Draft Minutes - Cardiff University

Tuesday 4th November 2014 09:30- 12:00
Walton Park Hotel, Clevedon
Draft Minutes
Chair: Sarah Clark, Devon and Severn IFCA (SC)
Anne Hayes, The Bristol Port Company (AH)
Rhoda Ballinger, Cardiff University (RB)
Matthew Lewis, Monmouthshire County Council (ML)
Chris Green, Associated British Ports (CG)
Shelley Vince, ASERA Officer (SV)
Louise Hemmings, The Bristol Port Company (LH)
Gary Kennison, Gloucestershire County Council (GK)
Mike Johnson, Gloucester Harbour Trustees (MJ)
Rhys Morgan, Natural Resources Wales (RM)
Libby Ross, Devon and Severn IFCA (LR)
1. Apologies
Maddie Goodey, Natural England (MG)
Sarah Revill, Natural Resources Wales (SR)
Matt Bajowski, Caldicot and Wentlooge IDB (MB)
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting (21st May 2014) and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting were noted and agreed. The following actions are outstanding:
MG to provide ASERA officer with updated biotope and mudflat data when available.
MG to find out what data was used for the Brean Down to Minehead stretch of the English
Coast Path.
AH & SC to write a letter to Welsh Government Fisheries division asking when and how they
will be able to provide information on angling.
The following comments were raised in discussion:
SV explained the copyright situation with the ASERA recreation GIS – sharing of layers that ASERA has
created (such as moorings, access points etc.) is at ASERA’s discretion. Base mapping is subject to
copyright and cannot be shared. It was agreed that the ASERA created layers would be made available to
members on the ‘Members’ area of the ASERA website. Data that has been sourced from third parties
(such as Public Rights of Way) will be subject to the copyright of the source organisation. ML noted that
these layers can be updated frequently by the source organisation and therefore outdate quickly. It was
agreed that these layers would not be published on the ASERA website. Instead information will be
provided about where the data can be sourced from. Log in details for the members area of the website are:
username: swan password: estuary
GK highlighted the need to report on the implementation of the Management Scheme and make a clear
statement about how and when this process will be reviewed and improved. It was agreed that from 2015
onwards more formal reporting will be undertaken with input sought from all Relevant Authorities.
Action: SV/SEP to put ASERA GIS layers in members area of ASERA website. This should be as
shapefiles (for ArcGIS) kml files (for Google maps) and as pdf maps.
Action: ASERA officer: to review and improve the annual reporting process for Relevant
Authorities on their implementation of the Severn Estuary Management Scheme (for 2015
3. Working Group report
AH provided a brief verbal update of the Working Group stating that the last meeting was held on 21st May
2014. The ASERA officer is currently finalising a consultation report on water based recreation which will
be distributed to the Working Group shortly for comment. AH also highlighted that recruitment will begin
shortly for a new ASERA officer.
4. ASERA staffing arrangements
It was announced that Shelley will be leaving ASERA on 5th December to take up a new position with
Natural Resources Wales. A new officer is being sought and discussions have been held between the chairs
of SEP and ASERA with two options proposed for a new 2 year fixed term post:
As currently: ASERA 40% SEP 60% of time
ASERA 50% SEP 50%
The cost implications, potential workload and benefits of increasing staff time for the two year period were
discussed. It was agreed that ASERA work needs to progress as quickly as possible so that the Management
Scheme can be updated and re-launched. It was discussed that there is a lot of work to do and an increase in
ASERA staff time from 2 days to 2.5 days per week would assist in the process. Questions were raised
around pay and the future of the post after the two years. LH notified the group that ASERA has the funds
to cover the proposed increase in staff time for the proposed 2 year post. The Management Group voted on
the staffing options and it was agreed that ASERA would increase the hours for the new post to 2.5 days per
week (the 50%/50% option).
Pending all of the relevant approvals, the job is likely to be advertised in December/January with the aim of
having someone in post by March/April. It was agreed that a work programme would need to be in place
before the new officer starts, but this would not change much from the existing work programme. Interim
cover has been arranged for SEP (Lucy Taylor) and it was suggested that she could also cover some ASERA
The ASERA website was discussed and it was noted that it currently displays out of date information (such
as the Relevant Authority map). It was agreed that all members should review the website and provide
comments to Lucy Taylor (severn@cardiff.ac.uk ) by 31st November 2014 on what needs to be updated.
Translation of the website was discussed and it was suggested that the main page should be translated. RB
highlighted that the University is migrating over to a new website system, WordPress, which will make
translation easier. If ASERA choses to move the website to this system there would be some cost in staff
time but would make updating the website quicker and easier in the future.
Action: All to review the ASERA website and provide comments on required amendments to Lucy
Taylor (severn@cardiff.ac.uk ) by 31st November 2014
5. ASERA accounts and budget
LH provided a summary of the ASERA accounts noting that there was £71,502 in the account as of 31st
March 2014. LH noted that membership this year has decreased. Bristol City Council has formally
withdrawn from ASERA and membership subscriptions are outstanding from several Relevant Authorities
including Natural England, Vale of Glamorgan Council and Newport City Council. LH/ML noted that
there will be a reduction in the number of ASERA members next financial year as welsh IDB’s will become
part of NRW and some welsh Local Authorities are likely to be combined in the future.
Membership subscriptions for FY2015/16 were discussed and it was agreed to keep them at the same rate
as this year. The re-joining fee was discussed and it was suggested that ASERA should offer to waive this
for the coming financial year to encourage increased membership. It was agreed that this should be
discussed at the AGM.
