SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda

SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, August 27th, 2013
1. Meeting called to order at 1737
2. Quorum Verified (2/3rds of Executive Board voting members and at least 1 faculty advisor in
3. Call for Last minute additions to agenda
4. Approval of prior meeting’s minutes (May 16th, 2013) – approved 1537
5. Unfinished business
a. IVSA student position summer update (Eric)
- Every school must have an IVSA representative who is a SCAVMA member in good standing.
This person serves as a liaison between their school, the two IEO's, and the IVEC. They promote
IVSA and other international opportunities.
- Email sent out about attending the IVSA conference informing students of the opportunity and
- Plan is to keep monitoring the position and vote on reinstating the position into the SCAVMA
board in the future.
6. New business
a. Bookstore Update (VetMed Store Update)
- Met August 26th with Krista, Dr. Owens, Patrick Van Dyke + rest of VMCS staff
- Likely opening early November with apparel sales at Alumni Weekend in October
- Survey #2 going out this week (first survey had over 350 responses) that is shorter,
$50 Gift card available for the person that names the store.
- Plan to sell the SCAVMA anatomy supplies to the first years ASAP. Supplies will
include goggles and dissection kits. Charge about $20 per dissection kit. Will be
advertising this to the 1st years.
- Need to emphasize that this is how we support clubs and students. Need the
support of the SCAVMA Board that this store is necessary to support SCAVMA.
- Are not planning on selling textbooks. Selling medical supplies, pet food, apparel,
stethoscopes, snacks, convenience store items, scrubs.
b. Dr. Hall’s visit wrap-up (August 20th, 2013)
- Thanks for everyone who helped out and attended the lunchtalk and dinner!
- If you are interested in anything AVMA-related, please feel free to contact Dr. Hall
- Faculty impressed with attendance. Good to come early in the year, gave the 1st years
another look at SCAVMA, AVMA etc. Liked that it was opened up to issues we are
sensitive to, may be good to give a heads up so that students are able to ask questions
and think about issues before hand.
c. Swearing in of new officer (Danielle Splawnski) sworn in at 1752
- “I do hereby swear or affirm to faithfully uphold the responsibilities of my position and
the decisions of this Board as outlined in the Constitution of the Student Chapter of the
American Veterinary Medical Association.”
d. SAVMA Registration
- Kudos to Eric for completing registration of our 4 year members early this summer!
- 131/139 first years are now SCAVMA members
- Still clearing up a couple PhD students.
e. SAVMA Delegate Update
- Mike Ramos stepped down from position (4 months until we choose another). Eric
will be Junior/Senior until the Junior Delegate is elected. Board may need to pitch in
to help.
f. Year Goals
- Please think of year-long goals for your position and let me know by September 6th!
- President’s goals:
- Promote SCAVMA presence on campus/openness with the school
- Work on store
- Fall events: Formal, CVMA talk
- Prepare for spring events: Career Night
-Treasurer goals
- Create a standard protocol for taxes/bookkeeping
-Assist club with taxes/bookkeeping
-Maintain consistent records and resources to be passed on
7. Officer Reports
a. Krista Prato Matthews (President-Elect)
- AVMA Convention Update
- SCAVMA Events Calendar contact - please send events her way!
b. Nina Akana (Vice President)
- PDF Update
- Summer Deadline this Friday (August 30th) @ 5PM
-Fall Club Presidents Meeting
- Wednesday September 4th @ 6PM in Valley 1030
- Deans Office of Student Programs is providing Food for this Event
- Possibly offering this to Class Presidents and VPs
- Want to get this meeting done early so clubs don’t have a waiting period
- If first year presidents don’t get elected in time Nina can have a
meeting with them later.
c. Amanda Silverman (Treasurer)/Kristen Elliot (Treasurer-elect)
- Tax status update, with the CPA, not due until November
- Pet Food Program Update
- Students - 141 sign-ups so far
- Residents - 18 to reimburse via paypal - up in the air
- Faculty and Staff - up in the air (still dealing with Purina to make sure
everything is legal)
- Officer reimbursement request form, can fill out for bookkeeping.
-Cash your checks!!! (treat yo’ self)
-CD account (~$35,000) that is up in October
- Total with this account is $195000. Do we want to move the $35k from the
CD account to a savings account to increase the amount we make off interest?
d. Tanushri Thakran (UDA Treasurer)/Kaitlin Stewart (UDA Treasurer-elect)
- First deadline is 9/15
- First Mini-meeting 9/16 Noon Valley 1013
- Account balances
UDA: ~$19,500
Educational Sponsorships: ~ $819
- Stress people to attend at least one mini meeting each semester
e. Emma Deane (Secretary)
- Sign ups for September (Kelly and Natalie), October (Rachel!), December (Krista)
meeting dinners
- Reminder to mark your calendars for the next SCAVMA Board Meetings
- Tuesday September 24th: Dinner at 5 PM, Meeting at 5:30 PM
- Tuesday October 22th: Dinner at 5 PM, Meeting at 5:30 PM
- Tuesday December 3rd: Dinner at 5:30 PM, Meeting at 6 PM
f. Rachel Brownlee (Webmaster)
g. Eric Nickerson (SAVMA Delegate)
- AVMA Convention Update
- At the convention they talked about whether or not we want to allow
international schools to be in the house of delegates? There can be a
SCAVMA chapter at the international schools, however they have to
have 80% participation to have SCAVMA membership and 60%
participation to be in SAVMA. Right now, Americans at international
schools can be a SAVMA member but they don’t have a voting voice.
