Obstetrics (3rd month) Description The goal of the a 3rd month Obstetrics rotation is to provide learning opportunities that will enable residents to develop skills required for the practice of advanced low risk obstetrics. Objectives By the completion of these rotations, residents will be able to: Family Medicine Expert Pre-conception and pre-natal care MAT1 Provide pre- and early pregnancy counseling 1.1 Pre- and early pregnancy counseling: Provide care for pre-pregnancy planning including addressing issues such as lifestyle, exercise, dietary options/suggestions (eg folate, Vitamin D, multivitamin use) environmental factors (smoking, pets, infectious diseases, alcohol, radiation or chemical exposures), teratogenic medications (including isotretinoin/Accutane, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, misoprostol/diclofenac) and anti-epileptic medications. 1.2 Pre- and early pregnancy vaccination: Offer pre-pregnancy immunizations (eg MeaslesMumps-Rubella for non immune women, influenza vaccination to protect women when pregnant). 1.3 Work issues relevant to pregnancy: List exposures (work, home - toxins, mutagens, infections eg Parvovirus) needing to be managed and employment and maternity leave issues pertinent to patients who intend to become pregnant or who are pregnant. 1.4 Infertility and repeat pregnancy loss: Provide support and perform initial investigation regarding infertility and repeat pregnancy losses. MAT2 Confirm and date pregnancies 2.1 Confirmation and dating: Confirm and date pregnancies accurately, and if dates are uncertain consider ordering an early dating ultrasound. MAT3 Perform early pregnancy counselling 3.1 Family Structure and dynamics: Assess family structure, family dynamics (including between partners) and stresses and supports facing the pregnant patient. 3.2 Pregnancy desirability: Establish the desirability of the pregnancy in a patient with suspected or confirmed pregnancy. Ascertain whether the pregnancy is planned or un-planned. 3.3 Pregnancy options: Demonstrate an open-minded and non-judgmental attitude when discussing all pregnancy options including pregnancy termination, and adoption. 3.4 Infertility and repeat pregnancy loss: Provide support and perform initial investigation regarding infertility and repeat pregnancy losses. MAT4 Plan and comprehensive pre-natal care to low risk female patients 4.1 Prenatal Visits (Schedule, Purpose): Plan an appropriate prenatal visit schedule for a pregnant patient, and outline the purpose of each visit. 4.2 Common prenatal office-based maneuvers: Perform and interpret key pregnancy-related office based screening questions, examination techniques and investigations to screen for conditions relevant to maternal and fetal well- being (including fetal movement counts, symphysis fundal height, maternal weight, use of Doppler to assess fetal heart rate). 4.3 Pregnancy risk stratification: Describe maternal and fetal criteria for a pregnancy to be considered "low risk" and criteria for pregnancy to be considered "high risk" and requiring obstetrical specialty consultation. 4.4 Prenatal screening: Counsel patients on common tests ordered in pregnancy including Integrated Prenatal Screening (IPS) tests, genetic screening, ultrasounds, and other screening tests including laboratory investigations. MAT5 Manage concurrent medical conditions in pregnant patients 5.1 Manage chronic concurrent medical conditions in pregnancy: Appropriately manage ongoing medical issues (eg diabetes, HTN, hypothyroidism, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, epilepsy, cardiac conditions, depression) whose management may affect or be affected by pregnancy. Refer to specialist colleagues as appropriate. MAT6 Identify, evaluate and manage early pregnancy problems 6.1 Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: Assess and manage nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. 6.2 Ectopic pregnancy: Identify ectopic pregnancy and appropriately refer for management 6.3 First trimester bleeding: Diagnose and manage first trimester bleeding appropriately (including threatened and missed abortions). For patients who experience miscarriage offer empathic, supportive counseling and advice and management plan. 6.4 Rh status: Diagnose Rh status and counsel women on role of Rh status. Manage Rh-negative status including discuss benefits and risks of Rhogam or Winrho. MAT7 Identify, evaluate and manage late pregnancy problems 7.1 Abnormal lie: Describe and diagnose an abnormal lie (including transverse lie). Propose appropriate management plan for abnormal lie. 7.2 Breech presentation: Describe management plan for breech presentation. 7.3 IUGR: Describe characteristics of Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR), its diagnosis, prevention and management. 7.4 Gestational hypertension: Describe approach to diagnosis and management of gestational hypertension / pregnancy induced hypertension, including pre-eclampsia. 7.5 Placenta Position: Recognize significance including risks of placenta and placenta previa, and describe approaches to counseling and managing these patients. 7.6 GDM: List risk factors for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Order screening tests for GDM, and list implications (for mother and baby) of GDM in the long term care of the patient and postpartum follow-up of affected individuals. 