KARABÜK ÜNİVERSİTESİ MÜHENDİSLİK FAKÜLTESİ ELEKTRİK ELEKTRONİK MÜHENDİSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ %100 İNGİLİZCE I. ve II. ÖĞRETİM MÜFREDATINDA YER ALAN DERSLERİN İÇERİKLERİ COURSE CODE CAL 183 Mathematics I (4,0)4-4 PHY 183 General Physics I (4,0)4-4 CHE183 General Chemistry (3,0)3-3 CME 183 Information technologies and applications (2,2)3-4 EEE 101 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering (3,1)3.5-4 1st. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Numbers, absolute value, absolute value function inequalities, induction, coordinates, complex numbers. Functions. Junction function. Trigonometric functions. Limit of functions. Continuity. The properties of continuous functions. Derivation. Change rate, mean value theorem and applications. Maximum and minimum finding and applications, hyperbolic functions and their derivatives, Closed and Inverse Functions Derivatives, Parametric Equations and their derivatives and Curves Drawings Units. Vectors. One and two dimensional motions. Particle dynamics. Work and energy. Conservation of energy. Dynamics of a system of particles. Conservation of linear momentum. Collision. Kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion. Equilibrium of a rigid body. Vibrations and gravitation. Fluid mechanics. Characteristic properties and measurements of matter, Atomic structure and atomic theory, Chemical compounds, Chemical reactions, Introduction to aqueous reactions, Gases, Thermo chemistry, Electronic structure of atoms, Periodic table and some atomic properties, Chemical Bond-I, Basic concepts, Chemical Bond-II, Bond theories, Liquids, solids and intermolecular attractions, Solutions and physical properties. Information technology and computers: data, information, input, output, processing, hardware and software. Basic computer components architecture. Types of computer systems and computer networks and Internet. Computer software: system software, application software. Working with computer software: operating systems, directories, files, file types, commands, user programs and packaged software; low-level, and high level languages. Problem solving and algorithm design. Structured programming concepts: sequence, selection and iteration. Pseudo-code, flow-charts and other techniques. Introduction to C programming language: data types, constants and variables; structure of a C program; selection, and repetition structures in C; functions in C. Definition of engineering. Engineering disciplines. Basic elements of electrical engineering. Basic devices, circuits, and systems. Renewable energy conversion. Seminar-meeting and audio-visual learning, regarding social, ethical, environmental and ecological aspects of the engineering profession. Introduction to Technical Report Writing, oral and written presentation tools and techniques. Institutions from Electrical and Electronics Engineers (seminar work). Expectations of Private sector from Electrical and Electronics Engineers (seminar work). EEE 121 Electrical Electronics Measurement (3,1)3.5-4 EEE 107 Laboratory Sessions I (0,2)1-2 HST 181 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolutions I (2,0)2-2 TRK181 Turkish Language I (2,0)2-2 FOL 181 Foreign Language I (2,0)2-2 COURSE CODE CAL 186 Mathematics II (4,0)4-4 PHY 186 General Physics II (4,0)4-4 Electrical Components, Symbols and Units. Current, Voltage and Resistance, Ohms Law, Energy and Power (Fuse, Switch, Wires and cables, Earthing, Electrical measurements), Series Circuits(Kirchhoff voltage law, Potential dividers, Power in series circuits), Parallel circuits (Kirchhoffs current law, Current dividers, Power in parallel circuits), Series - Parallel circuits (Ladder network, Wheatstone bridge, Delta – wye connections), Capacitors (Structure of capacitors, Capacitor symbols, Capacitance of a capacitor, Physical properties of capacitors, Types of capacitors, Capacitors in a dc circuit, Capacitor connections), Inductors (Energy stored in inductors, Physical properties of inductors, Faraday and Lenz law, Types of inductors, Inductor connections), Semiconductor circuit elements (Types of diodes, Some diode applications, Diode testing). Experiments regarding to contents of General Physics I and General Chemistry will be made in laboratory sessions. Definition of revolution and Turkish revolution, notions, History of revolutions in Turkey, Movements appeared to save the Ottoman Empire, I. World War, Treaty of Sevr, Demolition of the Ottoman Empire, Period of Turkish National Struggle , Congresses, The wars made in the period of Turkish National Struggle, relationships with Western World and treaties, Lausanne Peace Treaty Definiton of language and culture, language-culture relationship, point of language as a social institution in people's life, status of Turkish language among world languages, turkish language development and historical process, Turkish language recent status and expanding field, register, dialect and accent knowledge, Turkish sound facilities and rules about phonetic, derivational and inflectional affixes, application of spelling and punctuation rules. Tenses, verbs, name phrases, compound adjectives, plural phrases, compound nouns, noun phrases, sentences established with verbal adjective, Tenses used in narration, past simple, past progressive, past perfect simple, past continuous, reflexive pronouns, irregular verbs, comparison structures, modal structures, possibility, necessity, permission, capability, models indicating request, future tense, simple present tense, past tense auxiliary verbs, idioms, simultaneous words, structures which strengthens the expression, passive voice, tenses, adverbs. 2nd. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Integral applications(length, area, surface area and volume calculations), Integration technics, Sequences and Series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, Infiinte Series, Power series, Polar coordinates, Vector analysis. Electric Fields, Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance and Dielectrics, Current and Resistance, Direct Current Circuits, Magnetic Field, Sources of the Magnetic Field, Faraday’s Law, Inductance, Alternating Current Circuits, Electromagnetic Waves. CAL 192 Linear Algebra (3,0)3-3 CME 182 Computer Programming (2,2)3-4 EEE 110 Computer Aided Technical Drawing (2,2)3-4 EEE 180 Electrical Materials (3,0)3-3 EEE108 Laboratory Sessions II (0,2)1-2 HST 182 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolutions II (2,0)2-2 Matrices and System of Equations, Systems of Linear Equations, Row Echelon Form, Matrix Algebra, Elementary Matrices, Determinants, The Determinant of a Matrix, Properties of Determinants, Cramer's Rule, Vector Spaces, Definition of Vector Space, Subspaces, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Change of Basis, Row Space and Column Space, Linear transformations, Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations, Ortogonality, The Scalar Product, Orthogonal Subspaces, Inner Product Spaces, Orthonormal Sets, The GramSchmidt Orthogonalization Process, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization. High-level programmingenvironments. Variables, expressionsandassignements. Introducing C programming. Structured programming; sequential, selectiveand repetitive