Nondiscrimination Act - Harlandale High School

114 East Gerald
San Antonio, Texas 78214
Ms. Francesca Hesbrook
(210) 989-1000 or
Monday, August 27, 2012
Academic Dishonesty Policy and Agreement
Academic dishonesty is any activity where a student puts forth work that is not his/her own or assists other students in
doing so. This includes plagiarism (copying from any sources without explicit attribution). It does matter what is
copied, be it a professional’s essay or an essay of another student. If the work is not attributed, it is considered
plagiarism and is considered a serious offense.
Academic dishonesty is not limited to papers, but also to daily assignments. Work that is copied all or in part from
another student is considered cheating. There is a difference between collaboration and just copying someone else’s
work. Collaboration is actively working together to come up with the answers or the product. Copying someone else’s
work without active participation in the product does not fall in the category of collaboration and his considered
cheating or academic dishonesty.
Students are prohibited from participating in any form of academic dishonesty as laid out by the Student Handbook. If
students participate in any form, they will be penalized with a grading penalty and/or a disciplinary referral.
The following outlines the penalties for English I/English I Pre AP:
 Daily work: Any daily work that is copied from another student will result in zeroes for both students. There is
no make-up.
 Test – Suspected cheating on multiple choice test: If a student is suspected of cheating on a test, the student
will receive a zero until the student comes and takes an alternative test. This must be done in a timely manner
to be determined by the teacher. If the student does not come in, the zero stands.
 Proven cheating on an essay or written test: If a student is determined to have cheated on a written or essay
test, they will receive a zero for that test.
 Major project/essay assignment: If a student has copied/plagiarized another student’s work or has allowed a
student to copy his/her work, that student will receive a zero. There are no make-ups for plagiarized
projects/essays. If more than one student is involved, all students will receive a zero.
 The grading penalties above are automatic and a disciplinary referral may also be written if the teacher deems
it necessary.
By signing below, both you and your child agree to the terms and note that you understand what activities fall within
academic dishonesty as well as the penalties for such activities.
Student’s Name (Print)
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Print)
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
HARLANDALE: a family working together to provide a high quality education where all students
graduate to become productive and successful citizens for the 21st century.
Nondiscrimination Act
In accordance with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the
Harlandale Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, military status, color, national origin, age, sex, disability or any other basis prohibited by law. Title IX
Coordinator is Magda Reynolds, 7026 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78214-2997, (210) 921-4349. Section 504 Coordinator is Denise Stavinoha, 934 Flanders, San Antonio, TX 78211, (210) 921-4700.
De acuerdo con el título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles del año 1964, el Título IX de la Reforma Educativa del año 1972, el Artículo 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación del año1973 y el Título II de la
Ley de los Estadounidenses con Discapacidades del año 1992, el Distrito
Escolar Independiente de Harlandale no discrimina por motivos de raza, religión, estado militar, color, nacionalidad, edad, sexo, discapacidad ni por ningún otro motivo prohibido por la ley. La
coordinadora del Título IX es Magda Reynolds: 7026 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78214-2997, (210) 921-4349. La coordinadora del Artículo 504 es Denise Stavinoha: 934 Flanders, San Antonio, TX
78211, (210) 921-4700.