SkyView Academy English Department Literary Analysis Rubric Points 4 Reading: Comprehension of Key Ideas and Details Writing: Development Writing: Organization Writing: Diction and Style Writing: Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar 3 Provides an accurate analysis/commentary of what the text says explicitly and inferentially Cites convincing text evidence to support the analysis Shows full comprehension of the complex ideas expressed in the text Addresses the prompt Provides effective development of the thesis and its claims Uses clear and convincing reasoning, details, and textbased evidence Consistently appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience Demonstrates purposeful coherence, clarity, and cohesion Includes strong introduction and conclusion Includes well-executed logical progression of ideas Establishes and maintains effective style Uses precise language consistently Uses descriptive words and phrases Uses words to indicate tone Demonstrates command of the conventions of English Few minor errors in grammar and usage 2 Provides a mostly accurate commentary of what the text says explicitly and inferentially Cites text evidence to support the analysis Shows extensive comprehension of the ideas expressed in the text Addresses the prompt Provides effective development of the thesis and its claims Uses clear reasoning, details, and text-based evidence appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience Demonstrates coherence, clarity, and cohesion Includes an introduction and conclusion Includes a logical progression of ideas Establishes and maintains an effective style Uses mostly precise language Uses descriptive words and phrases Uses words to indicate tone Demonstrates command of the conventions of English A few distracting errors in grammar and usage 1 Provides a generally accurate analysis/commentary of what the text says explicitly or inferentially Cites text evidence Shows a basic comprehension of ideas expressed in the text Addresses the prompt Provides some development of the thesis and its claims Uses some clear reasoning, details, and text-based evidence Somewhat appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience Demonstrates some coherence, clarity, and/or cohesion Includes an introduction and conclusion Includes logically grouped ideas 0 Provides a minimally accurate analysis/commentary of what the text says Cites textual evidence Shows limited comprehension of ideas expressed in the text Addresses the prompt Develops the thesis and its claims minimally Uses limited reasoning, details, and text-based evidence Limited in appropriateness to the task, purpose, and audience Underdeveloped Inappropriate to task, purpose, and audience Demonstrates limited coherence, clarity, and/or cohesion Demonstrates a lack of coherence, clarity, and cohesion Establishes and maintains a mostly effective style Uses some precise language Uses descriptive words and phrases Uses words to indicate tone Limited effectiveness of style Uses limited descriptions and phrases Uses limited words to indicate tone Inappropriate style Uses little to no precise language Demonstrates inconsistent command of the conventions of English A few patterns of errors in grammar and usage Demonstrates limited command of the conventions of English Multiple distracting errors in grammar and usage Demonstrates little to no command of the conventions of English Frequent, distracting, and varied errors in grammar and usage Provides an inaccurate analysis/commentary or no analysis/commentary of the text Shows little to no comprehension of the ideas expressed in the text