ST2352 Problem Set 4 2012 Multivariate Normal Distribution Several drawn from Tijms Ch 12. The Wiki pages and are useful Prove that aX+bY has a scalar normal distribution for any constants a and b, if (X,Y) has a bivariate normal pdf. (Note that the proof is trivial if (X,Y) have been constructively defined as combinations of independent scalar normal rvs.) 1. The rate of return on stocks A and B has a bivariate normal distributions, with Expected Values 0.08% and 0.12%, resp), SDs (0.05%, 0.15%) and correlation -0.50. What are the probabilities that the return on A exceeds that on B? that the average rate of return in larger than 0.11%? 2. It is known that that the rate of return on A (in Q2) is 0.10. What is the conditional probability distribution of the distribution of B? What is the conditional probability distribution of the average of A and B? 3. A student is going to predict the rate of return on A (in Q2) by using a linear function of the return on B; ie  B . The best such function will have E A Aˆ 0 and minimise Var A Aˆ . Express this in terms of ,, and the parameters of the joint distribution of A and B. Hence find the values of ,. This is the Best Linear Unbiased Predictor BLUP of A. Contrast with Q3. 4. If (X,Y) have a bivariate normal pdf with Var(X)=Var(Y), show that (X+Y) and (X-Y) have independent normal distributions. 5. The annual rates of return on three stocks A, B and C have a trivariate normal distribution. The expected values are 7.5%, 10%, 20%, resp, and SDs 7%,12%18% resp; these SDs are known as ‘risks’. The correlations are 0.7, -0.5, -0.3, for AB, AC and BC resp. An investor has €100,000 in cash to allocate to the funds. Any unallocated funds are invested in an asset D that offers 5% and is riskless (with SD = 0). a. If he invests €20,000, €20,000 and €40,000 in A,B and C, which defines a ‘portfolio, what is the expected rate of return? what is its SD? b. Find a portfolio with smaller risk than in part (a) but with expected return greater than in (a). c. If the proportions invested in each are pA , pB , pC p (summing to 1), is there a p that maximises return? that minimises risk? 6. What is the BLUP of A based on C? What is the BLUP of B based on C? What is the correlation between these BLUPs. What is the BLUP of A based on both B and C. 7. A multivariate Normal random variable Y, a vector of length n, has vector mean and variance matrix . a. Such a variable Y may be simulated by forming a linear combination Y independent random variables AZ of n Zi , such as below, each with distribution N(0,1). Explain, illustrating by using with elements (1, 0, 2) and the matrix A shown. A b. Values drawn from N(0,1) 1 0 0 -0.179 0.202 -0.392 -1.446 -0.807 1 2 0 -0.407 -1.444 -1.093 0.217 -0.922 1 1 3 0.491 0.490 -1.255 -0.986 -0.804 What is the variance matrix here. What is the joint pdf of Y? What is the marginal distribution of Y1? What is its pdf? Illustrate using the example in part a. c. What, for generic (, ) is the pdf of Y1+Y2? Illustrate using the example in part a. d. If (Ya,Yb) is a partition, state and explain the conditional distribution of Ya given Yb. Illustrate using the example above, where the partition is a = {1,2}, b={3} and Y3 =0. 8. If the distribution of Y is MVN, then its pdf fY ( y ) can be written as exp 12 h y; , Q where h y; , Q y Q y and Q is the inverse of the variance matrix . If T Y Y a , a , aa Yb b ba ab Qaa Qab ,Q expand the function h y; , Q in bb Qba Qbb terms of the components of y; , Q . The expansion can be re-expressed as ya Byb T Raa ya Byb yb b T bb1 ya b for suitable B, Raa . Identify the terms B, Raa , Rbb in the expansion. Hence give an expression for the conditional pdf of Ya , given that Yb yb . Contrast with the conditional distribution information at 9. Relate the results of Q8 to Q7d and to Q2.