THE CITY OF AXUM PARK USE OBSERVATION DATA COLLECTION TOOL Park Data Observation Form Activities Observer: ___________________ Date (month/day/year): ____________ Temperature: ___°F Start Time: _____ AM/PM End Time: _____ AM/PM 16: 15: 14: Biking 13: Soccer 11: Baseball 10: Jogging 3: Strenuous 9: 8: Walk - Stroller 7: Walk – Vending 5: Walking 2: Moderate 4: 3: Picnic 2: Standing 1: Sitting 2: Non use of facility 1: Use of Facility 7: Over 66 6: 51 – 65 5: 35 – 50 4: 19 – 34 3: 13 - 18 2: 7 – 12 1: 0 – 6 2: Female 1. Male Observation # 1: Sedentary Comments: Weather (circle one): 1: Sunny 2: Partly sunny/overcast 3: Cloudy 4: Windy 5: Raining 6: Snowing Time Category (circle one): 1: 7 AM – 9 AM 2: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 3: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM 4: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM 12: Basketball Zone Number (circle one): 1: 1 7: 7 2: 2 8: 8 3: 3 9: 9 4: 4 10: 10 5: 5 11: 11 6: 6 6: Playground Park Name (circle one): The City of Axum Park Day of Week (circle one): 1: Monday 2: Tuesday 3: Wednesday 4: Thursday 5: Friday 6: Saturday 7: Sunday Park Data Entering/Exiting Form Observer: ___________________ Date (month/day/year): ____________ Temperature: ___°F Start Time: _____ AM/PM End Time: _____ AM/PM 7: Weather (circle one): 1: Sunny 2: Partly sunny/overcast 3: Cloudy 4: Windy 5: Raining 6: Snowing 6: 5: Biking 4: Walking 3: Walk – Vending 2: Stroller 1: Jogging Time Category (circle one): 1: 7 AM – 9 AM 2: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 3: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM 4: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM 4: Exiting non Path 3: Exiting by path 2: Entering non Path 1:Entering by Path 7: Over 66 Zone Number (circle one): 1: 1 7: 7 2: 2 8: 8 3: 3 9: 9 4: 4 10: 10 5: 5 11: 11 6: 6 6: 51 – 65 5: 35 – 50 4: 19 – 34 3: 13 - 18 2: 7 – 12 Day of Week (circle one): 1: Monday 2: Tuesday 3: Wednesday 4: Thursday 5: Friday 6: Saturday 7: Sunday 1: 0 – 6 2: Female 1. Male Observation # Park Name (circle one): The City of Axum Park Comments: