WJ IV Oral Language Test Results Report

The Woodcock-Johnson-IV Tests of Oral Language (WJ IV OL) was administered with the following
results. The language test scores reported below are based on age norms.
Standard Score
Percentile Rank
Picture Vocabulary
Oral Comprehension
Understanding Directions
Oral Comprehension
Picture Vocabulary
Sentence Repetition
Broad Oral Language is a measure of lexical knowledge, listening ability, verbal comprehension,
syntactic knowledge, working memory, and auditory memory span. The cluster is a combination of
Picture Vocabulary, Oral Comprehension, and Understanding Directions.
Oral Language is a measure of lexical knowledge, listening ability, and verbal comprehension. This
cluster is composed of Picture Vocabulary (identifying names of specific pictures) and Oral
Comprehension (listen to a passage and provide the final word to complete the passage). Specifically,
Xxx was able to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the analysis of the student’s
responses). Xxx’s score on this cluster is within normal limits/indicates a normative deficit/indicates a
normative strength.
Listening Comprehension is a measure of listening ability and verbal comprehension. This cluster is
composed of Understanding Directions (pointing to objects in a picture after given oral directions) and
Oral Comprehension (listen to a passage and provide the final word to complete the passage).
Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had difficulty…(personalize this section based on the analysis of the
student’s responses). Xxx’s standard score is within normal limits/indicates a normative deficit/indicates
a normative strength.
Oral Expression is a measure of lexical knowledge, language development and syntactic knowledge. It is
a combination of Picture Vocabulary (identifying names of specific pictures) and Sentence Repetition
(remember and repeat single words, phrases and sentences). Specifically, Xxx was able to…Xxx had
difficulty…(personalize this section based on the analysis of the student’s responses). Xxx’s standard
score is within normal limits/indicates a normative deficit/indicates a normative strength.