Welcome to Family & Consumer Sciences/CTE School Year 2014

Welcome to Family & Consumer Sciences/CTE
School Year 2014-2015
Instructor: Mrs. Amanda Way, MLS, LBSW
Contact Information:
Room: 108
Tutoring Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 7:35 – 8:05 or by appointment
Email ~ Amanda.Way@harlandale.net
Phone ~ 989-1000
Conference Period: 11:55-12:45
Course Offerings:
Principles of Human Services (One Credit) This laboratory course will help students investigate careers in the human services career
cluster, including counseling and mental health, early childhood development, family and community, & personal care services. The
student will demonstrate: (1) personal characteristics for success in high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand careers, (2) the skills
necessary to enhance personal and career effectiveness in consumer services, (3) the skills necessary to enhance personal and
career effectiveness in counseling and mental health services, (4) the skills necessary to enhance personal and career effectiveness
in early childhood development and services, (5) the skills necessary to enhance personal and career effectiveness in family and
community services, and (6) the skills necessary to enhance personal and career effectiveness in personal care services.
Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness (One-Half Credit) This laboratory course allows students to use principles of lifetime wellness and
nutrition to help them make informed choices that promote wellness as well as pursue careers related to hospitality and tourism,
education and training, human services, and health sciences. The student understands: (1) the role of nutrients in the body, (2) the
principles of digestion and metabolism, (3) knowledge of nutritionally balanced diets, (4) safety and sanitation, (5) knowledge of
food management principles, (6) effective work habits, and (7) investigates careers in nutrition.
Child Development (One-Half Credit) This technical laboratory course addresses knowledge and skills related to child growth and
development from prenatal through school-age children, equipping students with child development skills. (1) The student analyzes
roles and responsibilities of parenting. (2) The student investigates components of optimal prenatal care and development. (3) The
student investigates strategies for optimizing the development of infants of diverse backgrounds, including those with special needs.
(4) The student investigates strategies for optimizing the development of toddlers of diverse backgrounds, including those with
special needs. (5) The student analyzes the growth and development of preschool children of diverse backgrounds, including those
with special needs. (6) The student analyzes the growth and development of school-age children of diverse backgrounds, including
those with special needs.
Three-ring binder (1 inch)
Spiral Notebook
Two-pocket folder
Loose leaf paper
Pen, Pencil, Highlighters
Grade Break Down:
Classwork/Homework: 30%
Projects/Tests/Quizzes: 30%
Journal/Essays: 20%
Participation/Attendance: 20%
Class Rules and Expectations:
 Be Respectful ~ Raise your hand, listen when others speak, talk quietly & politely.
 Be Responsible ~ Follow directions the first time, complete assignments & homework, bring things in when due, be
honest about your actions, clean up after yourself.
 Be Safe ~ Keep hands, feet & objects to yourself, sit appropriately in your seat, enter & exit classroom quietly, use
material properly, let an adult know where you are at all times.
 Be Kind ~ No Gossip, be nice, respect others, give encouragement, cooperate with others, participate & volunteer,
include everyone.
Electronics & Other Distractions Policy: Cellphones, Ipods/MP3, Ipads, or any other electronic device will remain in your
backpack/purse unless I have instructed you to use it for a class assignment. Unauthorized use will result in confiscation of item for
the rest of the day (pick up after school). Cosmetics, hairbrushes or other distracting items are prohibited from being applied or used
during class time and will result in confiscation until the end of the day. Abuse of these policies will result in harsher penalities,
including parent conferences, referrals for discipline.
Discipline Policy: I will always treat you as an adult and with respect unless you give me a reason to do so otherwise. In general,
misbehavior will be treated with an initial warning and opportunity for you to choose to reform your behavior. If misbehavior
continues, then there will be various options at my disposal including but not limited to: student/teacher conference,
parent/teacher conference, or office referral. Profanity, bullying and disrespect to me or other students will result in immediate
disciplinary action, including an office referral. You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice.
Homework Policy: Most assignments will be completed in class. However, if you do not complete the assignment, you are expected
to take it home as homework. You may also have projects assigned as homework and you are expected to turn it in on the due date.
Homework that is late will receive a 10 point deduction per day it is late.
Late Work: See homework policy above. Other Late work ~ Your assignments are late if they are not turned in at the beginning of
class on the day that it is due. For each day an assignment is late, I will deduct 10 points.
Extra Credit: There will be plenty of opportunities to receive extra credit however you will not be eligible to receive it if you have any
zeros or missing assignments.
Attendance Policy: I expect students to be in their seats working on Bell Work at the beginning of class. At the end of class, I will
dismiss you, not the bell. Packing up early is not allowed. Tardies are not acceptable. Leaving the class and staying gone for extended
periods, without an adequate reason, will result in a Zero for a daily grade that day. Absences will require an admit slip from the
Attendance office or the vice principal. Restroom breaks require you to sign in/out on the provided form. There are no restroom
breaks during the first 30 minutes of 1st period and the last 30 minutes of 8th period. In all other periods, passes may not be issued
during the last 15 minutes of class. Abuse of breaks will result in limiting them to 2 breaks per 6 weeks.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, copying, plagiarism, having other people complete your work for you, lacking proper citation is
prohibited and will result in a zero for that assignment.
Parent Communication: The best way to reach me is through my email address. The parent portal is available for you to check
grades and assignments. I will also have reminders set up through text. Please sign up on your phones and your student’s cell phone
to receive reminders and notifications. I am available for conferences during my conference period and after school by appointment
Please return the bottom portion to Mrs. Way and retain this syllabus for your records.
By signing this document, I am acknowledging that I have read this syllabus and understand it’s contents. I have asked any questions
that I may have to Mrs. Way.
Student Name (print)
Student Signature
By signing this document, I am acknowledging that I have read this syllabus and understand its’ contents. I have reviewed the
information with my student and provided my contact information below.
Parent Name (print)
Parent Signature
Parent Contact Info:
Parent Email
Parent Phone #
Parent Email
Parent Phone #
In accordance with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1992, the Harlandale Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, military status, color, national origin, age, sex,
disability or any other basis prohibited by law. Student Title IX Coordinators are Mr. James Klein, 7026 S. Flores St, San Antonio TX 78221, (210) 989-4445.Title IX
Coordinator is Mrs.DianaTudyk,102 Genevieve, San Antonio, TX 78214, (210) 989-4417. Section 504 Coordinator is Mrs. Della Taylor, 906 March Ave., San Antonio, TX
78214, (210) 989-5255.
De conformidad con el Título VI, Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, Título IX, Enmienda de Educación de 1972, la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973 y el Título
II de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1992, el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Harlandale no discrimina sobre la base de etnia, religión, estatus militar,
color, origen nacional, edad, sexo, discapacidad o cualquier otra razón prohibida por la ley. Título IX coordinadores estudiantiles son el Sr. James Klein, 7026 S. Flores St,
San Antonio TX 78221, (210) 989-4445. Coordinador del Título IX es Mrs.DianaTudyk, 102 Genevieve, San Antonio, TX 78214, (210) 989-4417. Coordinador de la Sección
504 es la Sra. Della Taylor, 906 de marzo Ave., San Antonio, TX 78214, (210) 989 a 5.255.