structures. Functiondefinitionandfunctioncalls. Prototypesandheaderfiles. Recursivefunctions. Arrays andpointers. Dynamic memorymanagement. Parameter passingconventions. Multi dimensional arrays. Structuresandunions. Conditionalcompilation, modular programmingand multifile programs. Exceptionhandling. File processing. Formatted I/O. Random fileaccess. Index structuresandfileorganization. (Prerequisite: EEE 111) Using computer-aided technicaldrawing anddrafting system, Introductionof AutoCAD software, Drawing with AutoCAD, Geometricconstructions, Sectionalviews, Perspective Picture, Basic concepts, three-dimensional modeling techniques, formationandwork planes, threedimensional imagecontrol, creatingthreedimensionsintotwodimensions, geometric challenges, instrumentation, assembly modeling, creating a two dimensional drawings into threedimensions (threeappearances, helped appearance, cross-sectional views, perspective views, assembly), surfacetreatment Introductiontoelectricalmaterials, insulators: electricalconductivity in theinsulators, DC conductivity in dielectricmaterials, polarity, dielectricpermeability, dispersion, dielectriclosses, electrical breakdown, qualitycontrolandsafety, conductor: physicalproperties, conductortypes, Superconductors, magneticmaterials: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagneticandferritematerials, magneticpermeabilityandlosses, Conductiveandinsulatingmaterials. Overhead lineconductorsandundergroundcables. Resistance, self-resistivity, conductivityandself-conductivity. Calculatingofthecurrentlimitsofconductorsandcables. Warm up in thecables. Fusesand Isolators Experiments regarding to contents of General Physics II will be made in laboratory sessions. Definition ofrevolutionandTurkishrevolution, notions, State of Turkey after Lausanne Peace Treaty, Declerationof Independence, abolitionoftheCaliphate, Trials of Transition to multi-party System, Sheikh Said rebellion, ExaminationTurkishforeignpolicy, Teaching Atatürk's Elements andRevolutionsTeachingAtatürk's Elements andRevolutions on accountof national sodalityandintegrity in termsofreachingthelevelofmoderncivilizations Whatthesentenceis, whatthecomponentsof a asentenceare, Howtoanalyze a asentence, sentenceanalysissamples, sentencetypes, TRK 182 Turkish Language II generalcompositioninformation, plan tobeused in writtencomposition, whatthewrittenandspokenexpressiontypesandsamplesofthese, (2,0)2-2 phraseologyandthewaystodevelopthenotion in theparagraph, ambiguityanditsapplication, therulestofollow in appliactionofacademicwriting. Comparisons: as...as, …-er than, morethan; superlatives: the….-est,…themost, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofthePresentContinuousTense, Modals: Shouldforsuggestionand Must/Havetofornecessity, Requests/Permission: Can/Could/May, Hobbies, Likes/Dislikes, Connectors: But, and, because; FOL 182 Foreign Language II TooandEnough, Imperatives, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofthe Simple PastTense, The simple future: Will; the Future tensewithGoingto, Ifclause: Type (2,0)2-2 I, IfClause: Type II, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofPresentPerfectTense, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofPresentPerfectContinuousTense, Subordinators/Linkers COURSE CODE FOL 281 Technical Foreign Language I (2,0)2-2 CAL 283 Differantial Equations (3,0)3-4 EEE 243 Electronics Devices (3,2)4-5 EEE 221 Circuit Analysis I (3,2)4-5 EEE 241 Logic Circuits (3,2)4-5 3rd.Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Variousbranchesofscience (mathematics, physics, chemistry) andengineeringconceptsrelatedtotheindustrythatareused in vehicles, engines, measuringinstruments, basicengineeringtopicsasmaterials, mechanics, thermodynamics, statics, manufacturingissuesrelatedto sample analysis First-order differential equations. Nonlinearequationsreducibleto linear equations. Equationswithconstantcoefficients. Systems of linear equations. Differential equationswith variable coefficients. Partial differential equations. solutionwithseparationof variables. Fourier seriesand Fourier integrals. Orthogonal functions, applyingtoboundaryandthefirstvalueproblems. Crystal structures, energy levels in crystals. Electronic trasport in metals. A short account on superconductivity. Semiconductors; impurities; carrier transport in semiconductors; generation and recombination of minority carriers. The P-N junction diode and Schottky diode; the bipolar junction transistor (BJT); currentvoltage characteristics in diodes, BJT's and MOSFETs. Circuit variables, circuit elements. Simple resistive circuits. Techniques of circuit analysis. Topology in circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. State variables and state equations. Response of first-order RL, RC circuits. Natural and step responses of second-order RLC circuits Variables and functions. Boolean algebra and truth tables. Logic gates, Karnaugh maps. Incompletely specified functions, Multilevel logic circuits. Tabular minimization. Number representation. Arithmetic circuits. Binary codes. Programmable logic devices. Multiplexers, decoders and encoders. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, synchronous counters. Digital logic circuit modules. Modern hardware description language. Basic CPU design. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) design. Design of integer processing unit; circuits for addition and subtraction, division and multiplication circuits. Use of a VHDL language in the design of general purpose digital circuits at the logic gate level. EEE 211 Algorithms & Data Structures (3,2)4-5 PHY 261 Modern Physics (3,1)3.5-4 COURSE CODE FOL 282 Technical Foreign Language II (2,0)2-2 EEE 222 Circuit Analysis II (3,2)4-5 Storage structuresandmemoryallocations. Primitive datastructures. Data abstractionand Abstract Data Types. Array andrecordstructures. Sortingalgorithmsand quick sort. Linear &binarysearch. Complexityofalgorithms. String processing. Stacks&queues; stackoperations, implementationofrecursion, polishnotationandarithmeticexpressions. Queues andtheir implementations. Dequeues&priorityqueues. Linkedstoragerepresentationandlinked-lists. Doublylinkedlistsandcircularlists. Binary trees. Treetraversalalgorithms. Treesearching. General trees. Graphs; terminology, Operation on graphsandtraversingalgorithms. Special theory of relativity; particle properties of waves; wave properties of particles; Atomic structure; elementary quantum mechanics; many electron atoms; nuclear structure and radioactivity. 4 th. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Variousbranchesofscience (mathematics, physics, chemistry) andengineeringconceptsrelatedtotheindustrythatareused in vehicles, engines, measuringinstruments, basicengineeringtopicsasmaterials, mechanics, thermodynamics, statics, production-relatedissues, examiningsamples. Sinusoidal Sources and Phasors. AC Steady-State Analysis. AC Steady-State Power. Three-Phase Circuits. The Laplace Transforms. Circuit Analysis in the sdomain. Frequency Response. Mutual Inductance and Transformers. Two-port Circuits. ESC 280 Sustainable Environment (3,0)3-3 Sustainable concept, definition of sustainable environment: as micro and macro size, what are our reasons for sustainable environment, importance of sustainable environment in an engineering perspective. ENG 206 Mathematical Methods for Engineers (3,1)3.5-4 Complex numbers. Algebra of complex numbers. Polar representation. Complex functions. Limits and continuity. Analyticity. Analytic functions. CauchyRiemann equations. Line integrals. Cauchy integral formula. Isolated singularities. Residue theorem. Numerical error. Solution of nonlinear equations. Convergence. Solution of linear systems of equations: direct and iterative methods. Interpolation. Curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration EEE 220 Diode circuits, Zener diodes, rectifiers, filters. BJT, MOSFET and JFET amplifier Basic Semiconductor design including biasing, small signal analysis and frequency response. Design of Devices multistage amplifiers. Differential and operational amplifier design. Output stages (3,2)4-5 EEE 230 Electromagnetic Theory (3,2)4-5 Review of vector calculus. Electrostatics in vacuum. Coulomb's and Gauss's laws. Electrostatic potential. Poisson's and Laplace's equations. Conductors in the presence of electrostatic fields. Method of images. Dielectrics; polarization. Dielectric boundary conditions. Capacitance. Electrostatic energy. Electrostatic forces by the virtual work principle. Steady currents. Ohm's and Joule's laws. Resistance calculations. Magnetostatics in vacuum. Ampere's force law. BiotSavart law. Magnetic vector potential. Ampere's circuital law. Magnetic boundary conditions. Magnetic dipole. Magnetization. Hysteresis curve. Self and mutual inductance. Magnetic stored energy. Magnetic forces by the virtual work principle. Definition of statistics, types and using areas. Variables, graphics and frequency allocation. Data acquisition and Measures of Central Tendency, Analytical CAL 286 Probability avarages: Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Square Calculation of avarages. Measures of Variety: Asymmetry and Kurtosis of asymmetry Pearson and Statistics dimensions. Statistics theory, law of Bayes. Probability function, Variance and (3,0)3-4 standart deviation. Fixed and Variable Index, the cluster theory and Probability calculation, and the Action Theory of Probability. ESC200 Labour Law (2,0)2-2 ESC 202 Research and Presentation Skills (2,0)2-2 COURSE CODE EEE 301 Industrial Practice I (0,0)0-6 FOL 381 Reading and Speaking at Foreign Language (2,0)2-2 EEE 343 Electronics I (3,2)4-4 EEE 335 Electromagnetic Waves (3,2)4-4 Individual Labor Law: Business Law Branch of the Law of the Place of Separation, Business Law Subject, Department of Business Law, Business Law Resources, Labor Law Basic Principles, Labor Law Basic Concepts: Workers, Employers, Employer Attorney, Apprentice, Office, Business, Business Contract Concept and Types, Worker and Employer's Work From the Contract of Obligations, Fees Assurance, Concept of the Minimum Wage, Labor and Rest Times, Collective Labor Law: Unions and Upper Bodies, Turkey Unionism Basic Properties, Organization of Trade Unions, Union Membership and Rights of the Debt, Mass in Turkey Business Agreements Properties, Peaceful Solution Paths: Mediation and Arbitration, Strikes: Concepts and Definitions, Turkey to Strike in the Legal Conditions, Vote to Strike, Strike snooze, Lockout: Concepts and Definitions Research paper, compile, prepare a poster and oral presentation techniques, research article summaries in the introduction, materials-methods, statistics and results of the writing section, written and oral presentation in the graphs and tables in the preparation 5 th. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Giving most importance to practice of electric-electronic systems which are used in industiral and private institutions. To provide understanding organization of more original complex reading passages by students in English language, getting a real reading habit by developing variety reading skills and understanding relationship between original a text sections. Feedback amplifiers. Applications of operational amplifiers. Active filters. Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers. Analog multipliers. Comparators and the Schmitt trigger. Voltage-Controlled-Oscillators. Multivibrators. Data conversion circuits. Sinusoidal oscillators Electromagnetic induction; Faraday's and Lenz's laws; transformer and motional electromotive force; induction heating; displacement current; time-varying fields;Maxwell's equations; wave equations; time-harmonic fields; complex phasors; scalar and vector potential functions; plane waves in vacuum; plane waves indielectrics and conductors; polarization; skin effect; electromagnetic energy and power; Poynting's theorem; reflection and refraction of plane waves at dielectricinterfaces; Snell's laws; Fresnel formulas; critical angle; total internal reflection;parameters. Protection of switching devices, cooling and maximum operating values. Serial and parallel operation of the switches. EEE 363 Signals and Systems (3, 0)3-3 EEE 373 Control Systems I (3,2)4-4 EEE311 Software Applications of Electronics (3,2)4-4 EEE 351 Power Systems Analysis I (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 353 Power Electronics (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 391 Electrical Energy Production ((3,1)3.5-5 Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems: system properties, convolution sum and the convolution integral representation, system properties, LTI systems described by differential and difference equations. Fourier series: Representation of periodic continuous-time and discrete-time signals and filtering. Continuous time Fourier transform and its properties: Time and frequency shifting, conjugation, differentiation and integration, scaling, convolution, and the Parseval’s relation. Representation of aperiodic signals and the Discrete-time Fourier transform. Properties of the discrete-time Fourier transform. Introduction to control: open-loop and closed loop control. Modeling: transfer function, block diagram, signal flow graph, state equations. Feedback control system characteristics: sensitivity, disturbance rejection, steady-state error. Performance specifications: second-order system, dominant roots, steady-state error of feedback systems. Stability: Routh-Hurwitz criterion, relative stability. The root locus method. Frequency response methods: Bode diagram, performance in the frequency domain, Nyquist stability criterion, gain margin and phase margin, Nichols chart. Definition of simulation programs, Pretous Design Suite and the ISIS programme, Operation and definition of the program, Creating a new design Area, put the component to the design area, Block operations, Investigation of the circuit elements during simulation, Measuring instruments in the ISIS programme, Oscilloscope, Logic analyzer, Digital counter, Signal generator, Multimeter, Graph-based Simulation, Task of vehicle buttons, PIC-based simulation, Ares printed circuit drawing application programme, Drawing printed circuit diagram, Preparation of a PCB schema, Drawing PCB schema of power supply circuit, Automatic drawing of the printed circuit Per-unit system; Review of three-phase circuits, transformers and synchronous machines; Modeling of transmission lines; Short, medium-length and long transmission lines; Transmission line transients; Network impedance and admittance models; Network calculations; Power flow solutions. Power semiconductor switches and their characteristics. Power converter definitions and classification. VTA method. Midpoint and bridge rectifiers: nonideal current transfer, harmonics, input power factor, utilization factor, using wrap and unbalances in the rectifier transformers. Introduction to forced comutation circuits, classification of analysis and techniques. inverters with voltage fed: Pulse Width Modulation techniques, voltage regulation, harmonics. Inverters with current fed. DC-DC switching converters: lowering and booster converters. Control of fulness rate, calculation optimal values of circuit parameters. Protection of switching devices, cooling and maximum operating values. Serial and parallel operation of the switches. To introduce electric energy generation, design and construction concepts, chracteristics of various types of plants and synchronous machine, exciting configuration kinds. Thermal and hydro plants. Electric economy, load-frequency control, and voltage control, Circuit breakers, relays and different protection ESC 303 Patent and Industrial Design (2,0)2-2 ESC305 Entrepreneurship (2,0)2-2 ESC 309 Project Management (2,0)2-2 ESC 307 Communication Skills (2,0)2-2 ESC 309 International Communication (2,0)2-2 ESC 311 Critical Analytic Thinking Techniques (2,0)2-2 SOS381 Values Education (2,0)2-2 configurations. Measurement tools in power systems Product design process, design theory and methodical approach to classification, idea generating, idea, examining the first design development and test market analysis, the final product development, product marketing presentations, product development activities, designing processes, teamwork with the design and design strategy, the designer's action and makes the process of external approaches, organizational design process, design process, finding and creating new ideas, decision making and properties Entrepreneurial Concepts, Importance and Development of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs Features: Internal and External Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Motivation, Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Trade Marks and Designs Protection; Entrepreneurship Business Ideas, Business Planning and documentation process; Business Plan in Management, marketing, Finance and Production Plans, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Case Studies An introduction to project management, project life cycle, project management processes, organization type, project startup, project needs and requirements, project plans, work distribution tree, risk management, cost estimation, schedule creation, resource allocation, project execution, team building, human dimension, project control, change management, the management, progress measurement and control, acquired value, evaluation, project closure Basic study skills. Reading comprehension. Class discussions about the topic of the week. Vocabulary building. Critical analysis of texts. Freewriting. Research assignments. Paraphrasing and summarizing basics. Review of the English language structure. Practice on punctuation and capitalization. Listening and notetaking. Paragraph analysis. Outlining. Writing academic paragraphs. Cause-effect paragraph studies. Editing one’s own paragraphs. Portfolio keeping. Definition of International Communication, International communication purposes and functions of the International Communication shorter history, economy, culture, policy-based institutions such as international interest in communication with the process of globalization and international communications subsidiary of the process, technology, raw material, Organization, Law and transfers in the context of international communication International News Agencies, the International Advertising Agencies, the International Computer Networks, International treaties in the context of international communication, international communication and causes Concepts and definitions, thought the organ as the brain, thinking of the grouping, involuntary thinking and features to consider Voluntary, Voluntary thinking features, Voluntary thinking methods, critical and analytical thinking, criticalanalytical thinking basic characteristics and criteria, the critical-analytical thinking process, the critical - Factors affecting the analytical thinking, criticalanalytical thinking scope, How to do critical-analytical thinking Definations of value and morals, brief literature on morals in terms of religion and philosophy,models of values education, schools and values education, development of ethics and character in child, values of Turkish National Education, teaching of values in schools, Values of Turkish society. COURSE CODE FOL 382 Foreign Language for Business Life (2,0)2-2 EEE 342 Microprocessors (3,2)4-5 EEE 360 Communication Systems I (3,2)4-6 EEE 390 Electromechanical Energy Conversion I (3,2)4-5 EEE 320 Digital Filters and Systems (3,2)4-5 EEE 362 6th. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Applying for a job to various institutions and companies, applying for project, writing for establishing trade relations, writing of the requests; making job interviews with companies orally, to phone calls, in working environment in which English is the dominant, determine how students would act: application, request, response report form, such as the preparation of presentations etc Basic computer organization and introductory microprocessor architecture. Introduction to assembly language programming: basic instructions, program segments, registers and memory. Control transfer instructions; arithmetic, logic instructions; rotate instructions and bitwise operations in assembly language. Basic computer architecture: pin definitions and supporting chips. Memory and memory interfacing. Basic I/O and device interfacing: I/O programming in assembly and programmable peripheral interface (PPI). Interfacing the parallel and serial ports. Review of Fourier transform and its properties. Transmission of signals through linear systems. Power spectral density and autocorrelation function. The sampling theorem and the Nyquist rate, aliasing distortion. Non-ideal sampling: Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and flat-top PAM and equalization. Digital signaling: quantization, encoding and pulse code modulation (PCM), line codes and their spectra, regenerative repeaters. Pulse transmission: Intersymbol interference (ISI), Nyquist method for zero ISI, time division multiplexing (TDM), pulse-time modulation techniques. Complex envelope representation of bandpass and modulated signals. RF circuits: limiters, converters, multipliers, detectors, PLL circuits and etc. Analog modulation techniques: AM, DSB-SC, SSB etc. Binary modulation techniques: ASK, BPSK, FSK. Magnetic circuits and materials; Single-phase transformers, auto-transformers, measurement transformers, three-phase transformers; Electromechanical energy conversion principles; Synchronous motors and generators; Dc motors and generators; Induction motors; Speed control principles. Filtering with discrete (fast) fourier transform. Design principles and the realization problem of digital filters. Filter design with finite impulse response: i) Filters which have linear phase, ii) Windowing, iii) Sampling the frequency, iv) Optimal filter design methods. Filter design with infinite impulse response. i) the numerical integration methods, ii) the impulse invariance methods, iii) the harmonized z-transformation method. Filter design based on least-squares: i) the Pade approximation, ii) the FIR Wiener filter. Identification of the system, inverse-filter design and prediction. Signal processing applications with using software realization. State representation of discrete-time systems. Observable and controllable canonical forms. Controllability, observability, stability. The design methods of control system. System design with state feedback (pole placement). Design of Status estimator. Design of optimal control system Introduction to communication systems, modulation tecgniques, limitations in Analog Communication (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 372 Control Systems II (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 380 Led Technology (3,1)3.5-5 ESC 304 Human Resources Management (2,0)2-2 ESC 306 Management Systems (2,0)2-2 ESC 308 Occupational Health and Safety (2,0)2-2 ESC 310 Corporate Behavior (2,0)2-2 ESC 312 Standardization (2,0)2-2 COURSE CODE EEE 401 Industrial Practice communication. Spectral analysis, energy and power, spectral density. Transmission of signals over linear systems. Amplitude modulation (AM) types: carrier amplitude madulation, double sideband suppressed carrier modulation, single sideband modulation, vestigial sideband madolation. Amplitude modulators, demodulators. Angle modulation tecgniques: frequency and phaseodulation (FM, AM). Frequency modulators, demodulators. Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), AM radio broadcasting, FM radio broadcasting, superheterodyne receivers. FM stereo. Television broadcasting Background and preview. State-space representation. A review of matrix algebra and vector spaces. Analysis of linear time-invariant systems, modal decomposition. Controllability and observability. Relationship between transfer function and state equations, realizations. Pole assignment: state feedback and output feedback, observer design. Diodes, Light Emitting diodes, Spectrums of colors, Connection types, LED Circuits, Application areas, Industrial applications, Sensor applications Human Resource Management Definition, Organization and Environment, Human resources planning, Human Resources, Discovery, Selection and Orientation, the Human Resources Training and Development, Human Resources and the valuation Pricing (Success valuation and pricing methods.), Labor Relations, (effective business relationship) Management and Organization with regard to basic concepts, the administrator concept, organization and functioning of organizations, organizational forms, management functions and management in the historical process of development Occupational health and safety arising from the worker and employer responsibilities, business worker health and safety organizations, work accidents and occupational diseases and the causes of economic and social consequences, work accidents and occupational disease labor law and social security law in terms of results. Personality and character. Courtesy and proprieties. Community and sociability. Community rules. Customs, customs and traditions, its impact on individual behavior of institutional rules. Effects of social environment. Adaptation, integration, compliance concepts. Adoption and assimilation. Teamwork. Individual study. Leadership. Identification and internalization Standardization Policy in Turkey, Standardization in International Commercial Relations, the Compulsory Standards Implementation in Turkey. 7th. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Giving importance to practice of electric-electronic systems which are used in II (0,0)0-6 ESC 481 Introduction to Economy (3,0)3,3 EEE 403 Engineering Design (3,1)3.5-6 EEE 405 Occupational Safety in Electric (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 415 Web Technology and Applications (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 413 Artificial Neural Networks (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 417 Microcontrollers (3,1)3.5-5 industiral and private institutions Introduction to economy, economical ideas, definition of economy and interest in other sciences, economical systems, issues ofpopulationand economic growth, Functioning of price mechanism, the laws ofsupply and demandand economicdecision units,production, production costs and factors of production,nature,labor, capital,and typesof undertakings, laborand unemployment problems, internationallaborflows,banks andmoney,inflation, deflation anddevaluation,foreign investment, multinational corporations, tradeexchanges,electronictrading To be done a research study with reviewing all components which covers subject in a specific area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faults and Fault effects in Electrical Installations. Electrical current effects on human and fire danger. Low voltage network types and protection coordination. Protection precautions in low voltage networks: Low voltage, protection isolation, protection line, grounding, neutralizing, protections with fault voltage and fault current. Grounding systems: grounding, active part grounding, lightning protection grounding. Electrode types: strip, plate, special, and compound electrodes. Measurement and calculation grounding resistance. Over voltages in low-voltage systems and precautions taken to protect against them. Principles of data communications; information transfer, computer networks and their applications. Network structures, architectures and protocols. Open systems and the OSI reference model; services and network standardization. Communication systems: transmission media, analog and digital transmission. PSTN, modems, PCM, encoding and digital interface. Transmission and switching: FDM, TDM, modulation, circuit, packet and message switching. The store and forward concept. Networking characteristics. Storage, delay, multiplexing, bandwidth sharing and dynamic bandwidth management, QoS. Channel organization, framing, channel access control. PSPDN and integrated digital network concept: ISDN. LANs, MANs and WANs. ATM and gigabit networking. Communication models. De-facto standards. The Internet open architecture and the protocol suite. Modern applications of networking. As a motivation, biological neural systems. Definition of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Supervised and unsupervised learning. Adaptive linear element. Mean square learning rule. Design of linear associative memory. Multilayered perceptron design. Back propagation algorithm. Radial based ANN. Dynamic ANN. Hopfield net, cellular ANN. KohonenSelforganized map. Pattern, image, speech processing and control with hardware and software realization of ANN Microcontroller families, Definition of PIC16F877, the most widely used microcontroller. The software development environment, MPLAB. The programming environment, PIC programming board and PIC experiment board. Commands for byte, commands for bit, data processing and control commands. Flash, RAM, addressing modes, the concept of changing the bank. Ports, specialpurpose registers, the concept of cutting. The concept of environmental interface, environmental interrupts. Timers, counters. Capture, compare, pulse width modulation module. The serial communication. Analog-digital converter module, EEE 421 Integrated Circuits (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 