May 5, 2015 U.S. Special Operations Command is preparing to launch a five-month, multi-state exercise across private and public land to prepare Army special forces for threats anywhere in the world. Or at least that's what the Pentagon would want you to believe. Officials and citizens in Texas, one of the states involved, see something potentially more nefarious in the exercise, dubbed Jade Helm 15. And now Rep. Louie Gohmert is joining them. "Over the past few weeks, my office has been inundated with calls referring to the Jade Helm 15 military exercise scheduled to take place between July 15 and September 15, 2015," Gohmert said in a Tuesday statement. "This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law. Certainly, I can understand these concerns." "When leaders within the current administration believe that major threats to the country include those who support the Constitution, are military veterans, or even 'cling to guns or religion,' patriotic Americans have reason to be concerned," Gohmert wrote. The congressman took particular issue with the layout and labels of the Pentagon map for the exercise. "Once I observed the map depicting 'hostile,' 'permissive,' and 'uncertain' states and locations, I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, 'cling to their guns and religion,' and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution." Gohmert called on the Pentagon to change the map, the names on the map, and said "the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states." The Pentagon has insisted that claims that Jade Helm is anything other than a military exercise— and one that it says would have in-state economic benefits—are completely bunk. "Jade Helm is a long planned and coordinated exercise," a Pentagon spokesman told CNN. "We are not taking over anything." But that hasn't quelled concern. In late April, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent an open letter to the Texas State Guard asking it to keep a tight watch on the exercise. "During the training operation," Abbott wrote, "it is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights, and civil liberties will not be infringed." On Monday, Abbott defended the letter, saying that his office is "playing a pivotal role of government and that is to provide information to people who have questions." Over the weekend, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz told Bloomberg that his Senate office "has reached out to the Pentagon to inquire about this exercise," saying he has "no reason to doubt [the Pentagon's] assurances, but I understand the reason for concern and uncertainty." There has been plenty more concern from Texans around the state, egged on in part by conspiracy-driven sites such as InfoWars, as well as minor celebrities. "Whether deterrence, display of power, or something more covert or devious, let's not come with any patronizing nonsense of impotence and simplicity when its origin is in Washington," writes martial-arts icon Chuck Norris. Former Texas governor and potential repeat presidential candidate Rick Perry, though, thinks Abbott has gone too far. "It's OK to question your government. I do it on a regular basis," Perry said Tuesday. "But the military is something else." The Pentagon only has so many more ways of saying, "trust us—not Walker, Texas Ranger." Liquidity drought could spark market bloodbath, warns IIF Evaporating liquidity and higher US interest rates will cause huge market swings with potentially catastrophic consequences, Institute of International Finance warns Investors face a “painful” adjustment in a world of evaporating liquidity and higher US interest rates that will trigger huge market swings with potentially catastrophic consequences, the Institute of International Finance has warned. Timothy Adams, the chief executive of the IIF, which represents the world’s biggest banks, described liquidity as the “top issue” at high level meetings of central bankers, chief executives and other financial institutions. He warned that the raft of regulation introduced in the wake of the 2008 crisis could potentially cause market gyrations larger than last October’s “flash crash” in US Treasuries. While Mr Adams supports tougher rules that have made the banks more resilient, he said a complex web of regulatory reform may have left banks less able to respond to the next crisis. “There’s just less capacity for making markets,” he said. “Officials will say: we expect some volatility and this was part of this broader scheme of regulatory reform. But for the private sector there is this issue of: is the total effect of all of these various regulatory changes likely to produce outcomes larger than each individual regulatory reform and its consequences? "The cumulative unintended could end up being much larger than the one-off intended - we just don’t know.” Market liquidity, or the ease with which an investor can quickly buy or sell a security without moving its price, has evolved since the financial crisis. Investment banks, which traditionally supported liquidity in times of stress, have been shrinking their activities. Corporate bond inventories have fallen by 75pc in the US and 50pc in Europe since 2007, according to IIF data. While much of this has been driven by banks unwinding large credit books, regulation has also discouraged them from holding large quantities of bonds that could help cushion violent swings in prices. Mr Adams said a “dramatic revolution” of