Year Group 4 Topic – Castles Farnham Green Creative Curriculum 2014/15 Medium Term Planning Term: Spring 1 Teachers – Miss Shubh, Mrs Smith, Miss Raja Subjects Studied Science – How we see – Light DT – Levers - Mechanisms ICT – We are Co-authors Music – Tudor dance tunes History – The evolution of lighting our homes Overview of Topic: This theme is linked to an element of local study and learning will focus on famous castles including the Tower of London. The children will study the reasons why castles were built and what it was like to live within the castle walls. They will study the history of the Tower of London to examine how the defence of a castle works and how the technology of defence developed through the ages. In DT they will examine how levers were used in the defence of a castle and they will use their knowledge to design and build a siege engine. Learning in Science will study the evolution of bringing light into our homes and the the difficulties of lighting a medieval castle without electricity. Stunning Start Catapault contest Literacy Link: Embedded writing Information text (wiki pages) – explanation texts (The history of lighting our homes) - non-chronological reports – newspaper articles PE Focus: Dance – 2 weeks/Tennis – 3 weeks Marvellous Middle Synagogue trip Maths Link Degrees of angles – lever mechanisms/catapaults Fabulous Finish Castle in a classroom! Enterprise Link Enquiry – data gathering techniques/drawing conclusion and evaluating outcomes. RE Focus: Jewish beliefs – Pesach – Synagogue (visit) PHSE / EMA Focus ‘Good to be me’ – 4 weeks Block Subj CLJ Targets Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Final Outcome Can I investigate how different objects reflect different amounts of light? Can I design and produce a reflector for night safety? Can I explain how mirrors work? Outcome: Design and produce reflective strips for a a ‘Be Safe’ poster (card cutout of a child) Outcome: Investigate ‘true or false’ statements regarding reflections in mirrors. Can I explain the effects of excessive sunlight on the human body? Final outcome Science How we see - Light Science Science Sc39 Sc40 Sc41 Sc42 Sc43 Sc44 Sc50 Sc51 Sc54 Can I recall facts about light and shadows? Can I explain why we need light to see things? Outcome: Record key facts about light and shadows including annotated diagrams. Outcome: Write a prediction of which objects are easier to see than others when there is less light. Can I identify how shadows are formed? Can I identify materials that are good at protecting the eyes from strong sunlight? Outcome: Investigate various materials – opaque, translucent, transparent – sketch sillouettes of various objects Outcome: Plan and carry out a fair test – write a conclusion Outcome: Gather and record information about which objects reflect the most light. Can I explain why we need to protect our eyes? Outcome: Design and produce a poster explaining how sunglasses protect the eyes. Outcome: Design a ‘safety’ leaflet – include dangers and preventions. End of Topic assessment. Levers and moving mechanisms Tower of London Judaism RE History DT Thematic Curriculum Dt23 Dt24 Dt25 Dt26 Dt27 Dt28 Dt29 Dt30 Dt31 Can I investigate and evaluate products with moving mechanisms? Can I use a range of techniques to create moving mechanisms? Can I use moving mechanisms in a picture storybook? Can I use moving mechanisms in a picture storybook? Outcome: Record examples of objects with levers and linkages (moving mechanisms) Outcome: Carousel activity – create an example of various mechanisms Hi25 Hi26 Hi27 Hi28 Hi29 Hi30 Hi31 Hi32 Hi33 Can I explain how and why candles were made? Can I identify when and why gas lighting was introduced? Outcome: Complete planning proforma for a storybook which includes moving mechanisms. Can I describe the impact of the discovery of electricity? Outcome: Begin construction of picture storybook using moving mechanism techniques. Can I collate research to produce an information text? Outcome: Use media sources to research the introduction of gas lighting – make notes. Outcome: Use media sources to research the discovery of electricity – Thomas Edison Ra30 Ra31 Ra34 Ra35 Ra36 Ra37 Rf26 Rf28 *Synagogue trip Can I explain why life was difficult for Hebrews in ancient Egypt? Can I present reasons ‘for’ or ‘against’ keeping slaves? Can I identify the link between the story of Moses and Pesach celebrations? Outcome: Use research notes to begin composing an information text about the history of lighting our homes. Can I describe the preparations made for the celebration of Pesach? Outcome: Research and record notes about the origins of candles and how they were used as a source of light for early homes. Outcome: Make a poster of protest: Save Us from Slavery – listing the hardships of being slaves and identifying key terms such as ‘freedom’ and ‘oppression’ Outcome: Two groups – write post-its with a reason ‘for’ or ‘against’ keeping slaves – conscience alley or hot seating for Pharoah/Moses Outcome: Discuss and record key events from the story of Moses and the symbolism used in Pesach celebrations Outcome: Match items to symbolic representations – use resource sheet. Final outcome: Evaluation of final product. Final outcome: Produce an explanation text about the history of lighting in our homes – from candle to light bulb. Final outcome: Sketch an annotated diagram of the Sedar plate – describe symbolism of each item on the plate. Good to be me We are Co-authors PSHE ICT Pr28 Pr29 Pr30 Pa24 Pa25 Pa26 Pa27 Ic42 Ic46 Ic47 Ic50 Ic51 Ic52 Can I discuss things I am good at and how I overcome difficulties? Can I recognise and discuss different emotions? Can I recognise when to show or hide my feelings? Can I explain reasons for particular responses? Outcome: Listen to a story and answer questions. Outcome: Demonstrate through role play expressing/hiding feelings. Outcome: Matching scenario cards to appropriate response. Can I design a ‘wiki’ page? Can I use a search engine? Outcome: Brainstorm ideas for 5 different ‘wiki’ pages focused on castles (Eg. Why they were built – who lived there – when were the first castles built – where are the most famous castles – what do they tell us) Outcome: Use key words and phrases to research information on given topic – castles. Can I use research notes to compose an information text? Can I use research notes to compose an information text? Can I compare and evaluate class ‘wiki’ pages? Outcome: Begin to construct ‘wiki’ page by organising selected information. Outcome: Complete construction of ‘wiki’ page by organising selected information. Outcome: Open discussion – debate negative and positive aspects of ‘wiki’ pages produced by peers. Outcome: Write difficulties on postits for groups to discuss how they can overcome these difficulties.