Lesson Plans for Primary Schools Session 1 - What is waste and litter? Using different pictures of litter and waste ask the pupils if they can explain what each picture is. Ask them where you might find each image. Ask the pupils to explain what you should do with rubbish - they may come up with different options - for now write them down but don't say which is right or wrong / good or bad let them decide at the end of the discussion. Once the pupils have looked at their list and decided which methods of disposing of rubbish are good and bad see if they can come up with a simple definition of waste and litter. For example "waste can be anything we throw away in a bin / send to be recycled or composted". "Litter is rubbish that is thrown on the ground". Ask the pupils if they know of any areas where there is a lot of litter. This could be in the local community out of school or within the school community. Have some maps of the school and local area so the students can identify these areas. This activity might work better in smaller groups; allow time at the end for each group to feed back their ideas. Explain to the class that they are going to go out and help improve one area. Using the areas they have come up with ask the pupils to vote which place they would like to go to the most. Once they have decided on a place ask the pupils to come up with a practical list of resources that they might need to help them with their work. You could also ask them if they think they might need permission from anyone and who that would be. Session 2 - In your community Review the work that was carried out in the previous session to remind pupils of the work they are setting out to do. Ensure that all the relevant Health and Safety checks have been carried out first in accordance with school and local authority guidelines. Ensure that all necessary equipment has been collected and is suitable for use with the pupils. Ensure that all pupils and staff are appropriately dressed for the activities. Ensure that enough time has been set aside to complete all activities. Allow time for some of the pupils to tally items that have been collected and record them on a worksheet. Session 3 - Putting together a report Using the digital photographs and or video evidence taken from the activity day ask the pupils to recall what they found and their thoughts. Collect together the tally marks from the litter count and put it onto one big table for the pupils to produce different types of graphs. Ask the pupils to write or type up what they found whilst out on their activity. They should include their graphs and any pictures taken on the day. Ask them also to write a bit about their feelings - what do they think about the litter, does the area look better now they have been out. Ask them also to include a few ideas as to how they can help keep the area looking good. The class is going to share their experience on the activity and some of their ideas from the reports with an audience. Ask them who they would like that to be - the rest of the school, parents and carers, people from the local community. When they decide who they would like to come and listen to them get the pupils to invite their audience in - either in a letter, email or small invitation card. Session 4 - Sharing your experiences Ensure that all equipment needed for the presentations is set up and working correctly i.e. any laptops and projectors. Allow the pupils a few minutes to read through their notes and ensure there is a smooth running order. Get the pupils to present their findings and ideas. Allow time at the end of each presentation for some feedback or questions from the audience. After all the presentations are complete and perhaps back in the classroom allow the pupils time to discuss how they feel the presentations went. Get them to make some suggestions for some future action points. Session 5 - Planning for the future Go over the suggestions from the feedback session at the end of the presentation. Ask the class if they have any more ideas they would like to add to the list. Each pupil is now going to pick one thing from the list. They are then going to develop their own mini action plan as to how they can help improve the problem. They may want to do some research on the internet or from the school library to find out more about the problem. They may want to develop a poster or leaflet to inform others about the problem and what they can do to help. Tell each student that they need to think of four or five different things to help improve their problem. Give each student the opportunity to feedback their ideas to the class as a whole. Ask the class as a whole to think of at least one thing they can do everyday to help - they can make it their own pledge.