Board of Supervisors Meeting –Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Chairman Jack Majeres called the regular board meeting to order on Tuesday, January 20, at 1:01
p.m. at the USDA Service Center Conference Room. Other supervisors present were Warren
Jackson, Steve Doyle, Dean Jaycox and Lane Miller. Also present Rhonda Nelson Harvey Shafer,
Barry Berg and Matt Johnson.
The agenda was reviewed. Warren moved to approve the agenda as amended. Steve seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed. Dean moved to approve the minutes as
written. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Warren presented the treasurer’s report. Warren moved to approve the treasurer’s report as
amended, and pay tow invoices to REPEC totaling $19956.63 Steve seconded. Motion carried
Rhonda, Updated the Board on CSP and NRI programs she is working on.
Matt and Barry presented the Central Big Sioux project update. They reported on current projects and
completions. See attached. Steve moved to sign contract with Brain Top (Top Soil) Dean second,
motion carried unanimously Dean moved to approve Voucher 16 Steve second motion carried
Harvey presented the Managers report. Working on final report for the 2014 Technician Grant, he is
writing a Technician Grant to be presented at the spring commission selection. Warren moved to
accept the October-December 2014 reimbursement, Dean second. Motion approved unanimously.
Old Business
Election of officers: Chairman Jack turned meeting over to vice chairman Dean, Dean called for
nominations for chairman, Warren nominated Jack, Lane second and called for nominations cease,
Motion carried unanimously.
Dean turn meeting back to Jack, Jack called for nominations for Vice-chairman Lane nominated
Dean, Warren second, Steve called for nominations cease, motion carried unanimously.
Jack called for nominations for Treasure, Dean nominated Warren, Lane moved nominations cease,
Steve second motion carried unanimously.
Dean moved to assign bookkeeping duties to Manager Harvey, Steve second, motion carried
Redder Lawsuit: Paul Lewis updated the board on the deposition that Jack gave; it was very good
strengthening the Districts position. Paul also stated that John Hay might be called in for a deposition
Conservation Farmer Award: Postponed to 1/27 at 10:30 A.M.
2015 Budget: Board went through budget Harvey will make changes and send changed copy to
board members.
Conservation Commission Grant Request: Dean moved to submit to commission a request for a
Technician Grant for 2015, Steve second, motion approved unanimously.
River Basin Natural Resource Districts: Jack updated board on Senate Bill 2 which would establish
water drainage districts within the state.
Annual Work Plan: To be reviewed at the February meeting.
Bull Ditch Cleanout: Jack updated on progress, conference call with Lake County Conservation
District, agreed by both Districts to meet with the drainage board to answer questions on the process
they will be taking for the cleanout.
Leadership Workshop: Jack reported to the board the January leadership training was postponed due
to weather and will possible be rescheduled for March 3 & 4th in Chamberlain.
New Business
At 4:35 pm Warren moved to go into executive session for personnel reasons. Steve seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
At 4:45 pm Jack declared the end of executive session. Warren moved to increase Harvey’s salary
$.30 per hour for cost of living. Lane seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
The next meeting will take place on February 17th, 2014 at 1:00p.m.
Steve moved to adjourn the meeting 4:50 p.m. Warren seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by:
Harvey Shafer, District Manager