Quiz 5 - SP New Moodle

What are not considered domestic campaigns in Australia?
A) use zero or low phosphorus detergent
B) collect and bury pet faeces
C) wash only full loads in washing machines
D) increase the use of fertilizers on lawns and gardens
Which of the following is an example of recycling?
A) biodegradation of plastic bags
B) breaking down of raw sewage in the oceans
C) converting used car tires to rubberized road surfaces
D) incinerating plastics
The ozone layer is protected by…?
A) the ocean
B) UV radiation
C) Reducing cattle production
D) Recycling old refrigerators
Ozone gas is _____________________ in the upper atmosphere through the action of CFC’s.
Non-point source pollution is __________________ sources from which pollutants
originate and enter the natural environment.
The ozone protects us from __________ radiation.
How does composting help in terms of recycling?
What are some ozone depleting substances?
Answer Key:
What are not considered domestic campaigns in Australia?
E) use zero or low phosphorus detergent
F) collect and bury pet faeces
G) wash only full loads in washing machines
H) increase the use of fertilizers on lawns and gardens
Which of the following is an example of recycling?
E) biodegradation of plastic bags
F) breaking down of raw sewage in the oceans
G) converting used car tires to rubberized road surfaces
H) incinerating plastics
The ozone layer is protected by…?
E) the ocean
F) UV radiation
G) Reducing cattle production
H) Recycling old refrigerators
Ozone gas is _____________________ in the upper atmosphere through the action of CFC’s.
Non-point source pollution is __________________ sources from which pollutants
originate and enter the natural environment. (dispersed)
The ozone protects us from __________ radiation. (UV)
How does composting help in terms of recycling?
Composting is the aerobic decomposition of biodegradable material. It recycles
organic household waste into a humus like soil. It returns valuable nutrients to the
What are some ozone depleting substances?
Halogenated gases (CFCs) – chlorine, fluoride, and carbon
Nitrogen oxides (fossil fuels)