts of various kinds of foods
Plastic or paper plates
The book, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food
Sequence of Teacher Actions
I will get the students’ attention by asking them what their favorite foods are.
*Tie to Previous Learning
I will tie this lesson to what the students already know by asking them what kinds
of foods are on the plates.
*Significant Actions to Introduce
and Guide Lesson
I will begin by getting the students’ attention and asking them what their favorite
foods are. I will hold up various paper plates that have pictures of healthy and
unhealthy foods on them. I will ask them which foods they think are healthy and
which ones they think are unhealthy. I will then read the book, The Berenstain
Bears and too Much Junk Food. After the book, I will hold up the plates again and
ask them which ones do they think are considered healthy and unhealthy. I will
explain to the students which foods are healthy and which ones are not. I will
explain to the students that it is important to eat healthy foods because they help
you grow and be healthy. I will explain to the students that they need to try to
avoid foods that have a lot of sugar, fat, and oil in them. I will explain to the
students that unhealthy foods like, candy and fried foods, can lead to health
problems. I will than place the pictures of all the healthy foods in the right place
on the food guide pyramid. I will hand each of the students the worksheets
“Healthful Food Choices” and “Foods I Like.” For the “Healthful Food Choices”
worksheet, I will tell them to put an X on the food that is unhealthy and to color
and trace the number for the healthy foods. For the “Foods I Like” worksheet, I
will instruct the students to draw and color one healthy food that they like in each
of the four boxes.
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are
Engaged During Lesson
The students begin by telling the teacher what their favorite foods are. The
students will pick from the plates which foods they think are healthy and
unhealthy. They will listen to the book, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk
Food. When the book is over, the students will listen to the teacher and have a
discussion on why certain foods are healthy and unhealthy and why it is important
to eat healthy foods. The students will help the teacher put the plates with the food
pictures on them in the right group on the food guide pyramid. The students will
be given the worksheets, “Healthful Food Choices” and “Foods I Like.” For the
“Healthful Food Choices” worksheet, they will put an X on the unhealthy food
and color and trace the number for the healthy food pictures. For the “Foods I
Like” worksheet, the students will draw and color their favorite foods in each of
the four boxes.
* Explain How Students Discuss
or Present Results of What
They Did During the Lesson
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/WrapUp/Transition
The students will discuss and present their results by having discussions with the
teacher and answering questions. The students will also present their results by
doing the “Healthful Food Choices” and “Foods I Like” worksheets.
I will close the lesson by having the students set personal goals to start choosing
healthy foods instead of unhealthy ones.
Adaptations for Exceptional
Students (Anyone who requires
modifications for their needs)
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need
more than is in the lesson? Should
be related to lesson.)
I will have the higher level learning students sit near the lower level ones, so they
can assist them if they are having trouble. I will also assist the students who might
be having problems.
As an extension, students can go to the interactive website,
Connections to Other Disciplines
(2011). Healthful Foods Help Me Grow. In L. Meeks, P. Heit, & R. Page, Comprehensive School
Health Education (pp. 403-406). The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Children’s Book about Nutrition:
The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food by Stan Berenstain and Jan Berenstain
Nutrition Websites:
Interactive Nutrition Website for Kids:
Nutrition Resources:
 The local hospital’s nutritionist
 The local WIC program