GEOG385 Final Project Kimberly Mauch Development of a Web-based Mapping Service for Project and Land Management Managers for the Nevada Conifer Extraction Project and Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Management Executive Summary The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) field station in Dixon, California was contracted to create a high-resolution spatial data layer and map of pinyon-juniper trees to be used for analysis and identification of areas where pinyon-juniper forests are expanding into sagebrush habitat. The purpose of my final project was to demonstrate how a web-based map service of the conifer extraction project and Greater SageGrouse management categories dataset would be useful to the project manager and land managers to quickly gain insight into the status and progress of the project as well as where suitable sage-grouse habitat is located within a specific region. Another purpose was to show how the two datasets could be utilized by land managers for habitat restoration to benefit sagegrouse. Three dataset layers were utilized to make four geoprocessing widgets for the map service. Geoprocessing outputs were appropriately symbolized but weren’t necessarily correctly displayed in the map. While there were issues with the symbolism of the selected output and placement of the information table, the web-based map did provide correct information and still proved that it could be useful to the targeted audience.