There is debate over whether we lower the % rate for international
schools then do we do the same for US schools?
- IVSA did a talk, any SCAVMA member can run for a board position on
the IVSA board and then go to the meetings etc. Anyone interested
should look into this.
- SAVMA Scholarships: One Health ($700-$3000), AVMF ($15,000), any school gets
automatic $700 and can apply for up to $3,000
- Underserved Areas Stipend ($500), WVC (free trip for 3rd years)
- SAVMA Symposium Committee to work on advertising and raising money for students
to go. If you are interested in joining, email Eric. The symposium is over Spring Break.
j. Jamie Peisel (CVMA Rep)
k. Jenelle Soppet (Career Night Event Coordinator)
- Almost all phone calls completed to make sure we have correct contacts and
to let them know that Career night is coming up; positive response from
practices overall
- Will be holding first meeting in early September; want to recruit first years to
l. Elisa McEntee (Mentor Program Chair)
m. Kathleen Heng (Legislative Liaison)
- Constitution update - old and new
- Legislative Liaison work with task force so there is a student representative.
Very new task force. Would help facilitate class legislative liasons
- Need to send to Derrick Hall for approval of amendment to constitution. If
there are other constitutional updates they need to be approved before the
SCAVMA Board can vote on it.
- California AVMA Delegate Visit Oct 10
- Eric spoke with delegates at convention/conference. Main goal is to
learn about our issues and concerns as students so they can represent the
- Dinner with SCAVMA Board on Wednesday at 6PM October 9th.
- CVMA Lunch Workshop?
- Last year they came and talked about current issues, trying to get them back
and making it more of a lunch workshop to get more interest. Jamie and Kathy
working on the logistics of that
- 2014 Washington D.C. Legislative Fly-In. The dates are Monday and Tuesday, March 34, 2014.
n. Emily Lane/Matthew Wooddall (Waggie Editors)
- Waggie Float down the Sacramento River- Sunday, September 8th (look on fb)
- Sign up to write for the Waggie!
o. Lauren Park (Josh Project Coordinator)
p. Kat Tomalty (Graduate Professionals Student Representative)
q. SCAVMA Class Representatives
- Bernadette Grismer/Christine Hsueh (Class of 2014 SCAVMA Representatives)
- Kristen Philpott/Mary Stallings (Class of 2015 SCAVMA Representatives)
- Natalie Kremen/Kelly Pipkin (Class of 2016 SCAVMA Representatives)
m. Class Presidents
- CJ Johnson/Jon Levine/Elizabeth Engall (Class of 2014 Presidents)
- Michael Armer/Andrew Findlaytor/Danielle Splawnski (Class of 2015 Presidents)
- Corey Harms/Jenelle Soppet/Ryen Morey (Class of 2016 Presidents)
- Transfer Career Night silent auction to the Fall ball as a 2nd year fundraiser
Working on Halloween Party October 26th, the Grad is booked.
8. Faculty Advisor and Administration Representative Reports
a. Dr. Karl Jandrey (Senior Faculty Advisor)
- Spring (May) planned for school wide open house directed at educating clients.
Clubs can sell t-shirts etc. Clients get educated and may be more likely to bring
animals into the hospital. Does SCAVMA want to get involved? How would this best
be done? Something to think about.
- The $15000 scholarship mectioned by Eric applies for this event. Jandry happy to
help write a grant for it.
- Would need a Committee working with the VMTH, CE Office
Krista will be in contact with Dr. Jandry
b. Dr. Sean Owens (Junior Faculty Advisor)
c. Dr. Jan Ilkiw (Administration Representative)
9. Committee Reports
a. Surgery Pack Committee
(Mariana Turner, Carly Stevens, Amy Eberle, Mike Ramos)
- Packs handed out
- Next year collect packs in March, get packs cleaned and replacements hopefully by
May to give out before end of school year to next class
b. Formal “Black Tie” Event Committee
(Emily Isaacs, CJ Johnson, Corey Harms, Jess Sands, Amanda Silverman, Jenelle Soppet,
Kat De Oliveira, Millie Grimes, Sam Varon, Mitch Dial, Andrew Espitia, Jim Kincheloe,
Krista Prato Matthews)
- November 23rd, 2013 7-11pm Freeborn Hall!
- Committee meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd at noon in Valley 1011
10. Summary of action items
a. Continue to get updates on IVSA position
b. Submit Year Goals
c. Submit Legislative Liaison Position Update to Dr. Hall for approval
d. Send school email regarding SCAVMA Calendar
e. Collect ideas about and then meet/talk with Dr. Jandrey regarding Vet School Open House-Apps by Dec 31 for SAVMA funding?
f. Email first years for committee opportunities
11. Next scheduled meeting - Tuesday, September 24th at 5:30pm Room 2030
12. Call for meeting Adjournment - 1848