Draft Minutes - Cardiff University

Wednesday 21st May 2014 3pm
Cardiff University, Cardiff
Draft Minutes
Anne Hayes, The Bristol Port Company (AH)
Rhoda Ballinger, Cardiff University (RB)
Matthew Lewis, Monmouthshire County Council (ML)
Maddie Goodey, Natural England (MG)
Christine Marsh, Associated British Ports (CM)
Chris Green, Associated British Ports (CG)
Shelley Vince, SEP/ASERA Officer (SV)
1. Apologies
Sarah Clark, Devon and Severn IFCA (SC)
Louise Hemmings, The Bristol Port Company (LH)
Gary Kennison, Gloucestershire County Council (GK)
Mike Johnson, Gloucester Harbour Trustees (MJ)
Matt Bajowski, Caldicot and Wentlooge IDB (MB)
Jessica Poole, Natural Resources Wales (JP)
Nick Michael, Bristol City Council (NM)
Kathy Derrick, Bristol City Council (KD)
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting (4th November 2013) and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting were noted and agreed. It was observed that most of the actions from
the previous meeting related to preparation for the AGM (held on 26/11/13) and had therefore been
completed. It was agreed that the outstanding action from the meeting (RB to devise strategy for translating
the ASERA website into welsh) should be completed soon.
3. ASERA Membership 2014
AH circulated a list of current Relevant Authority members and presented a verbal overview of the status of
2014 membership acknowledging that times are financially hard for many organisations. Of the 26 Relevant
Authority Members 18 have paid so far and 1 further payment is in progress. AH noted that Wessex Water
have formally pulled out of ASERA and next year welsh IDB’s will become part of NRW so there will be a
further reduction in the number of Relevant Authority members. AH provided a list of paid and unpaid
members to SV to assist with payment enquiries.
4. Working Group report
AH presented a verbal report of the Working Group meeting on 4th March 2014. The purpose of this
meeting was to brief SV on ASERA and the work done to date, and to prioritise and update the ASERA
officer work programme for the Severn Estuary Management Scheme.
ASERA Work Plan
AH circulated a draft of the ASERA officer work programme to the group. AH explained that the work
programme focuses on gathering information on activities that have until now fallen into the ‘F3 activities
(impact unknown)’ category. These activities include Angling (recreational), Bait digging, Land based
recreation, and Water based recreation. Gathering data on these activities will allow them to be reassessed
using the F-codes, reducing uncertainty and allowing the management scheme and action plans to be
The group discussed the tasks on the work programme. It was noted that task 1 (familiarisation) is complete
and 2 (secretariat) is ongoing. Water based recreation is currently the focus for the work programme as NE
have confirmed that the GIS information collected on water based recreation is sufficient to assess the
impacts on the EMS . SV is currently writing a summary baseline report for ASERA on water based
recreation and undertaking a screening of the potential impacts to the EMS. It was agreed that this summary
report, the assessment of impacts and the identification of any related RA actions, if necessary, should be
finished by the time of the ASERA AGM in November 2014.
With regards to task 3a it was discussed that many of the datasets relating to the EMS and its conservation
features were not available from NE/NRW/IFCA or incomplete/dated. MG noted that biotope data from
2006 has been provided to SV but updated data has been collected (2012) and is still being worked up
internally. The same is true of mudflats data.
SV and AH explained that further data collection is required for some types of land based recreation (e.g.
PROW intensity, welsh angling). This is currently a lower priority in the work programme while focusing on
screening water based recreation. Reviewing the Wales Coastal Path Appropriate Assessment (AA) was
discussed by the group and it was suggested by ML that data currently available is better than that used for
the original AA. It was also noted that not all of the mitigation measures identified in the AA have been
implemented. MG explained that Natural England (NE) are beginning work on the next section of the
English Coast Path between Brean and Aust and are keen to know what data ASERA have on trends or
patterns of use. MG asked if there was anything the NE project could do to speed up data collection. ML
asked what data had been used by NE for the stretch of path that is currently being worked on (Brean
Down – Minehead). See further information on the English Coast Path in AOB.
The group discussed the lack of recreational angling and bait digging information available for the welsh side
of the Estuary. It was discussed that it is Welsh Governments responsibility to collect this data and it was
agreed that a letter should be sent to the Fisheries Department of Welsh Government (Phil Coates) asking
when they will be able to provide this information.
With regards to task 5 of the work programme it was discussed that there is a need to review how the annual
review of the Management Scheme and RA action plans is done. It was suggested that this should be done
before the 2014 AGM.
A question was raised with regards to sharing the GIS layers within ASERA and it was agreed that SV
should check this with Alun Rodgers.
Action: MG to provide SV with updated biotope and mudflat data when available.
Action: MG to find out what data was used for the Brean Down to Minehead stretch of the English
Coast Path.
Action: AH & SC to write a letter to Welsh Government Fisheries division asking when and how
they will be able to provide information on angling.
