

Quarter 1: Building a Community of Readers

CC: 1.3.7 – A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, K - Reading

1.4.7 – L, S - Writing

1.5.7 – A, B, C, D, E, G – Speaking and Listening


“All About Me” poem


Optional – Star or Wordle


Who Am I as a Reader? a.

Reading Survey b.

What’s Easy/Hard


Active Listening and Accountable Talk a.

Distribute discussion starters b.

Active Listening/Acct. Talk handout c.

Rules for discussion pp. 12,13 Texts and Lessons d.

Pair Share: “Choices Made” pp. 18-21 Texts and Lessons


What is Reading? a.

“Can You Read This?” “71HS,” “What’s Up?” Confusabet b.

What is Reading? (journal and use accountable talk) c.

Flan and Glock i.

Pair Share pg. 18 Texts and Lessons ii.

Introduce “gist”: Who is in the story? What do we know about them? What’s happening? iii.

Create gist for Flan and Glock iv.

Change key words and write a version using “real” words


Banned Book Week – Text on Text pg. 149 Texts and Lessons with selections from books that have been challenged


Strategies in Motion a.

Read Aloud: “Tuning” pp. 22-25 Texts and Lessons b.

Journal response after reading, “How does the book need you?” c.

“What do “proficient (good) readers do”? (review of strategies) i.

Monitor comprehension ii.

Connect to background knowledge (self/text/world) iii.

Ask questions of the text iv.

Make predictions v.

Make inferences


Skillsmaster 17 “Making Inferences”


Frozen Scenes: “This is How I Remember It” pp. 153-157 Texts and Lessons vi.

Visualize and make sensory images vii.

Determine what’s important in the text viii.

Synthesize and summarize main idea ix.

Evaluate text d.

Strategy practice i.

Seeing a Character: “Untitled” pp. 121-124 Texts and Lessons ii.

“Deportation at Breakfast” Text Annotations pg. 37 Texts and Lessons iii.

“The Day it Rained Cockroaches” by Paul Zindel (memoir) Text Annotations pg. 37 Texts and



Genre a.

Genre vacation b.

Genre Power Point c.

Activity – “Determining Genre


Literary Elements (divided between 1 st and 2 nd quarters) a.

Setting and Mood i.

Skillsmaster 6B “Setting” ii.

Setting the Scene: “Wanderer in the Snow” (or let kids use cell phones instead of photo in lesson): pp.108-111 Texts and Lessons b.

Plot (conflicts/climax/resolution) i.

Skillsmaster 3A “Conflict” ii.

“Bloody Gruel”


Identify elements


Practice strategies


Journal response iii.

“The Escape”


Identify elements


Practice strategies


Journal response iv.

“Flight into Darkness” (summative assessment) c.

Methods of Characterization i.

Skillsmasters 1B and 5 “Characterization”

Choose one and use Text on Text pp. 149 ii.

Inferring Meaning: “Six Word Memoirs” pp. 56, 57 (to create a memoir about themselves and/ or a character in a selected text) Texts and Lessons d.

Point of View i.

show illusion images from google search ii.

Skillsmaster 8A and 8B excerpt from The Outsiders e.

Point of View Notetaking: “The Accident” pp. 117-120 Texts and Lessons f.

Irony i.

Skillsmaster 13 “Irony” g.

Literary Elements i.

“The Big Day” (summative assessment)


Assessments a.

Formative Assessments: i.

Strategy quiz ii.

Genre quiz iii.

Elements quiz iv.

Journal v.

Quarter Reading Log b.

Summative Assessments: i.

“Flight into Darkness” ii.

“The Big Day” iii.

Novel assessment iv.

First Quarter Reflection