Action: ASERA re-joining fee to be discussed at AGM on 25th November 2014
6. Future of ASERA
Dwindling ASERA membership was picked up again under this agenda item and the future sustainability of
ASERA was discussed. It was noted that much of the ASERA work is driven by a few members of the
Management Group with many authorities not investing enough time to drive work forward. It was agreed
that increased staff time for the new ASERA Officer post could allow the Management Scheme update to be
It was agreed that ASERA’s key objective going forward is to review, finalise and re-launch the Severn EMS
management scheme and action plans over the next two years. In order to achieve this ASERA will need
the support of all member relevant authorities, and in particular sufficient input and specialist advice from
the conservation agencies. Following the re-launch of the Scheme it was suggested that it may be
appropriate to review the way forward for ASERA as less support is likely to be required once the updated
scheme is launched.
It was agreed that all Severn Estuary Relevant Authorities should be contacted to explain that ASERA will
be having a big push over the next two years to get the update to the Management Scheme completed and to
encourage them to continue their support for ASERA or join/re-join. It was agreed that this
correspondence should be targeted at a management level explaining the work package that will be
Action: AH to circulate list of relevant authorities to be contacted about the future work of ASERA
Action: All to provide names of relevant management level people to be contacted
Action: AH/SC to write to all Relevant Authorities asking for support
Action: AH/SC to write to Welsh Government and Defra asking for support
7. AGM nominations
Chair: SC informed the group that she would be standing down as chair and proposed Libby Ross as the
new chair
Vice Chair: AH stated that she would stand down if a suitable replacement could be found but if not she
would continue in this position.
Honorary Treasurer: LH stated that she would stand down if a suitable replacement could be found but if
not she would continue in this position.
Management Group:
Conservation agencies x2: NRW and Natural England will retain their positions
Environment Agency x1: awaiting a response
Local Authorities x5: GK (Gloucestershire) and ML (Monmouthshire) are happy to retain their positions.
Three more Local Authority members are sought as Bristol City Council has withdrawn from ASERA and
Newport and South Gloucestershire have not responded to email request or attended any meetings in the last
Water/sewerage: Welsh Water has informed ASERA that they are reviewing their ASERA membership and
may pull out. There are no other water/sewerage members of ASERA
IDB – Caldicot and Wentlooge is currently the representative but will become part of NRW in April 2015. A
new IDB representative needs to be sought.
Harbour Authority x2: Both AH (Bristol Port) and MJ (Gloucester Harbour Trustees) are keen to retain
their positions on the Management Group. Chris Green from ABP has also indicated an interest in standing.
The group discussed the need to have keen representatives engaged with ASERA and proposed that the
group could have three Harbour Authority representatives next year to accommodate this. This will to be
voted on at the AGM.
IFCA/MMO/WG: the IFCA are happy to retain their position on the MG but representation will change
from SC to LR.
Actions: SV to circulate ASERA Management Group positions spreadsheet to all ASERA members
and ask for nominations.
8. Review of ASERA Constitution
It was agreed that no updates to the constitution are required.
9. Arrangements for AGM
The AGM will be held on Tuesday 25th November 10:00am at Bristol Port.
Presentations for the AGM were discussed and it was agreed that SV would give a presentation on the water
based recreation consultation report, MG/SR would be asked to present on the Severn Estuary Site
Improvement Plan and Tim McGrath from WWT would be asked to give a guest presentation on Steart
It was agreed that at the AGM, ASERA members should provide updates on their work on the Severn
Estuary over the last year. Following the meeting these updates will be collated and circulated to the group to
constitute the annual report.
Action: SV to distribute information about AGM (agenda, nominations and ASERA accounts) and
collate attendance list.
Action: AH to contact Tim McGrath regarding presenting at the AGM
Action SV to contact MG & SR regarding presenting at the AGM
10. Severn Estuary recreation study
SV gave a presentation on the ASERA water based recreation study and consultation report. SV explained
that the reports objective is to establish the geographic distribution and intensity of water based recreation
in the Severn Estuary EMS. The consultation report provides an overview of what is currently known about
the level of water based recreation and its management in the Severn Estuary and was produced for three
main purposes:
To inform ASERA member relevant authorities about activities in their area and seek their feedback
about the relevant management measures they have in place
To seek the views of recreational organisations and clubs in the Estuary to ascertain if the information
collated in this report about the location and intensity of water based recreation is correct.
To provide country conservation agencies with information to enable them to assess whether waterbased recreation activities are likely to be having significant effects on locations within the Severn
Estuary and whether those impacts are currently managed/covered by codes of conduct or whether
additional management measures may be recommended (in consultation with Relevant Authorities)
The report will be accompanied by a questionnaire to verify the information, identifying any gaps and
ensure information is up to date. SV explained that the report is almost finished and when complete will be
circulated to the ASERA WG for comment before being consulted on more widely.
11. Update from NE and NRW
A representative from NE was not present at the meeting.
RM explained that the Severn Estuary SMP2 is expected to be signed off by Welsh Government
imminently. Other Severn Estuary work includes developments at both Oldbury and Hinkley power
stations and Marine Licence renewals for several aggregate extraction sites.
12. Update from Devon and Severn IFCA
LR informed the group that they are currently undertaking a Test of Likely Significant Effect on fishing
activity in the Severn Estuary. They are in the process of screening out not occurring activities. This will be
followed by high priority (amber) activities such as bait digging.
The IFCA are currently doing a netting survey on the stretch between Minehead and Watchet and are also
starting a ray tagging programme.
13. Any Other Business
GK highlighted that Stroud District Council are putting a project out to tender to look at land based
recreation as part of a new housing development. This is a requirement of the HRA. The project will be
funded by Natural England and Stroud District Council and may provide an opportunity for ASERA to
work with them.
14. Date of next meeting:
ASERA AGM 25th November 2014 10:00 Bristol Port
ASERA MG/WG 19th May 2015 (venue tbc)