7/8 Narrative History Writing Rubric - Summit Hill Jr High

Summit Hill Junior High School Grades 7/8 Narrative History-Based Writing Rubric
Written ExpressionClarity of Language
Written Expression-Organization
Written ExpressionDevelopment of Ideas
Comprehension of Key
Ideas and Details
Score of 4
Score of 3
Score of 2
Score of 1
Score of 0
 cites exemplary historical
evidence to show full
comprehension of complex ideas
 dialogue, pacing, descriptions,
reflections are consistently used
to develop events and/or
 cites convincing historical
evidence to show full
comprehension of key ideas
 dialogue, pacing, descriptions,
reflections are used to describe
events and/or characters
 cites basic historical evidence to
show comprehension of ideas
 dialogue, pacing, descriptions,
reflections are sometimes used
to describe events and/or
 cites minimal historical
evidence to show limited
comprehension of ideas
 dialogue, pacing, descriptions,
reflections seldom develop
events and/or characters
 cites inadequate or no
historical evidence to show
little or no comprehension
of ideas
 dialogue, pacing,
descriptions, reflections do
not develop events and/or
 point of view is clearly
established and maintained
 narrator/characters are
introduced and developed
 cites specific and convincing
details, vivid description,
complex reflection and
consistent development of the
plot line
 point of view is established
 narrator/characters are
 cites clear details, description,
and consistent development of
the plot line
 point of view is somewhat
 narrator/characters are
introduced, but are not clear
 cites some details, description,
and development of the plot
 point of view is difficult to
 narrator/characters are
difficult to recognize
 cites limited details,
description, and
development of the plot line
 point of view is lacking
 narrator/characters are
 details, descriptions, and
plot are underdeveloped
and therefore
inappropriate to the task
 demonstrates purposeful
coherence, clarity, and includes
a strong introduction,
conclusion, and a logical, wellexecuted progression of ideas
 events are naturally sequenced
 transitions, phrases, and clauses
consistently show sequence,
time shifts (setting), and event
 conclusion effectively follows
from/reflects on
 demonstrates a strong
coherence, clarity, and includes
an introduction, conclusion, and
a well-executed progression of
 events are orderly sequenced
 transitions, phrases, and clauses
effectively show sequence, time
shifts (setting), and event
 conclusion follows from/reflects
on experiences/events
 demonstrates limited
coherence, clarity, and makes
the writer’s progression of
ideas somewhat clear
 events are disjointed
 transitions, phrases, and
clauses seldom show
sequence, time shifts
(setting), and event
 conclusion is present, but
may not follow from/reflects
on experiences/events
 demonstrates a lack of
coherence, clarity, and
 events cannot be followed
 transitions, phrases, and
clauses that show
sequence, time shifts
(setting), and event
relationships are lacking
 conclusion is absent
 consistently uses precise
language, relevant descriptive
words and phrases, sensory
details to capture
language/experience of events,
words to indicate tone, and
specific vocabulary
 often uses precise language
including descriptive words and
phrases, sensory details linking
or transitional words, words to
indicate tone, and specific
 demonstrates some
coherence, clarity, and includes
an introduction, conclusion,
and a logical progression of
 events are somewhat
 transitions, phrases, and
clauses often show sequence,
time shifts (setting), and event
 conclusion somewhat follows
from/reflects on
 uses some precise language,
including descriptive words
and phrases, sensory details
linking or transitional words,
words to indicate tone, and
specific vocabulary
 uses limited language,
including descriptive words
and phrases, sensory details
linking or transitional words,
words to indicate tone, and
specific vocabulary
 language lacks descriptive
words and phrases,
sensory details, linking or
transitional words,
indication of tone, and
specific vocabulary
 demonstrates command of the
conventions of standard English
consistent with effectively
edited writing
 a few minor grammar errors and
usage, but meaning is clear
throughout the response
 demonstrates command of the
conventions of standard English
consistent with edited writing
 a few distracting grammar
errors and usage, but meaning is
 demonstrates inconsistent
command of the conventions
of standard English
 a few patterns of grammar
errors and usage that may
occasionally impede
 demonstrates limited
command of the conventions
of standard English
 multiple grammar errors and
usage that sometimes
impede understanding
 demonstrates little to no
command of the
conventions of standard
 frequent grammar errors
and usage that often
impede understanding