the players and risks of market making had also pushed risk “out into the shadows” of non-bank lending. “We’ve rewired and re-engineered the global financial regulatory system and as a result we’re having profound impacts on institutional arrangements. At the same time we’ve had this rapid change in benchmark prices such as a 50pc drop in the price of oil, a rapid change in the dollar and other exchange rates and another drop in commodity prices,” he said. “Once you bring the rapid change in major benchmark prices and a change in the architecture of the global financial system together, you could end up with outcomes that are pretty painful, and certainly unknowable.” Mr Adams warned that the US Federal Reserve’s first interest rate rise in almost a decade would also cause disruption, and that the “the most transparent and telegraphed move in monetary history” was unlikely to prevent some dollar denominated debts from “blowing up” in emerging markets. “I still have scars from 1994 after the economic downturn and the Fed first hiked. So it will be the most transparent and telegraphed move in monetary history, but once you start that cycle, it will certainly be disruptive.” Mr Adams said developing economies which had built up large debts were most at risk of capital flight. “Emerging markets that have poor fundamentals, poor policy regimes and have over borrowed could see very volatile times going forward. Now is the time to put in place good regimes and buffers against potential downside risks because the business cycle hasn’t gone away. “I worry because you have a lot of countries where you’ve seen a tremendous increase in corporate dollar denominated debt – so you’ve got a foreign exchange risk, but you’ve also got a credit risk. The question is: is some of that debt going to blow up, and then is there a sovereign balance sheet behind it? Those countries are going to feel strained.” Credit to non-bank borrowers outside the United States has grown to $9 trillion, from $6 trillion since the financial crisis, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). IIF data show emerging market dollar denominated debt has more than doubled to $2.6 trillion in a decade. The BIS measure, which includes lending through banks registered in other jurisdictions, shows the figure is closer to $4.5 trillion today, leaving the world more sensitive to changes in interest rates by the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, global bond markets have grown from $30 trillion in 2000 to almost $90 trillion. However, the IIF has highlighted that trading volumes in US bond markets have fallen by 20pc compared with 2005. Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan, warned in April that tougher bank regulation meant the next financial crisis would trigger more market volatility, as capital rules made it too costly for banks hold large stocks of securities to trade. He said discord in the US Treasury and currency markets were a "warning shot across the bow", anticipating the turbulence during the next crash. Mr Adams agreed that the sharp swing seen in US Treasuries last October was likely to be repeated. "Personally I’m more focussed on the future because a lot of these regulatory changes haven’t yet been fully implemented, and some of them are still being debated – capital charges with respect to instruments on the trading book and the implementation of TLAC [total loss-absorbing capacity]. The "flash crash" in US Treasuries, captured by the International Monetary Fund. Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan, said the move of 37 basis points on October 15 was “an event that is supposed to happen only once in every 3 billion years or so” (Source: IMF) "There are some concerns that a couple of events that we have seen is function of these regulatory changes, that may or may not be the case, but watching over the next year or two, and will we have similar events [to the flash crash] – if not larger - that may then warrant further investigation and looking at the cumulative effect of these regulatory changes. Dame Clara Furse, an external member of the Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee (FPC), which is in charge of financial stability, said in February that liquidity in some markets had "become more fragile", which could result in "unforeseen consequences" for markets. The Bank, led by Governor Mark Carney, will work with market participants and industry bodies such as the IIF to assess whether asset managers could cope with a rapid change in market conditions. Mr Adams said policymakers were now facing the challenge of navigating the new financial order. "I grew up in the 1970s and 80s when it was all about trying to get inflation down, you had a steep yield curve and it just feels like we’re in a very different and foreign place," he said. "At the same time we’re re-engineering the financial architecture, so we just don’t know what the linkages are. "As you turn the dials of policy, you don’t know how much to turn it in order to get a certain amount of impact, so you’re making it up as you go along, and that’s a bit frightening if you’re in a position of accountability. In terms of volatility, officials will say they want a two-way market. They argue that there's been too much complacency. But it’s like saying, I want to get on a rollercoaster because I want to have fun. Well you'd better make sure you’re ready and you’re strapped in and this is a rollercoaster that