Nov2013 - UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday, November 7th, 2013
1. Meeting called to order at 1732
2. Verify Quorum (2/3rds of Executive Board voting members and at least 1 faculty advisor in attendance) – verified
3. Call for Last minute additions to agenda (Please edit agenda below)
4. Approval of prior meeting’s minutes (October 8th, 2013) – approved 1733
5. Unfinished business
a. Alumni Weekend Wrap-up (October 12th)
- Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered!
- Sold nearly $1300 in merchandise (still figuring out how much we get to keep but it will be a %
of this)
- Many volunteers gave tours and went to the dinner. Networking for Career night was also able
to happen at this event. Any feedback for the Alumni night can be given to Emily or to the
Development Office.
6. New business
a. Swearing in of new officer (Katherine Watson- new VP elect)
“I do hereby swear or affirm to faithfully uphold the responsibilities of my position and the
decisions of this Board as outlined in the Constitution of the Student Chapter of the American
Veterinary Medical Association.” - 1734
b. CVMA/Legislative Liaison Newsletter Funding (Kathy)
- Motion to approve $70/quarter (2 issues per semester – 4 times a year) for school-wide
- The purpose of the newsletter is to educate students about legislation and how to get involved.
The newsletter would possibly be attached to the Waggie. Want it in color to grab attention. 1
page front and back. Front page to be CVMA and back would be dedicated to legislative things.
About $100 estimate.
- Discussion:
- The newsletter will discuss legislative issues specific to CA and national (not common
to have new CA legislation)
- Total cost would be $450 a year, there is money in the budget to support this. The
Waggie is trying to print less and the cost amount changes based on length. Would need
to coordinate with the Waggie and have separate printing accounts. Can also do a
separate thing. The Waggie would need to stuff them.
- Why color? May stand out more. Black and white $.06 per side. HTML email would
work as well.
- If it was sent out like the Waggie electronically it would be the best option. A lot of
people throw the Waggie away.
- Suggested to run and fund one printing. If there is enough interest then we can discuss
again in a later point. How would we measure this?
- Waggie trying to not print copies of the Waggie and be more electronic.
- The legislative liaisons would want at least one newsletter a year. Best in the beginning
of the year.
- Trial run would need to send out a survey if they saw it. Can include an incentive or a
survey for the Waggie. Trail would come out in January
- Motion to change the proposal – one time funding for a Trial run in January with survey to assess
interest – Approved 1758
- Vote for amendment: one time trial run support of Legislative liaison newsletter, will reevaluate
based on survey response $110. – Passed 1801
c. Store update
- Thanks for all your input- the winning name is The Swaggie!
- Working on finalizing store signage and merchandise
- Hoping to open soon, working on setting up the store now, hope to open in time for Christmas
- The CE Office will let the store know about events since attendees may be interested in browsing
the bookstore. The store can be open in weekends for 3 events a year only.
d. SCAVMA Scholarship applications
- 4 Scholarships: Faculty VLE (Veterinary leadership experience – SAVMA JD,
President, faculty and student who receives scholarships. Open to school for nominations.
Students can apply), Student VLE, SCAVMA, AVMA PLIT scholarships to open soon
- Need people oversee each application
- SCAVMA Leadership $500 (1 to 4th year, 1 to 1-3 year): Emma Deane
- AVMA PLIT (non-3rd year): Jenelle Soppet
- Faculty VLE: Krista Prato Matthews
- Student VLE: Krista Prato Matthews
- Zoetis: Scholarship available
e. SCAVMA Board Elections
- SAVMA Rep? (Eric) – Plan to run the elections in January. It may be easier to work together
with the other SCAVMA positions and include it in the general elections. People usually don’t run
for multiple positions. A lot of schools will split the elections. Gives time for people to run for
other things. Do we need to change the Constitution to do this? Yes, will propose a change to the
constitution at the December meeting.