7.7 Manage Acute Maternal Infections during pregnancy: Describe key infections that might affect the pregnancy (eg TORCH infections, Parvovirus B19 – Fifth`s disease, Listeria, Influenza, varicella, urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis, Group B strep infections) and how to prevent these infections, and appropriately manage the infections when they are acquired. 7.8 STIs in pregnancy: Screen, diagnose, and manage sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in pregnancy. 7.9 Antepartum hemorrhage (APH): Recognize, diagnose and manage antepartum hemorrhage appropriately in a timely fashion. 7.10 Premature rupture of the membrane (PROM): Describe approach to diagnosis and management of premature rupture of membranes. 7.11 Preterm labor: Counsel patients on preterm labor, and how to recognize and manage this appropriately. 7.12 Post-dates: Describe and approach to managing post-dates pregnancies, including indications for fetal assessment and induction. Intrapartum MAT8 Confirm, monitor and manage labour 8.1 Stages of labour: List and describe different stages of labour. 8.2 Fetal membranes: Assess for spontaneous rupture of membranes. 8.3 Cervical assessment: Perform vaginal examination for cervical status (position, effacement, cervical dilation), fetal station and position. 8.4 Analgesia during labour: Describe different forms of pharmacologic (including epidural) and non-pharmacologic means to control pain and discomfort during labour and delivery. 8.5 Fetal surveillance: Perform basic fetal surveillance including intermittent auscultation and electronic fetal monitoring, including scalp electrode placement. Recognize concerning patterns and respond appropriately to these. 8.6 Failure to progress: Describe risk factors for an abnormal or difficult childbirth or labour. Recognize failure to progress and when appropriate treat by non-pharmacologic means and pharmacologic means, including oxytocin. 8.7 Induction: Manage induction for postdates or ruptured membranes at term, including the use of cervical ripening, amniotomy and oxytocin. MAT9 Manage spontaneous vaginal delivery: 9.1 Manage spontaneous term singleton vertex delivery (including delivery of the placenta) and immediate care and after care of mother and baby. 9.2 With consultation, manage VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) delivery 9.3 With consultation, manage spontaneous vaginal delivery of twins. MAT10 Manage obstetrical emergencies 10.1 Shoulder dystocia: Recognizes and manages shoulder dystocia (including request for assistance) 10.2 Nuchal cord: Recognizes and manages a nuchal cord at delivery 10.3 Prolapsed umbilical cord: Describe an approach to recognizing and providing emergency management for a prolapsed umbilical cord. 10.4 Intra-partum fever and infection: Choose appropriate cultures to perform, and manage acutely and empirically if necessary. Manage prolonged rupture of membranes appropriately. 10.5 Retained placenta: Recognize retained placenta and perform manual removal a retained placenta. 10.6 Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH): Describe risk factors and approach to diagnosis, prevention and management of immediate and later postpartum hemorrhage. 10.7 Breech management: Recognize and manage pre-partum breech presentation with appropriate referral. Explain the management of an emergency vaginal breech presentation. 10.8 Support of newborn: Anticipate and prepare for the at-risk or depressed newborn. MAT11 Perform episiotomy and perineal repair 11.1 Episiotomy: Describe the indications for an episiotomy, and perform one as required. 11.2 Perineal injury: Assess the degree of perineal injury 11.3 Repair: Repair 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree lacerations or episiotomy. MAT12 Participate in operative delivery 12.1 Assisted Vaginal Delivery: Describe indications and contraindications for use of outlet vacuum or forceps assistance for a low assisted vaginal delivery. Perform vacuum assisted delivery and outlet forceps delivery as indicated. 12.2 Cesarean section: Describe indications for cesarian section. Provide assistance at cesarean section. Postpartum MAT13 Provide basic postpartum care in both the hospital and office environments 13.1 Anticipatory guidance: Provide anticipatory guidance regarding common maternal concerns. 13.2 Breastfeeding: Encourage breastfeeding, develop strategies to promote this, and prevent breast feeding difficulties, and help women with breastfeeding difficulties. 13.3 Post partum medical complications: Diagnose and manage key maternal post partum complications including pain, fever, urine retention, bleeding, delayed hemorrhage, infections, uterine rupture. 13.4 Post partum visits: At postpartum visits demonstrate an organized approach to following up maternal complications during the pregnancy and providing preventative care. 13.5 Mood post partum: List risk factors for postpartum depression. Screen for, assess and manage post partum support and depression (using common tools such as depression screening scales). Communicator FAM10. Establish effective professional relationships with patients and their families 10.1 Patient centered approach: Communicate using a patient-centered approach that encourages patient trust and autonomy and is characterized by empathy, respect, and compassion 10.2 Environment: Optimize the physical environment for patient comfort, dignity, privacy, engagement, and safety 10.3 Patient perspectives: Recognize when the values, biases, or perspectives of patients, physicians, or other health care professionals may have an impact on the quality of care, and modify the approach to the patient accordingly 10.4 Non-verbal communication: Respond to a patient’s non-verbal