you understand." Mysterious 'X-Files' sounds heard miles above the Earth Alien' sounds have been captured at the edge of space. The hisses and whistles heard in the recordings were captured 22 miles above Earth, by a student last year. The recording equipment was sent up by a graduate student as part of a Nasa project to record sound from the edges of the atmosphere. The microphones picked up "infrasound" — frequencies so low that they can't be heard by human ears. But speeding up the recordings means that the sounds can be heard. The recordings were taken from a helium balloon in August last year. The microphones dangled over New Mexico and Arizona and were one of 10 sent out by Nasa as part of the High Altitude Student Platform. That helped get the first infrasound recordings ever taken at such altitudes, according to Daniel Bowman, the University of North Carolina student who captured the sounds. Bowman described the sounds as "like the X-Files", and scientists aren't sure where they came from. Current guesses include sound from a wind farm, the ocean, wind or vibrations from cables on the balloon, according to Live Science. The scientists will be sending more devices up as part of the 2015 run of the project, and hope that they can learn more then. "I was surprised by the sheer complexity of the signal," Bowman told Live Science. "I expected to see a few little stripes." Bowman hopes that the recordings will be able to revive interest in infrasound recordings, which haven't been made in the stratosphere for 50 years. Some scientists have proposed sending similar equipment to the moon and Mars, where it might be able to pick up information about weather and the environment. litzars, which last only about a millisecond, have been detected by telescopes since about 2001 and have been heard ten times since. And nobody really knows where they come from, or why they happen. But a new study has found that the bursts line up in a way that is not explained by existing physics, reports the New Scientist. Scientists tried to work out how far the bursts have travelled through space to get to us, using “dispersion measures”. That looks at how the radiowaves that are being sent get scattered as they travel through space — the higher the dispersion measure, the further that radiowaves seem to have been sent before they arrived. All of the ten bursts that have been detected so far have dispersion measures that line up as multiples of a single number: 187.5. The chances of them doing so are 5 in 10,000, the scientists behind the study claim Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free The only problem with the official Fascist drumbeat that more money is required to fix communities of ignorance and hatred like Baltimore, is that public schools in Baltimore are among the best funded in the entire country. And author and expert Alex Newman charges the demands for more money are nothing more than lies designed to make the administration richer and more powerful. These so called community leaders use their ability to barely read and speak in complete sentences to suppress minions into sycophants. When you hear supporters say things like, “She a good looking woman, and she can put a whole bunch of words together like in a single sentence. She smart, and I know she work hard to get those rich white people to give us more money, cuz this has been bad for a long time. I’m happy the police is getting a taste of it now. This is our time. She a good looking woman, and she smart.” In an exclusive interview with WND, the co-author of “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children,” observed, “One of the great lies promoted by the education establishment is that more taxpayer funds are needed to properly educate students. “Baltimore offers a perfect example of how easy it is to discredit this fraud. In recent years, government schools in Baltimore have been at the top of the list in terms of spending per pupil – literally in the top three among the nation’s largest school districts. Yet, Baltimore schools are also some of the worst performing in the nation, consistently ranking in the bottom third. The situation in Detroit is similar, spending thousands more per pupil than the national average yet achieving results that can only be described as a disaster of monumental proportions. This alone is proof that more money is not going to solve the very real crisis in education.” If anything, Newman may be understating the disparity between spending and results in the Charm City. In 2011, the Baltimore school system spent the most per pupil of any school system in the country except New York City, which also boasts one of the nation’s worst graduation rates. 