- Timeline (Emma)
- Send out positions that are up for election in December before Winter break to
encourage people who are interested to think about the positions. I will need updated
brief descriptions of each position from current officers (President Elect, Vice President
Elect, Treasurer Elect, UDA Treasurer Elect, Secretary, CVMA Rep?, Career Night
Event Coordinator? Legislative Liaison, Mentor Program Chair?, Webmaster?, IVO Rep?,
Waggie Editors?) – Due thanksgiving break
- Sending out an email to see who would like to continue with their positions and which
positions will be up for elections.
- Nominations: 2 weeks in January
- Collect Statements: Late January/Early February
- Invite interested candidates to attend the February Meeting
- Elections: February
- Swear in Officers: March Meeting
- Will allow for about 1 month of shadowing
7. Officer Reports
a. Krista Prato Matthews (President-Elect)
b. Nina Akana (Vice President)
c. Amanda Silverman (Treasurer)/Kristen Elliot (Treasurer-elect)
- CD was closed successfully. We now have a savings account linked to our checking. Making
0.5% now, have access to it
- Tax update:
- Taxes for last year are ready to be filed
- State taxes are currently being prepared (catch us up on the last 3 years), may not be
done until the end of the year
- Potential of joint filings for all of SCAVMA clubs in the future (with 501(c)3
privileges). This would take about 1 year to put together according to Pam. One EIN
number, clubs would have to fill out a form.
-Discuss the possibility of treating all the classes together as a “club” to obtain the same
privileges, eliminating the need for individual filing and separate EIN numbers
- This would allow the classes to maintain their own banking and record system
but would eliminate the initial start up paperwork
- Also, the club could potentially begin paperwork to be a 501(C)3 and file taxes
altogether. The current classes would be able to merge under one EIN.
- This will take about a year to do this.
- If under $5000 clubs can file 990N
- Joint meeting to get everyone on the same page with Nina, Dr. Owens,
Amanda, SCAVMA would need to file for the cost.
- Under one umbrella and can file individually or can file as a whole - would
make everyone a 501c3
- Twice a year they will do tax meetings
- Still up in the air – need to do a smaller meeting to continue talking about the
d. Tanushri Thakran (UDA Treasurer)/Kaitlin Stewart (UDA Treasurer-elect)
e. Emma Deane (Secretary)
- Reminder to mark your calendars for the next SCAVMA Board Meeting
Tuesday December 3rd: Dinner at 5:30 PM, Meeting at 6 PM
f. Rachel Brownlee (Webmaster)
g. Eric Nickerson (SAVMA Delegate)
- 3 scholarships from SAVMA
- EIEIO Grant - $1000 (anyone can apply, on a rolling admission so it will run out)
- Educational Lecture Grant (Animal Welfare Committee) – any lunch talk referring to
animal welfare
- Public Health and Community Outreach Award – for professor that is nominated that
goes above and beyond. Pay for trip to SAVMA symposium and honor them with an
- Sent out to the student body
j. Jamie Peisel (CVMA Rep)
-Update on the CVMA Board of Governors meeting to come next month.
k. Jenelle Soppet (Career Night Event Coordinator)
l. Elisa McEntee (Mentor Program Chair)
- December 6 TG = Mentor Trivia! Word will be getting out soon to current mentors
- Forms have been made for current mentors and prospective mentors to confirm continued
support and participation in the mentor program
- Meeting with Emily to discuss the 2017’ers
- By January board meeting 2014 will have their mentors
m. Kathleen Heng (Legislative Liaison)
- AVMA Fly In Nomination Voting (financial support?)
- Feb 10-11 in Washington DC, representatives come for legislative day. In constitution the
liaisons are supposed to go, polled the school for people to volunteer because not all the legislative
liaisons can go since it is occuring a Monday and Tuesday of class. Dr Ilkiw talking to block
leaders to make this an excused abscence. There is funding for $330 per student. This only covers
half of a flight to DC. Will SCAVMA support them? (will discuss at a later meeting) They are
representing Davis. Can apply for CVMA funding, not guaranteed, can also apply for PDF
funding, this is also not guaranteed.
- Might also ask administration for financial support. Write Dr. Owens a proposal.
- Deadline for submitting is in December
n. Emily Lane/Matthew Wooddall (Waggie Editors)
- Another issue is scheduled to come out in November. Still deciding if its mini or full issue. Can
submit something for SCAVMA. Nina can submit something for PDF funding. Could also
include SAVMA updates, could do board positions to prepare people for elections, and career
night updates and advertising. Suggestion for missed connections page. Store information. Due
dates are flexible.
o. Diana Donckels (Josh Project Coordinator)
- Upcoming Josh Day - December 3rd
p. Kat Tomalty (Graduate Professionals Student Representative)
q. SCAVMA Class Representatives
- Bernadette Grismer/Christine Hsueh (Class of 2014 SCAVMA Representatives)
- Kristen Philpott/Mary Stallings (Class of 2015 SCAVMA Representatives)
- Natalie Kremen/Kelly Pipkin (Class of 2016 SCAVMA Representatives)
-Rebeca Gomez/Erica Morgan (Class of 2017 SCAVMA Representatives)
m. Class Presidents
- CJ Johnson/Jon Levine/Elizabeth Engall (Class of 2014 Presidents)
- Michael Armer/Andrew Findlaytor/Danielle Splawski (Class of 2015 Presidents)
- Corey Harms/Jenelle Soppet/Ryen Morey (Class of 2016 Presidents)
- Lori Hammond/Joe Raleigh/Alison Gerken (Class of 2017 Presidents)
8. Faculty Advisor and Administration Representative Reports
a. Dr. Karl Jandrey (Senior Faculty Advisor)
b. Dr. Sean Owens (Junior Faculty Advisor) – director of career services candidates narrowed down and a
town hall will be held. Looking for endowments of $1 million. Getting close to announcing candidates.
c. Dr. Jan Ilkiw (Administration Representative)
9. Committee Reports
a. Surgery Pack Committee (Mariana Turner, Carly Stevens, Amy Eberle, Mike Ramos)
b. Asclepian Ball Committee (Emily Isaacs, CJ Johnson, Corey Harms, Jess Sands, Amanda Silverman,
Jenelle Soppet, Kat De Oliveira, Millie Grimes, Sam Varon, Mitch Dial, Andrew Espitia, Jim Kincheloe,
Krista Prato Matthews)
- November 23rd, 2013 7-11pm Freeborn Hall! Prices: $35 pre-sale/$40 late sign-up
- Sign up HERE
- Will be recruiting volunteers
- Encourage you to get people to attend. Residents and the Dean are coming. This events helps all
the classes.
- Why are people not buying tickets? Some people concerned about the price. Might be good to
communicate the thought process to the classes. More of a marketing issue. First years don’t
know what the event is like. There will be a band, acrobatics, silent auction, drawing, and DJ.
- Class reps need to make another announcement in the class.
- Dr. Owens will help get more faculty involved.
c. SAVMA Symposium Committee (Eric, Rebeca Gomez, Erica Morgan, Caroline Kiert, Travis Rollason)
- Updated Website:
- Early Registration Opens November 11 until December 2nd ($80) – everyone will get a cut of
the money fundraised.
d. AVMF “Our Oath in Action” Event Committee (Dr. Jandrey, Eric, Michelle Albin)
- Working on our grant proposal
- Theme: Disaster Preparedness and Certification
- When: October 24-26, 2014
10. Summary of action items
- Get update on The Swaggie - Emily/Krista
- Evaluate constitution to see if it needs amendments to change election process- Emily/Krista/Emma
- Meeting with Dr. Owens regarding club tax situation Nina/Kate/Amanda/Kristen/Emily/Krista
- Make a class announcement in favor of Asclepian Ball attendance - Class Reps
- Announce/remind people about Asclepian Ball at Service Chiefs Meeting - Dr. Owens/Emily
11. Next scheduled meeting - Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:00pm Room 2030
12. Call for meeting Adjournment – 1844