Action: SV to check copyright issues with ASERA GIS data layers with Alun Rodgers.
5. Update on Severn Estuary recreational study
SV provided a presentation of the progress of the water based recreational study and screening. Key points
from this presentation were:
- ASERA Officer currently focusing on water based recreation to establish a baseline of the
geographic distribution and intensity of water based recreation and screen activities in relation
to the Severn Estuary EMS so that the Management Plan can be updated.
- Data layers used for baseline assessment are: harbours and marinas, moorings, access points,
RYA recreational cruising routes.
Creating an additional layer of charted anchorage areas
Summarising recreational boating activity to identify geographical spread of water based
recreation and intensity. Also putting level of water based recreation into a national context with
other estuaries designated as European Marine Sites e.g. Solent.
Using Natural England’s Regulation 35 operational advice for Liverpool Bay (which assesses the
sensitivity of a range of habitats and species to activities including recreation and identifies the
associated pressures) to support this assessment.
Assessment will use water based recreation activity layers as a basis to identify any locations of
medium/high usage that may be of concern then cross reference these with the location of
conservation features and screen for potential impacts.
CM questioned when the Regulation 35 advice would be available for the Severn Estuary. MG informed the
group that most sites should have guidance in place by 2016 but cross border locations are not working to
the same time frame and are behind this deadline. NRW are not currently in a position to work on this
advice with NE so this is on hold, but NE are continuing to progress with data collection and are in
discussions with NRW about potentially piloting advice for one (possibly two) features.
6. Update from NE and NRW
There was no NRW representatives present to provide an update.
MG provided an update for Natural England and explained that NE has been restructured from a functional
structure to a regional one. MG noted the following projects that NE is undertaking:
NE has identified a lack of data on fish as an issue for Natura 2000 sites and is pulling together
current and retrospective information.
NE has obtained funding to work on identifying roost sites around the Estuary.
Natural England have secured funds to start a monitoring programme to understand the status
of Shad. They are having discussion with NRW, EA and other relevant bodies.
IPENS Site Improvement Plan – NE will consult ASERA members shortly (by 13th June 2014)
on the proposed actions for the Severn Estuary. Site action plans ideally need to be finalised by
the end of June so the consultation will be limited to a couple of weeks, however there may be
scope to extend this period by a week if the ASERA WG/MG are unable to respond in this
Action: MG to run thorough ASERA water based recreation screening approach with NRW in
meeting on 11th June
7. Update from Devon and Severn IFCA
There was no IFCA representatives present to provide an update
8. Any Other Business
a) MG updated the group on Natural England’s progress with the English Coast Path
Background: http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/access/coastalaccess/default.aspx
Delivery of the England Coast Path is a national programme in response to Natural England’s statutory duty
under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The medium term goal set by government is for
approximately 2000km by 2019 (almost half the English coast). There are five local hubs of activity, one of
which is the Severn Estuary.
 The Brean to Minehead stretch is currently awaiting Secretary of State decision – aim is for is for this to
be open by this time next year.
 Next stretch, Aust to Brean is starting soon – NE is currently in discussion with the four local
authorities around partnership opportunities. Once this has been agreed the stretch will be publically
announced on our website and landowners will be contacted directly. This stretch is not yet in the public
domain while discussions with LAs are underway. The aim is for this stretch to be complete in 2016.
The project team is currently scoping out the strategic issues and opportunities on the new stretch (Brean to
Aust). Identified opportunities are to:
 Address significant gaps in the coast path network at Woodspring Bay and the River Axe
 Link the South West Coast Path to the Wales Coast Path – creating a continuous walking route
more than 2500km long
 Reconnect local people with their coast – for example in partnership with “A Forgotten Landscape”
 Boost local tourist businesses by attracting more visitors to the coast with the National Trail brand
 Use the new coast path to showcase wildlife, heritage and commercial activity of the Estuary
Issues that need to be addressed in the proposals:
 To protect wintering bird populations along the estuary
 To enable licenced wildfowling clubs to continue to enjoy their sport
 Safety on the flats
Next steps
 Does the ASERA/SEP MG & WG have views on the opportunities and issues? Natural England
would be keen to hear these.
 NE are also keen to understand if there is any useful data about current levels or patterns of
recreation on foot? What data is missing?
 Going forward, would SEP/ASERA like to be kept informed? What would be the preferred
channel of communication?
 You can get in touch with the Coastal Access team, on any of the above on the following numbers:
Andrew Chester 07900 608111 Andrew.Chester@naturalengland.org.uk
Rebecca Evans 0300 060 1404 Rebecca.Evans@naturalengland.org.uk
b) SV noted that she had been informed that Anna Bright from the Environment Agency had recently
gone on Maternity Leave and Andy Hicklin (Environment Planning and Engagement Manager) should
be contacted for ASERA matters while she is off also copying in Jeremy Taylor (Catchment
9. Date of next meeting:
The date of the next ASERA MG meeting will be 4th November 2014 at the next SEP Joint Estuaries Day.
Location tbc.