88% of students who graduate high school are functionally illiterate. I am not talking small grammatical, errors in writing. I am talking the inability to speak a complete and proper sentence in English. Even highly paid, expensively dressed government officials and elected lawmakers cannot speak a complete sentence with proper verb structure and modifiers. Grants from the federal government were an important factor in paying for the $15,483 spent per pupil, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, but it is clear that these were given in order to buy votes for State and federal elections. Neither the city of Baltimore, nor the young people who are processed through its schools seem to be getting much of a return on the taxpayer’s investment. According to statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics in the Department of Education, the average score of eighth-grade students in Baltimore City is far lower than the average score for public school students in other large cities, and abysmal when compared to cities of one million or less. Nor is this an exception. As the report shows, this performance is statistically similar to Baltimore students’ performance in 2011 and 2009, showing that an entire generation of young people have been cheated out of an education by Fascists who live in fine houses, drive fine cars, and enjoy the worship of their subjects simply because of their skin color. Along with his co-author and fellow educator Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, Newman calls current policy money poorly spent. We would hate to see the education system stripped of the corruption by removing the money. Rather, we would like to see the corruption removed with a set of handcuffs for each of these administrators, principals, and school boards, and the finest school system in America built with the money that is already there. With better teachers, higher quality curricula, and the inspiration that mastery of knowledge brings, cities like Baltimore can be a shining example of what effectively developed intelligence looks like. In less than 4 years, the entire social structure could be improved, leaving a legacy of suppression, ignorance, and hatred behind. “Homeschooling parents can teach kids to read with virtually no money and without a professionally trained teacher, yet these government schools wasted nearly $2 billion to produce high-school graduates who can’t read their own diplomas and are more likely already addicted to drugs and have juvenile criminal records. This is greed, corruption, and organized crime on a massive scale. Money that should have gone for textbooks, computers, learning aids, field trips to the best museums and art galleries was siphoned into the bank accounts of commissioners and unions, elected officials, and administrators. The real solution to this crisis begins by recognizing what Dr. Blumenfeld and I document in ‘Crimes of the Educators.’ The education establishment is using government schools not to educate children, but to make themselves rich and important while acting as no more than babysitters for millions of kids that Americans paid to see educated. “Until America realizes that this is deliberate and not some sort of huge national accident that can be solved by squandering more money on government schools and the progressive education establishment, the educational crisis will continue to grow, and we will see many more Baltimores in the years ahead.” Main stream media won’t tell you this story. Did you know that businesses are penalized if they hire a student from a home school? Did you know that colleges do not receive federal funds for high school graduates from home schools? Did you know that parent are often prosecuted for truancy if they choose to withdraw their child from a failing school and home school them? Did you know that the government officials in State and federal boards that repeatedly block efforts to pass school voucher programs are former union bosses? The politicians trying to make voter hay from this debacle, all say the same thing. “These schools are failing because they don’t have enough money.” Professor Rashawn Ray, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Maryland who has been widely quoted by several news sources in the wake of the riots, writes, “I see under-funded schools with infrastructure issues and not enough resources for students to thrive, let alone feel they should value education.” The Boston Herald, in an article recommending commentators watch the HBO series The Wire to inform themselves on the situation in Baltimore, says Baltimore suffers from “under-funded and ill-equipped schools, failing students who fall through the cracks.” A column in the DC political newspaper The Hill charges one of the reasons for the violence in Baltimore is the “lacking” quality of education and “severely underfunded” schools. And as a report from Al Jazeera shows, this is also the go-to rationale for foreign media, as the Qatari news network charged Baltimore students “attend schools in underfunded and decaying facilities.” Newman agrees that government schools are partially responsible for the crisis in Baltimore, but not in the way the mainstream media thinks. “The education establishment has deliberately produced a generation of young Americans who cannot read or do basic math properly, much less find a decent job or run a business. Then when we examine the values being foisted on children in these institutions – everything from the notion that America and liberty are evil to the idea that there is no right and wrong, no objective morality, no God, and no value to human life – suddenly it all becomes clear. “The promotion of socialism, progressive lunacy, and the rejection of private property, JudeoChristian values, and America’s founding principles of liberty – these are all key tenets of the secular-humanist faith and socialist ideology being preached in government schools. It is precisely these values that we are seeing on display in Baltimore and other crumbling cities across America. Unless and until America deals with the miseducation regime dumbing down and indoctrinating students, we will continue to see more and more unrest, violence, and societal collapse.” Some progressives are also charging the root cause of the Baltimore riots is “white privilege.” Tony Brown, an associate chair of sociology at Vanderbilt, believes the riots in Baltimore constitute evidence of “racism.” In an article in The Tennessean, he called for readers to videotape whites to shame them for politically incorrect conduct. But Newman says government schools are the real perpetrators of oppression against AfricanAmericans. “As we show in ‘Crimes of the Educators,’ while all government-schooled students in America are being victimized by this lunacy, black Americans have been especially betrayed. In the early 1900s, blacks were on the way up, and illiteracy in the black community was on its way to being totally eradicated. Then John Dewey and his progressive cohorts seized the reins, and it was all downhill from there. “Today it is estimated that a full 50 percent of blacks are functionally illiterate, whereas in 1920 it was less than one fourth. There are numerous causes for this, but the schools are where it really all begins. Progressives and the educational establishment, of course, teamed up with the eugenics movement led by luminaries such as Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and Edward Thorndike at Columbia’s Teachers College. These eugenicists outrageously considered blacks to be ‘inferior,’ and so, decided that the black community did not need a real education. They taught teachers that blacks had fewer abilities and less intelligence than whites. “This of course is nonsense, but was touted as scientific fact by the eugenics quacks of the earlyto mid-1900s who played such a massive role in shaping government education. Today, in public schools across America, students are having their reading abilities permanently impaired through the use of the whole-word, or look-say, or sight method of learning how to read instead of the phonics system used successfully since time immemorial. This quackery produces so many other problems that it would be hard to exaggerate the damage being wrought on America and the black community.” And when asked for the solution, Newman says drastic actions are necessary. “All parents, black or white, should do all they can to get their children out of these schools. Homeschooling and certain private or Christian schools are an excellent option for many. For those parents who cannot get their kids out of the government system, an understanding of the problem will go a long way toward counteracting the damage being inflicted on children. Once enough Americans understand what has happened, the hard work of reforming the schools and undoing the damage can begin. Little Kim: Stooge Genius PYONGYANG, North Korea — North Korea said Saturday that it successfully test-fired a newly developed ballistic missile from a submarine in what would be the latest display of the country's advancing military capabilities. Hours after the announcement, South Korean officials said the North fired three anti-ship cruise missiles into the sea off its east coast. Experts in Seoul say the North's military demonstrations and hostile rhetoric are attempts at wresting concessions from the United States and South Korea, whose officials have recently talked about the possibility of holding preliminary talks with the North to test its commitment to denuclearization. For the second straight day, North Korea said it would fire without warning at South Korean naval vessels that it claims have been violating its territorial waters off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea's presidential Blue House held an emergency national security council meeting to review the threat and discuss possible countermeasures. This is just window dressing for the main purpose. These submarines can easily be placed in the Gulf of Mexico, hide near Cuba, or rest quietly off the coast of Virginia. These missiles are very fast and can deploy multiple warheads, even nuclear ones. From 100 or even 50 miles off shore, the launch is virtually undetectable, providing only about 6 minutes of warning before the warhead reaches its shoreline target. These can also fly at low levels, under radar, and can reach as far as 1,200 miles inland before they are detected by anyone. With all the military drills, residents would not know the difference between a night time cruise missile and a military test. "By raising tensions, North Korea is trying to ensure that it will be able to drive whatever future talks with the U.S. and South Korea," said Yang Moo-jin, a professor from the Seoul-based University of North Korean Studies. South Korean officials previously had said that North Korea was developing technologies for launching ballistic missiles from underwater, although past tests were believed to have been conducted on platforms built on land or at sea and not from submarines. Security experts say that North Korea acquiring the ability to launch missiles from submarines would be an alarming development because missiles fired from submerged vessels are harder to detect before launch than land-based ones. North Korea already has a considerable arsenal of land-based ballistic missiles and is also believed to be advancing in efforts to miniaturize nuclear warheads to mount on such missiles, according to South Korean officials. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un personally directed the submarine test launching and called the missile a "world-level strategic weapon" and an "eye-opening success," said the North's official Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA. The report did not reveal the timing or location of the launch. Little Kim declared that North Korea now has a weapon capable of "striking and wiping out in any waters the hostile forces infringing upon the sovereignty and dignity of (North Korea)." The North's state-run Rodong Sinmun newspaper published photos of a projectile rising from the sea's surface and Kim smiling from a distance at what looked like a floating submarine. The test might have taken place near the eastern coastal city of Sinpo, where satellite imagery in recent months, analyzed by a U.S. research institute, appeared to have shown North Korea building missile-testing facilities and equipping a submarine with launch capabilities. In a separate report Saturday, KCNA said Kim visited a fisheries facility in Sinpo to offer "field guidance." South Korea's defense ministry had no immediate comment on the North's claim of a successful test. Ministry officials have previously said that North Korea has about 70 submarines and appears to be mainly imitating Russian designs in its efforts to develop a system for submarine-launched missiles. The North is believed to have obtained several of the Soviet Navy's retired Golf-class ballistic missile submarines in the mid-1990s. Uk Yang, a Seoul-based security expert and an adviser to the South Korean military, said it is unlikely that North Korea possesses a submarine large enough to carry and fire multiple missiles. However, it's hard to deny that Pyongyang is making progress on dangerous weapons technology, he said. The website 38 North, operated by the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said in January that such capability posed a potential new threat to South Korea, Japan and U.S. bases in East Asia, although experts say North Korea's submarines tend to be old and would be vulnerable to attack. Meanwhile, a South Korean Joint Chief of Staff official said the North fired three anti-ship cruise missiles into the sea within a span of one hour early Saturday evening from an area near the eastern port city of Wonsan. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing office rules, identified the missiles as KN-01 missiles, which the North also test-fired in February in an event personally attended by North Korean leader Kim. There had been expectations that Kim would attend the Victory Day celebration in Russia on Saturday for his international debut, but North Korea sent to Moscow the head of its rubberstamp parliament instead. Home Schooling: The New Target of Militant Dept of Education The German homeschool parents who faced a SWAT team’s battering ram when police demanded to take their children into custody for being homeschooled are back in court. This time, they face the possibility of four-year jail terms from a judge who has warned, “The law is the law.” WND reported in 2013 when the government took custody of the children of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich, then ages 7-14, from their Darmstadt, Germany, home. The SWAT team, authorized by a judge to use force if necessary, took the children and told the Wunderlichs they wouldn’t see them again soon because they were violating federal law by homeschooling. Although there was no claim the children were being mistreated, a team of 20 social workers, police and special agents stormed the family’s home. The Home School Legal Defense Association reported at the time that Judge Koenig of the Darmstadt family court signed the order authorizing the immediate seizure of the children by force. “Citing the parents’ failure to cooperate ‘with the authorities to send the children to school,’ the judge also authorized the use of force ‘against the children’ … reasoning that such force might be required because the children had ‘adopted the parents’ opinions’ regarding homeschooling and that ‘no cooperation could be expected’ from either the parents or the children,” HSLDA said at the time. The “Indoctrination” book and DVD bundle, explains why a growing number of parents are choosing not to send their children to public schools. Dirk Wunderlich told the homeschool group: “I looked through a side window and saw many people, police and special agents, all armed. They told me they wanted to come in to speak with me. I tried to ask questions, but within seconds, three police officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in, so I opened it.” It was weeks before the children returned home. A year later, an appeals court decided both social workers and parents should be criticized, but the action against the children was “disproportional” to the allegations. The decision returned custody of the children to their parents. “We have won custody, and we are glad about that,” Dirk Wunderlich said then. “The court said that taking our children away was not proportionate – only because the authorities should apply very high fines and criminal prosecution instead. But this decision upholds the absurd idea that homeschooling is child endangerment and an abuse of parental authority.” Now a report from HSLDA says the next time the Wunderlichs appear in court for homeschooling, they could each face four years in prison. “We had hoped the judge, who seemed open-minded and friendly, might give us a chance,” Dirk Wunderlich told the organization. “But no, he said he could not: The law is the law.” The parents each were fined about $1,000 during their recent court appearance. Dirk described how the family even tried to move away. “We wandered around Europe for years looking for a place where we could live peacefully and raise our children without this pressure,” he told HSLDA. “But we had to come back here. It isn’t easy to get jobs in other countries always. And besides, this is our home. We are Germans. Why should we have to leave our country to do home education? “With the help of HSLDA and with the prayers of our friends and supporters, we will go forward,” he said. “This is not right, and we must stand up against this injustice. The state cannot be allowed to dictate to parents how children are educated. Homeschooling must be fought for.” The German Supreme Court has already rejected all appeals by the Wunderlichs. And in November 2014, the court reaffirmed in a separate case that Germany has an equal interest with parents in the raising of children. Michael Donnelly, HSLDA’s director of global outreach, was outraged. “Four years in prison? For homeschooling?” Donnelly said. “German courts seem incapable of recognizing what most democratic countries understand – that parents, not the state, should decide how to educate their children. Home education is and ought to be a legal and valid alternative in Germany, just like it is in most European countries. Instead, German courts come down on the side of violating parental rights. It’s a terrible decision.” Donnelly said the notion that homeschooling threatens democracy is backwards. “What really threatens democracy,” he said, “is when the German authorities try to stamp out ‘parallel societies.’ “In a pluralistic democracy there must be acceptance for families who have different ideas about how to educate their children. Home education has proven its value to the point where a complete ban ought to be an obvious violation of human rights. So no, we don’t plan to stop fighting for these families.” HSLDA, meanwhile, is urging Congress to support a plan that would allow homeschool families facing persecution to move to the United States for protection. German homeschool families are being targeted with a Nazi-era law that never was overturned. It was 1938 when a law was adopted under Adolf Hitler’s leadership that eliminated exemptions for homeschoolers to compulsory education laws. Just a year before, Hitler himself said: “The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.” Homeschooling has been banned in Germany since then. WND has reported over the years on a German teen who was ordered into a psychiatric ward for being homeschooled and parents who were sentenced to jail terms for homeschooling their children. The current German government has endorsed Hitler’s view of homeschooling. In 2003, the German Supreme Court handed down the Konrad decision in which “religiously or philosophically motivated” homeschooling was banned. Four years later, the German Federal Parliament changed a key provision of German child protection law, making it easier for children to be taken away from their parents for supposed “educational neglect.” Second Junk or Goods Cannot be Bought for Cash ENROLLED HB NO. 195 Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored are additions. chattels, wares, or other merchandise, including any material defined in R.S. 1 37:1861.C. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the sale or purchase of manufactured registered bullion bars, coins, or other numismatic items. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to A retail tire outlet or an automobile dealer dealing in tires. Whoever violates this Section shall be fined not less than twenty –five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not less than fifteen days nor more than three months, or both. §1864.3. Payment by check or moneyorder required. A secondhand dealer shall not enter into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of junk or used or secondhand property Payment shall be made in the form of check, electronic transfers, or money order issued to the seller of the junk or used or secondhand property and made pay able to the name and address of the seller. All payments made by check, electronic transfers, or money order shall be reported separately in the daily reports required by R.S. 37:1866 Email flat earth 303-494-6631 CERN UPDATE 1. Why are colliders built underground? 2. The equation that most people know is E=MC2 so we know that when more voltage is poured into the proton to get it faster and faster, the mass must increase. So, Hydrogen starts out at 1 gram per mole, and increasing that 14,000 times we get a proton that now weighs 25 pounds per mole and is fairly massive traveling at 99.99% the speed of light. Then, these packets are split up and redirected at eachother in a sort of figure-8 racetrack, where the collision point is surrounded by detectors set up to record the frequencies of the subatomic particles, as a wave function, when they come apart. 