431 Microwave Techniques (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 441 Biomedical Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 443 Electronics II (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 445 Electronics Laboratory (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 451 Power Systems Analysis II (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 453 Industrial Applications of Power Electronics (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 455 Electrical Power Distribution (3,1)3.5-5 EEPROM, LCD. Applications; DC motors, step motors, servo motors, serial communication, RF communication VLSI design techniques and foundations. ASIC design, gate-arrays, standardcells. Full custom design approaches. Floorplanning in chip-level. Separation of the system building blocks. Standard cell placement & routing algorithms. Verification of design, logic simulation, timing simulation, transistor level simulation. Design techniques for regular building blocks: memory arrays, PLAs. Testable system design techniques. Reliability. Introduction of improving VLSI design techniques and tools Definition of microwaves. Basic properties. Application areas. Historical perpectives. Circuit viewpoint TEM transmission lines in sinusiodal steady state and in transient regime. Smith chart. Impedance matching. Single and double stub matching. Field analysis of transmission lines and waveguides. TEM, TM and TE Waves. Parallel plate and rectangular waveguides. Waveguides modes of a coaxial line. Dielectric slab waveguides, surface waves. Stripline. Planar guiding structures: microstrip, coplanar lines, fin lines, etc. Microwave network analysis. Impedance and admittance matrices. Scattering paratmeters. ABCD matrix. Twoport networks The physiological effects of electric current and electrical safety, measurement and evaluation systems with microprocessor. Clinical measurement systems. Electro-surgical and physical therapy systems. Radiologic and nuclear methods. The usage of computers in medicine. Computerized tomography. Advanced topics in medical electronics. Frequency response of amplifiers, feedback, stability in feedback amplifiers, pulse response of amplifiers, Wideband amplifiers, oscillators, active filters, Band off the filters, noise and distortion Electrical wave patterns, wave generators, pulse generators and studies, inputoutput characteristics of TTL and MOS gate and different applications, sequential circuits, counters, registers, memory units and practices, data conversion and communication Economic operation of power systems; Symmetrical three-phase fault analysis; Symmetrical component theory; Unsymmetrical fault analysis; Fault analysis using bus admittance matrix method; Protection systems, overcurrent, directional, ratio, differential, distance and pilot relays; Stability analysis of power systems The general definition and classification of semiconductor power converters; AC / DC, DC / AC, AC / AC and DC / DC converters; Distortions of input waveforms in power converters and solution of preventing these distortions; Power factor and harmonics; Various applications of converters in industrial systems; Motor control system (DC and AC current motors); Backup and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS); Battery charge circuits; Electrochemical applications, Electrical heating and melting (arc furnaces, electric welding, heating with induction); Static reactive power compensation; Power transmission with high voltage, domestical applications (heating and air conditioning systems); The fluorescent lighting systems which have high-frequency ACsystems, one and three-phase AC systems, phase difference, star-delta connections, power in AC power systems, synchronous generators, synchronous reactance and short-circuit currents. Distribution transformers, equivalent circuits, voltage drop, short circuit voltage, connectivity features, overload, short circuit EEE 457 Power Transmission Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 459 High Voltage Techniques (3,1)3.5-5 EEE461 Digital Communication (3,1)3.5-5 EEE463 Radio and Tv Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 465 Computer Communication (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 471 Process Control (3,1)3.5-5 resistance, maintenance and operation. Features of the power cables. Types of MV and LV underground cables, types, shapes and calculation of cable cross – sections according to current strenght. HV, MV and LV overhead lines. Calculation of cable cross-section according to the voltage drop in Aluminum, copper and steel cored aluminum lines. Structure of distribution networks and voltage drop calculations. Busbars. Short-circuit calculations, the effects of shortcircuit currents Balanced 3-phase system models of transmission systems. Modeling generators, transformers and loads as components of the system. Modeling of transmission lines. Examination of "conversion space" concept by Symmetrical components conversion. Asymmetric modeling of transmission systems with SM. Faults, short circuits, load flow Electrostatic Fields: basic electrode systems, approximate calculation of maximum electric field strength, electrode systems with multi-dielectrics, conformal mapping, numerical methods for electrostatic field calculations. Introduction to discharge phenomena: discharge phenomena in gases (Townsend and streamer theories); corona, lightning and surface discharges, discharge phenomena in solid and liquid dielectrics. Fundamentals of overvoltages and overvoltage protection. Generation and measurement of high voltages Review of probability and random variables. Random processes, stationarity, correlation, covariance and ergodicity concepts. Transmission of random processes through linear filters, power spectral density. Gaussian random processes, white noise, filtered noise and narrowband noise. Baseband pulse transmission and optimal (matched filter) receiver. Probability of error for pulse transmission. Nyquist criterion for distortionless binary transmission, partial response signaling, multi-level signaling and tapped delay line equalization. Geometric interpretation of signals, coherent detection of signals in noise. Digital modulation techniques such as PSK, FSK, QPSK and etc. Detection of the digitally modulated signals General receiver principles, superheterodyne receivers, selectivity, sensitivity, image frequency, receiver distortions. AM & FM broadcasting principles and systems, multiple carrier techniques and OFDM; PAL/SECAM/NTSC TV systems, PAL coding and decoding, picture artifacts, sampling and quantization of video signals, digital processing of video, video compression, MPEG, advanced TV systems, video recording, satellite and cable delivery of video signal. Fundamentals of computer networks, architectures, topologies. Network hardware components in local network (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN), TCP / IP protocol, the features of OSI layers and principles of their operation. Simple and complex LAN installation and their cost-efficiency analysis. General features of network operating systems. Installation of network operating systems such as Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/2003 Server and Linux. Method of local computer networks, Management of users and groupsin local computer