behaviors to enhance communication 10.5 Disagreements: Manage disagreements and emotionally charged conversations 10.6 Adapt communication: Adapt to the unique needs and preferences of each patient and to his or her clinical condition and circumstances FAM11. Elicit and synthesize accurate and relevant information, incorporating the perspectives of patients and their families 11.1 Patient-centered interviewing: Use patient-centered interviewing skills to effectively gather relevant biomedical and psychosocial information 11.2 Structure of interview: Provide a clear structure for and manage the flow of an entire patient encounter 11.3 Corroborating information: Seek and synthesize relevant information from other sources, including the patient’s family or caregivers, with the patient’s consent FAM12. Share health care information and plans with patients and their families 12.1 Sharing information: Share information and explanations that are clear, accurate, and timely, while checking for patient and family understanding 12.2 Disclosure: Disclose harmful patient safety incidents to patients and their families accurately and appropriately MAT14. Engage patients and their families in developing birth plans that reflect the patient’s health care needs and goals 14.1 Birth plans: Understand the role of “birth plans” and review this with patients, and communicate it to the other health care team members. 14.2 Cultural safety: Facilitate discussions with patients and their families in a way that is respectful, non-judgmental, and culturally safe 14.3 Information technology and decision making: Assist patients and their families to identify, access, and make use of information and communication technologies to support their care and manage their health 14.4 Consumer health information: Analyze consumer health information that is evidence-based and able to review such information with patients 14.5 Common ground: Use communication skills and strategies that help patients and their families make informed decisions leading to a shared plan of care. Collaborator FAM13. Work effectively with physicians and other colleagues in the health care professions 13.1 Relationship: Establish and maintain positive relationships with physicians and other colleagues in the health care professions to support relationship-centered collaborative care 13.2 Shared decision-making: Negotiate overlapping and shared responsibilities with physicians and other colleagues in the health care professions 13.3 Respect: Engage in respectful shared decision-making with physicians and other colleagues in the health care profession 13.4 Positive working environment: Implement strategies to promote understanding, manage differences, and resolve conflicts in a manner that supports a collaborative culture FAM14. Hand over the care of a patient to another health care professional to facilitate continuity of safe patient care 14.1 Timing of transfers: Determine when care should be transferred to another physician or health care professional 14.2 Safe transfers: Demonstrate safe handover of care, using both verbal and written communication, during a patient transition to a different health care professional, setting, or stage of care Leader/Manager FAM17. Engage in the stewardship of health care resources 17.1 Resource Allocation: Allocate health care resources for optimal patient care, including referral to other health care professionals and community resources 17.2 Cost appropriate care: Apply evidence and management processes to achieve costappropriate care Health Advocate FAM21. Respond to an individual patient’s health needs by advocating with the patient within and beyond the clinical environment 21.1 Determinants of health of individuals: Work with patients to address determinants of health that affect them and their access to needed health services or resources Community resources: Demonstrate awareness of community resources to help support patients. Recognize the indications for these services and advocate effectively Barriers to care: Identify barriers that prevent patients from accessing healthcare, including financial, cultural or geographic Scholar FAM24. Integrate best available evidence, contextualized to specific situations, into real-time decision-making 24.1 Identifying learning gaps: Recognize practice uncertainty and knowledge gaps in clinical and other professional encounters and generate focused questions that can address them 24.2 Pre-appraised information: Demonstrate proficiency in identifying, selecting, and navigating pre-appraised resources 24.4 Integrating evidence: Integrate evidence into decision-making in their practice by review and appropriately applying guidelines from organizations such as Health Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC). Professional FAM27. Demonstrate a commitment to patients 27.1 Professional behaviors: Exhibit appropriate professional behaviors and relationship in all aspects of professional practice, reflecting honesty, integrity, commitment, compassion, respect, altruism, respect for diversity, and for maintenance of confidentiality. 27.2 Excellence: Demonstrate a commitment to excellence in all aspects of practice. 27.3 Ethical issues: Recognize and respond to ethical issues encountered in practice. Entrustable Professional Activities Provide pre-conception and pre-natal care Provide intra-partum care and perform low-risk deliveries Recognize and manage common intra-partum emergencies Provide postpartum care Evaluation Field Notes/End of Shift report In-training Evaluation Report