3. The casual scientist would say, “What is so hazardous about that?” 4. These wave functions that we are observing, once that actual observation is done, it instantly collapses into a particle, for a nanosecond or so. Are some of these particles dangerous? Why? 5. When we back up from the universe, let’s say the way God would observe the universe, we see a sort of demarcation between the third dimensional matter we see through our telescopes at night, and the dark matter and energy that make up the rest of the universe. All we really see are protons and electrons in our 3-d universe, which means that only that type of matter can be formed. It makes sense when we observe that only about 5% of the available matter and energy make it into protons. The rest is chaotic and not quite organized yet. There is also an observation that particles and photons are popping into our dimension from other dimensions. Does that mean that there are other dimensions or universes that are like ours? 6. Steven Hawking once made an argument that particles or photons that get close to a black hole would clone themselves and then lose one or the other particle into the black hole. His claim was that matter was leaking out of our universe into another universe. I surmised that if that was true, then the converse was true as well. If photons are information, then that means that information is passing between the two universes all the time. Do you think that since nanosecond black holes are being formed at CERN that information is coming through from other dimensions or universes? If so, what do you see that this information has inspired them to do? 7. Why do you think that there is such a prolific association with ancient gods and demons throughout the facility at CERN? 8. Where does the money come from to operate and expand CERN? 9. Who gets the first and unfettered access to the discoveries and the designs of experiments at CERN? 10. What weapons do you think could be patterned by CERN? 11. Do you think that these weapons have been used before on the earth by other races who reached this point of technology? 12. What were the results of those battles with these weapons? 13. Are their particles that have anything more than a nanosecond of effect on planet Earth? 14. Do you think that repeated exposure to these Strangelets will have an adverse effect on Earth? 15. I know that CERN is still small and underpowered, but if they had unlimited money and unlimited engineering, what do they plan to do with it? 16. What level of power would have to be poured into a proton for something really permanently hazardous to be produced? 17. Why is it that these subatomic particles do not make themselves manifest until these levels of power are reached? 18. When stars make protons and atoms of say Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and say Argon and then go supernova, distributing these and other higher order atoms out into the universe, they are all made exactly the same, along what I believe is the Golden Mean. When we have the full catalog, the full menu, will an instrument like CERN be able to make matter from energy? 19. If some of this matter catastrophically combines with matter in our dimension in our universe, like say antimatter, has a new dimension of weapon been developed? 20. Do you think we have actually developed a weapon like this already? 21. As world-changing as it was when Truman dropped the first and only two nuclear bombs used against humans, would warfare have reached a point where the entire human race is at risk? 22. There have been some technological spinoffs already from CERN. The most famous is the internet. They needed a way to connect databases together to solve problems in hours, instead of years. Now, the data coming off these collisions is enormous. Have they been taking computing to a new level? How have they imagined computers changing? 23. Besides the mythical artificial intelligence, how is this going to impact the world when it proliferates? 24. Will people become less intelligent, or do you think that access to even more information will change the social structure of mankind? 25. It is clear that we are evolving in the way that we interact as a race. More than 50% of marriages are now results of meeting people online, who just 20 years ago, we would never have met. This sharing of ideas in seconds has invented new words like viral, and mindshifting. People can be elected or destroyed in a matter of hours with the right snapchat or YouTube. We complain about the NSA, but we are subject to surveillance from a hundred smart devices around us at every minute of the day in public. Is this a breakthrough for the integrity of man? 26. Do you think this is a direction of liberty or enslavement? 27. America is the greatest experiment in human liberty the world has ever known. I am sure you agree with me when I say that the Agency Government has been designing and implementing a new environment with less liberty every passing day. My question is, why do you think that liberty is being expunged, and do you think those in charge of us will succeed? 28. How old do you think the strategy is to wipe liberty from the Earth? 29. Do you think that this ancient mind is still on the Earth today? 30. If this mind is not on the Earth, do you think the connections being attempted with CERN are attempts to dial the right number so that this mind can come through into our world? 31. Do you think that the humans who are trying to make this connection are being directed to make this connection? 32. Do you think that they believe they will be rewarded someone by this mind when the doorway is finally opened? 33. Is there any time in history where this has worked out well for the technocrats who make this possible? 34. Is there a way that civilian scientists can make these concerns known to the management of the CERN facility? Or are they too far gone into their own arrogance to hear us?