networks, server management features such as permissions and rights. Security in computer network Basic principles of process control, Examination of behaviors of process systems, which are used in real life, by computer simulation, Modeling of process dynamic, P, PI, PID control of Process systems, Linearization of nonlinear equations, Simple differential equations in time domain, Laplace transformations, Transfer functions, Block diagrams EEE 473 Industrial Automation Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 481 Optoelectronics I (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 483 Semiconductor Thermoelectric Elements (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 485 Laser Theory (3,1)3.5-5 EEE491 Electromechanical Energy Conversion II (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 493 Renewable Energy Systems (3,1)3.5-5 COURSE CODE EEE 402 Graduation Thesis Programmable logic controllers; Hardware features; Memory areas; Writing programme; Command set and applications; Timing of program execution; Supervision and execution of the program; Usage of the analog input unit; usage of analog output unit; Usage of fuzzy logic unit; High-speed counter unit; Usage of PID controller unit; Usage of rotary position; Usage of the temperature control unit; Usage of the motion control unit; Usage of shaft control unit; Usage of position control unit; Programmable terminal unit and usage of integrated by PLC; PLC systems with big capacity; Remote-controlled PLC systems; PLC digital control applications; PLC analog control applications Opto-electronic Devices: optical absorption in a semiconductor, photocurrent in a p-n diode, photoconductive detection, p-i-n detector, avalanche photo detector, phototransistor, Schottky detectors. Opto-electronic light emitters: light emitting diode and its performance, advanced LED structures, semiconductor lasers design-operation-structures. Optical communications: optical communication systems, information content and channel capacity, optical fibers, advanced devices Semiconductor technology, The basics of semiconductor materials, electron and band theories, the classification of semiconductors, thermoelectric alloys, the Peltier and Seebeck event related to the theories, the theory and design of thermoelectric coolers, thermoelectric generators and design theory, other thermoelectric applications Historical introduction to lasers, the basic concepts about lasers, electromagnetic theory and overview of Maxwell's equations, light reflection, refraction and absorption, quantum theory of the interaction of light with matter, laser oscillation and the cavities, progress of the laser beam, the Q-cycle and mode locking, laser types: gas, excimer, free electron, solid state and semiconductor lasers, optical phase alignment, introduction to photonic, fibe optic, optical detectors and modulators, scientific and industrial applications of lasers and photonics fotoniğin, ultrafast lasers and introduction to nonlinear optic Electromagnetic fields which are generated by the AC electrical machine wraps: pulsating and rotating magnetic fields, induction machines: equivalent circuit, the steady-state analysis, the speed control. Synchronous machines: equivalent circuit, the steady-state analysis, stability. Single-phase induction machines. Special electric machines. Introduction to renewable energy resources with main emphasis on photovoltaic energy conversion. Solar insolation. Short review of semiconductor properties. Generation, recombination and the basic equations of the device physics. P-n junction and silicone solar cell. Efficiency limits, losses, and measurements. Current fabrication technologies. Design of cells and modules. Other materials. Applications. 8th. Semester Courses DESCRIPTION Engineering problems encountered in professional life would motif makers to devise solutions to provide, to provide a new scientific concepts to create (0,2)1-5 ESC 482 Industrial Management (3,0)3-3 ENG 402 Engineering Ethics (2,0)2-2 EEE 460 Digital Signal Processing (3,1)3.5-5 EEE414 Microprocessors Laboratory (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 440 Medical Electronics (3,1)3.5-5 EEE442 Microelectronics Technology (3,1)3.5-5 EEE444 Electronics III (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 446 High Frequency Electronics (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 452 Electrical Machines Laboratory (3,1)3.5-5 Definition of management, management process features, qualities which must be in administrators, functions which consist the process of management, table of management approaches, scientific management approach, management process approach, the bureaucracy approach Introduction to ethical concepts. Professionalism and professional ethics codes. Ethics in design. Rights and responsibilities in business. Technical and ethical problems. Risk, safety and accident. Responsibility for scientific research. Experimental study responsibility. Printing and publication of research results in the powers and responsibilitie. Overview of digital signals and systems. Frequency and time representation of sampling, decimation, interpolation. Z-transform: Evaluation, region of convergence (ROC) and properties. Discrete time system structures: tapped delay line and lattice structures. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Digital filter design: Finite impulse response (FIR), infinite impulse response (IIR), windowing, Hilbert transform. Programmable interface adapter devices (PIA). Multiplexed displays. A/D, D/A converters and their interfacing to the MPU. Subroutines. Utilization of the microprocessor stack. Interrupts. Interrupt based I/O, interrupt controllers. Serial I/O. Communications interface adapters, modems. Direct memory access. DMA controller devices. Comparison of DMA techniques. The origin of the action potential, bioelectrical sources, and the main properties of biolectrical signals. Origin and properties of other physiological parameters. Electroneurographly, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography, electroretinography and evoked potentials. Other phsiological measurements: blood pressure, blood volume, blood flow, heart sound, respiratory system measurements. Brief history of the microelectronics technology. Planar technology. microlitography. Thin films; Evaporation, sputtering and CVD techniques. Thermal oxidation of silicon. Doping techniques; diffusion, ion implantation and epitaxy. Process measurement and evalution techniques. Proess simulation; SUPREM. Process design: junction isolated bipolar IC and CMOS IC fabrication processes. Packaging. Yield analysis. AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and derivative gates (XOR, XNOR). Regenerative circuits: Unstable, one stable and two stable oscillating Schimitt users and trigger circuits. Timers. Static and dynamic memories: RAM, ROM, EPROM, PLA etc A / D and D / A converters. MUX, DEMUX circuits System noise and inter-modulation distortion. Serial and Parallel Resonant Circuits and impedance matching structures; Single and double tuned transformers, High frequency oscillators; crystal oscillators and VCOs. Tuned amplifiers; Tuned amplifiers using IC blocks, crystal, ceramic and SAW fitler performances and the tuned amplifiers constructed with them, Determining equivalent circuit parameters of