College of Business and Public Management Alumni Affinity Group Meeting Minutes Monday, November 10, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Hanawalt House WebEx Conference Call #: 1-855-244-8681 Host access code: 749 697 33 (Host PIN: 4450) Attendee access code: 725 653 06 I & II. Welcome and Call to Order Jerry called meeting to order at 7:00PM. There is a quorum present (3 of 3 Board of Directors are present) * NOTE – AAB Bylaws will be in effect replacing the CBPM AA’s previous governance documents. III. Call to order Present: Hoang Dinh, Rick Hasse, Renee Deming, Jerry Gonzalez, Alfred Magallanes, Joe De La Cerda, Monika Moore, James Deming, Abe Helou, Raymond Medina, Ebony Williams. Present via conference call: None. IV. Agenda Motioned, seconded, and passed. V. Minutes Motioned, seconded, and passed. VI. Executive and Chair Reports & Housekeeping A. President (Jerry) Report: 1. Jerry mentioned that the name of the group CBPM AA is now being referred to as CBPM AAG (Alumni Affinity Group). Monika mentioned that the term AA (Alumni Association) is reserved for the overall major group. 2. Calendar on the main La Verne website. Neither Alumni Office nor CBPM has access to these calendars; they will have to work with the University to update. B. Vice President (Renee) Report: 1. Recapping the Homecoming Weekend (Fri. October 24th and Sat. October 25th). a. Reception on Fri. night had 50 guests, enough wine present. b. Sat. Street Fair/Booth, James Deming helped out. Bean bag as entertainment. Good turnout overall. Good prizes that were raffled off to the winners. Ebony has the list of the interest cards; she scanned and sent them over to the Board. Abe mentioned that he can have a student worker input all the interest cards into the database. Monika suggests that we CC: both her and Abe to consolidate the contact information in the database. c. Sat. Homecoming Game was fun although the final score wasn’t in the Leopards favor. Redlands 64 – ULV 28 F. d. Joe commented on Renee doing a great job organizing the booth as she was humble. Everyone thanked Renee for volunteering. Jerry also thanked all members who attended the events on Friday and Saturday. e. Hoang commented that Rick was a sharp dressed man in his suit and tie as he presented an Alumnus award to a former student. f. Monika thanked everyone for their support during the Homecoming weekend. Challenging in getting RSVP’s for the Receptions up to the day of. Strategies in place to deal with this. Record attendance at the dinner. She also thanked Rick for his presentation of the Alumnus award. Street fair slightly to change where the groups will intermingle with the student groups. She also stated that she cannot recruit for the football team. 2. Holiday Mixer/Networking Event, Fri. December 5th 7:00PM at Hanawalt House. a. Alfred mentioned that the invitation has been emailed out. Currently there are 20 RSVP’s now. Jerry suggested those that are attending to RSVP. b. Abe mentioned that there will be more faculty attending as there is a function at 5:30PM. c. Followup - Renee will check with Abe and Carrie Macias regarding the food, wine for the reception. d. Decorations question. Maricela may be only decorating the upstairs offices instead of the downstairs area. Abe, Monika, and Carrie Macias can work with Bon Appetit in the food arrangement and if there are any decorations they may have. Potentially have a project for audio/visual slides, but that would depend on if a table in the conference area is available with the screen. Request for jazz music, so most likely Carrie Macias can get the sound system for the event. Followup – Raymond stated that he can build the slideshow on the pictures that he can access. Rick has some pictures from past hockey events, especially the recent football tailgate event. Also photos from the first football game of the season, plus the Homecoming events. Raymond will email and work with Monika on this. e. Raymond talked with Allison Rodriguez at the Irvine Campus if she can extend invitation to MBA students. Abe mentioned that current students can be emailed. Followup – Alumni Office will send out a reminder email to all CBPM students (undergraduates at the Main and Regional Campuses) plus Alumni. C. Secretary (Hoang) Report: 1. Previous month’s meeting minutes submitted. 2. Larry Gillen had emailed indicating that he could not attend due to work travels in Portland, OR. 3. Conference Call # and Codes. a. Hoang worked with Carrie Macias in reserving the conference call phone #, host codes (Board), and attendee codes (those calling in remotely). Had to find the Campus Facilities Manager to track down the phone as it wasn’t on the conference room table until 6:55PM. No one is on the conference call D. E. F. G. H. tonight. Followup – Hoang will continue to talk with Carrie Macias on getting the conference call phone # and codes for that month’s meeting prior to mailing out the meeting reminder a week in advance. 