Yoga for Early Years

SAGE 2012
YOGA for Early Years, K-5
Presented by Darlene Sveinson,
Manitoba PE/HE Curriculum Outcomes:
Kindergarten/Gr.1: S1KA3/S11A3 - explore static/dynamic balance
K12B2 - ways to maintain static/dynamic balance (force, gravity)
K15B3b – terms describing muscle/joint action (flexion, extension, rotation, etc.)
S15A3 – demo static balance body shapes
Kindergarten/Gr.1: S2KA1a/S21A1a – participate in variety of activities for skills, fitness, enjoyment.
S2KA1b/S21A1b – sustain moderate to vigorous activity for short periods of time.
S22A1a/S23A1a – participate for fitness (flexibility)
K25C3 – understanding stretching major muscle groups
Personal/Social Management:
Kindergarten/Gr.1: S4KA5 – experience activities for relaxation
K42B2b – show appreciation
K42C4a – discuss ways to reduce stress
S42A5 – explore ways to relax the mind and body
K44C3 – identify physical responses to stress
K44C4a – identify stress management skills for coping with stress
S44A5 – demo use of stress management strategies
K45B3a – identify components of anger management, strategies for self-control
Yoga is a quiet activity.
In the peace and stillness of quiet, we notice and feel inside
ourselves. Our brain can relax, our nerves can settle, our heart can be
happy and we can feel alive. Only when we quiet of voice can the
mind go quiet as well.
Opening: “go to that quiet place inside of you”
Breath chant
“I – can – find – my – quiet – place – inside.”
Sun Salute A
… to the tune of “hokey pokey”
Excellent resource: Shana Meyerson: mini yogis yoga for kids
I reach my hands up high,
I bring my hands down low,
Look up with my eyes,
Step back and lower s-l-o-w,
Lift up into a Cobra,
Then back to Downward Dog,
Jump up, and stand up tall.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
 Feet point straight forward
 Deep bend in knees
 Chest lifted
I Know a Chicken
(Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?)
Sun Salute A and Chair Pose
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
 Back leg straight, foot flat with
heel turned in (toes turned out)
 Front leg bent with toes forward
 Arms up above head
Sun Salute B
I bend my knees to Chair,
I bring my hands down low,
Look up with my eyes,
Step back and lower s-l-o-w,
Lift up into a Cobra,
Then back to Downward Dog,
Get set, for Warrior I…
I turn my left heel in,
I step my right foot up,
Rise up with my arms,
To Plank, and lower s-l-o-w,
Lift up into a cobra,
Then back to Downward Dog,
Get set, for Warrior I…
I turn my right heel in,
I step my left foot up,
Rise up with my arms,
To Plank, and lower s-l-o-w,
Lift up into a cobra,
Then back to Downward Dog,
Jump up, and stand up tall.
Halloween Yoga Story:
Sit in criss-cross, half lotus or full lotus.
Help me tell this Trick or Treat Yoga story. It’s Halloween night, and the
ghosts are warming up their voices for a full evening of “booing”
BOO BREATH – extended exhale making “BOOOO” sound (3 times).
High in the sky, the HALF MOON (standing variation of ardha chandrasana) shines,
brightly to the east (bend right) and brightly to the West (bend left).
At the side of a path I see a tall, dark TREE (vrksasana) with a strong trunk and gnarly branches
Under the tree prowls a BLACK CAT (marjariasana/cat back pose into cow back with cat tail leg
extension – hisssss … meow)
A DOWNWARD FACING DOG (adho mukha svanasana) appears out of nowhere, and chases
the cat down the path towards a BABBLING BROOK (cobra lifts/bhujangasana)
There are several BIG ROUND ROCKS (child’s pose/balasana) in the water. I think I can use
them as stepping stones to walk across the water
But when I step on the rock it flips over! (flip over and sit balanced on bottom) That’s when I
realize that they aren’t rocks at all! They’re PUMPKINS bobbing in the water (cross ankles, hold
feet and rock n’ roll around in a circle on mat/garbha pindasana)
Hey, there’s a BRIDGE (bridge pose/setu bandha or full wheel/urdhva dhanurasana) I could use
this bridge to cross the water, but it looks a little scary with that SPIDER on it! (variation of
spider/karnipidasana without putting much pressure on the neck)
Forget the bridge, I’ll take that BOAT (boat pose/navasana) that I see tied up on shore.
“Row, row, row your boat, cross the babbling brook,
Something’s flying through the air, let’s stop and take a look”
Wow, it’s a WICKED WITCH ON A BROOMSTICK! (warrior
III/virabhadrasana III) She’s got great balance!
Yikes, she might see us, hide behind that fence! ALL FOURS
Let’s open the gate. It’s a CREAKY OLD GATE (kneeling side
bend/parighasana … side bend with creeeaaakk sound)
Inside the gate there is a huge house…climb the STAIRS
(knee hold variation of hasta padanghustasana)
Stand brave and tall like a MOUNTAIN at the door and on the
count of 3 call “Trick or Treat!” 1 – 2 - 3
Get treats in your bag, then sit, criss-cross, half lotus or full
lotus. Listen to the ghosts as they fly away into the night …
BOO BREATH 3 times
…repeat poses in sequence without story line to
Halloween music.
Yoga Board Games
Yoga Cards:
FREE download of Yoga Circuit Cards available at
Click on K-6 Fast Forward to Fitness, then Supplementary Yoga Cards
Also available in French: Cartes de yoga supplémentaires
 Yoga Circuit - pass the cards
 Yoga Board Game – move yoga mat spaces according to die roll
 Yogopoly – Grade 5 & 6 partner yoga
Partner Poses:
Sit cross-legged, facing partner –
 Twists (right arm behind back, left arm holds partner’s right hand)
Sit cross-legged, back to back –
 Forward bend/backbend
 Side-to-side bends
Closing: PEACE
How can we create PEACE in our lives?
Where do you feel PEACE in your body?
Circle of Peace – pass the Peace
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
Peace: past, honoring our teachers from long ago
Peace: future, honoring the teachers that have yet to touch our hearts
Peace: present, honoring this moment together
Benefits of yoga for children and youth 
Develops flexibility, strength, stamina, agility, balance, coordination
Promotes mental and physical health
Promotes concentration, self-discipline and develops inner strength and clarity.
Breath control is an integral part of yoga and meditation. Breath meditation
teaches children to deepen and slow down their breath and be calm and inward
focused. It is a valuable skill that they can utilize their entire lives.
Builds cooperative skills and good social behavior by working with a partner or in
a group.
Promotes positive communication and good listening skills which foster selfrespect, compassion and respect for others.
Builds self-confidence.
Encourages children’s creative imagination and self-expression.