1_How to construct Plane Mirror Diagrams

Name_________________________ Date______________________
Plane Mirror Diagrams
1. Use protractor for this task.
2. Use properties of similar triangles for this task.
a. Continue the ray to locate the point of
b. Construct normal at the point of
c. Use Law of reflection to construct
reflected ray
a. Continue the ray to locate the point of reflection
b. Construct normal at the point of intersection
c. Connect the tail of the light ray with the normal at right
d. Construct similar right triangle above the normal.
d. Use Law of reflection to construct reflected ray
3. Construct reflected rays.
(Use similar triangles to construct equal
5. Think of the following:
? Do you really need that many rays
to construct the image of a point
? Which ray is the easiest to
? Where exactly on this ray is the
image located.
4. The result in question 3 should look this way.
Use dashed lines to extend each reflected ray backward.
All three ray extensions should intersect at one point?_______
What is the meaning of this point? ______________________
6. Derive the procedure for construction of an image of the
point source in a plane mirror:
8. Construct the image of the object
formed by the mirror.
Use the right angle at the corner of
your ruler to construct the normal
to the mirror surface.
[The front surface is reflective].
If it’s not a point source…
7. Construct the image of the object
formed by the mirror
9. Construct the image of the object
formed by the mirror
How many points on the object need to
be considered for this task? _________
Which ones?______________________
10. Show the light ray originating
from the object and its reflection off
the mirror that goes into the eye and
actually forms the image of the point
object below.
CHECK the law of reflection!
Just another grid for the same
task in case if you messed up the
previous one (you probably did)
HINT: construct the image first;
how does the eye see the image?
a) construct the image,
b) find the reflection point for
the light rays forming the image
c) decide if the observer will be
able to see the images A and B.
Opaque barrier
11. To locate the point where the light rays forming the image reflect off
the mirror, ….