4. Winter Grad Finale, Sat. November 22nd 10:00AM – 2:00PM at Abraham Campus Center 3rd Floor. a. Carrie Hasse reserved the booth with Despina (Commencement coordinator). Jerry, Rick, Joe, and Carrie H. will be present to staff the table. Materials is available at the front desk, call Security to open the door, Ebony also has a key. Outreach Chair (Vacant) Report: 1. Rick brings up whether this organization’s message is as he’s been a part of this body for a fairly long time. Mission, general direction, plan of attack for the board. This discussion can be done at a future date. Abe can only do so much in promoting the CBPM. Events Chair (Vacant) Report: 1. Sat. November 8th Football Tailgate. Good turnout, Provost, 2 Trustees, and 2 Faculty members, and Deborah Olson. Ebony was present, other than that we didn’t have any other Alumni present. Abe addressed the disconnect of those Alumni who graduate and have moved on, he’s hiring 4 people on his staff to help bridge/assist to help students and Alumni with career services. Joe agrees with Abe that the group should refocus, move forward, as well as thanking Jerry for leading the group. 2. Wed. January 21st, 2015 6:30PM at Irvine Campus on Business Finance, co-chaired by Willard Caddell (West Region Director of U.S. Bank) and Doug Heller (CFO of Anaheim Ducks). Rick is tying in his MBA course on site with this event. Followup – publicity to go out with Todd Eckel (Campus Director). 3. Sat. February 14th, 2015 7:00PM Ontario Reign hockey night at Citizens Business Bank Arena. Followup – Eventbrite will be setup for this event soon. 4. Mon. August 31st, 2015 University of La Verne Golf Tournament at Hacienda Golf Club in La Habra Heights. Encouraging all Affinity Groups and Colleges to participate. Lowered the price this year. 5. May 2015 potential baseball game and meeting with marketing professionals at the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes. 6. Involve more of the Public Management Alumni; potentially have a discussion forum in the Spring/Summer 2015 with Steve Choi (Mayor of Irvine). Marketing Chair (Ebony) Report: 1. Photographer coming to redo the marketing materials. 2. Pens came in but she’ll bring them in the next time. Burbank Chapter President (Joe) Report: 1. Leticia has been working with Alfred on the website and will meet soon. No events. Alumni Advisory Board Representative (Raymond) Report: 1. No report. VII. Alumni Relations Office (Monika/Alfred) A. Monika mentioned that the disconnect issue is not only affinity group wide, its institution wide. There are not enough programs from the institution that can be provided to Alumni to re-engage them back with the University. Potentially review if there are enough events that bring value. Abe asks, “Why should I be engaged?” and he’ll work with the Strategic Committee in promoting our group. Especially brought up B. C. D. E. a Chinese student who was mentored by Rick, his success story was all over the country. Jerry talks about the three key principle words, “Network, Know, Reconnect.” Jerry says there needs to be an event opportunity that offers an opportunity for Alumni to reconnect. Alumni Advisory Board meeting on Sun. November 16 th 1:00PM at the Howell Board Room. Current Alumni engagement rate of 4%. “Count Me In” fundraising campaign. An anonymous Alumnus donor has pledged $100,000 to the University by challenging to acquire 360 new donors (monetary value does not matter) and retention of current donors by June 30th, 2015. Donations are tax deductible. Recently attended a conference in Boston. It takes approximately 60 to 100 hours of staff time to volunteer for events. Thinking strategy wise is to move away from receptions and go into a program, purposeful based event. Model of regional receptions may change to Fall and Spring rather than weekends. Host Affinity Group leaders retreat in late January 2015. Training on best practices for volunteers. VIII. Old Business A. None. IX. New Business A. Abe said to start thinking about the CBPM Picnic on Sun. April 26th, 2015. Details TBA, can be discussed if changes are needed at a future Spring meeting date. X. Announcements A. Dark during the month of December, no meeting. Plan for January Projected Agenda Discussions and Open Announcements. XI. Adjournment of Meeting with next Meeting Confirmation A. Jerry adjourned the meeting at 8:52PM (112 minutes total). B. Next scheduled meeting is set for Mon. January 12th, 2015 7:00PM at Hanawalt House. /S/ Hoang V. Dinh (’01, ’13), Secretary