single phase transformer. Determining equivalent circuit parameters of three phase induction motors and speed control. Computer aided speed control of three-phase induction machines fed from a cycloconverter. Heating in a loaded, single-phase induction machine. Determining synchronous generator characteristics. Starting of synchronous EEE 454 Power Systems Laboratory (3,1)3.5-5 EEE456 Protection at Power Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 458 Special Electrical Machines (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 462 Rf Electronics (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 464 Fiberoptic Communication (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 468 Antennas and Propagation (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 466 Satellite Communication (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 472 Digital Control Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 474 Computer motors. Four-quadrant speed control of DC motors. Determining equivalent circuit parameters of a salient-pole synchronous machine Analysis of energy systems, energy systems measurement and protection equipment tests are performed in this laboratory. To be used Electrical Machines and Power Electronics opportunities for energy system equipment, computer software laboratory opportunities for system solutions, relays measurement and test devices, test equipment, etc. grounding. are included, such as hardware Errors and kinds of errors. Basic concepts. Introduction to protection sysyems. Current and voltage transformers. Overcurrent, differantial and empedance protection systems. Transformers, generators and line protection Synchronous induction motor. Doubly-fed induction motor. High-frequency motors. Linear machines. Braking motors. Motors with external rotors. Oscilating motors. Tambourine motors. Poly-phase commutator motors. Schrage motors. Single-phase commutator motors. Hysteresis motors. Explosion-proof electric motors Introduction to RF and wireless technology. Modulation and detection. Multiple access techniques and wireless standards. Tranceiver architecture. Low noise amplifiers and mixers. Oscillators. Power amplifiers Review of optics: Ray theory, imaging, diffraction, etc. Lightvawe fundamentals: polarization, dispersion, critical angle reflections. Dielectric waveguides: Slaab waveguides, modes and coupling, integrated optic components. Optic fiber waveguides: Step-index fiber, Graded-index fiber, atennuation modes, pulse distortion, construction of optic fibers. Light sources: LED, laser principles, laser diodes, optical amplifiers, fiber laser. Light detectors, couplers connectors: Photodetection, splice connectors, source coupling. Distribution networks and fiber components: Couplers, switches, attenuators, circulators, polarizer, etc. Light modulation formats and optic heterodyne receivers Maxwell's equations, obtaining of wave equations, microwave spectrum and its application areas. Types and characteristics of the transmission line. Basic antenna concepts and definition of parameters, radiation event in antenna. Calculation of the power density and field intensity, Friss transmission equation and free space path loss Introduction to satellite communications. Structures and kinds of Satellite and satellite antennas. Basic concepts such as LNA, LNC, LNB, transponder, footprint. TV satellites, GPS satellites, special satellites. Orbits of satellites, satellite stations. Circuit-switched services, packet-switched services. Modulation techniques, multiplexing with code division. MPEG Distribution stations. DiSEqC switch, cable types. Data broadcast, voice broadcast. VSAT-mobile communication systems. Software techniques in satellite systems. Modeling and simulation. Developments and applications for the future The overall structure of the numerical control systems. z-transform. Discrete-time systems. Sampling. AD / DA converters, and the restructuring of of signals. Representation of numerical controlsystems with block diagrams. Open and closed loop systems. State-space analysis. Stability testing methods. Numerical design of controllers. Computer-aided applications Modeling for control of systems. Z-transforms. Analysis of discrete-time systems. Design of discrete-time system, To determine the control law, The systems which Controlled Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 476 Driver Systems (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 482 Optoelectronics II (3,1)3.5-5 EEE484 Nanotechnology (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 486 Illumination Technique (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 492 Photovoltaic Energy Production (3,1)3.5-5 EEE 494 Electrical Plants (3,1)3.5-5 make the state estimation, the regulator design. Shift pole in system models which are established with input-output relationships. Controllability and observability of discrete-time systems. System identification techniques, the least squares method, sequential and stochastic least squares method, maximum probability method. Adaptive self-adjusting control systems. Modeling of parasitic effects. Overview to continuous and discrete-time systems. Speed control methods and applications for DC motors. Operation in fourquadrant. Speed control methods and applications for Asynchronous motor: speed control by voltage regulation, speed control by frequency, speed control by constant flux, speed control by rotor resistance. Inverters and pulse width modulation techniques. Operation principles of gradual motors. Operation principles of Reluctance motors Optocouplers, optical components, adaptation of light emitters with photodetectors, source types of light emitters, optoelectronic circuits and systems What is nanotechnology? Macro, micro and nano structures, synthesis methods of nano-structures, the methods used in the study of nanostructures, methods of microscopic, spectroscopicmethods, X-ray diffraction methods, Applications of nanotechnologies. Light theories. Eye, sensitivity and vision types. Light reflection, absorption and transmission phenomenon. Definition and methods of lighting terms. Internal lighting systems and calculations. Pre-project preparation fundamentals. Feeder, column and main-column line formation. Fundamentals of practical application project preparations. Low power-fact. correction methods in internal installations. Voltage-drop calculation for lighting systems. External lighting calculations Electrical properties of the material; interaction of light with a solar cell; reflection, absorption, generation, separation and collection of carriers; doping levels and its effects, junction structures, voltage-current characteristics, structures of different photovoltaic cells; monocrystalline, semicrystalline, amorphous and other thin-film solar cells; optical concentration, module operation Production, transmission and distribution plants. The general structure of a production plant. electrical calculations of transmission lines, the nominal and equivalent circuits. Conductors. Insulators. The potential distribution in insulators. Poles and their selection. Disconnectors, circuit breakers. Short circuit current and its features. Calculation and selection of circuit breakers according to short circuit current account. Busbars and busbar systems. Measuring transformers. Grounding.