danielle captions real eve

Pacific Ocean California Indians
Man is a singular creature
Fish came and danced on the shore
( Man) change nature and the environment
Assent of Man
Man, Central America
Stone work in matu petu
Every age is different
Medieval clock in Europe
monuments of aging living
Man first evolved in Asia near the equator
Not Garden of eidend
East African rift valley where man was first made
Unique structure
Lower the layer the older the rock is
All people are descended from man
Related to apes and gazelles
Ice age
Reindeer were hunted during ice age(migration)
Laps moved the reindeer
Reindeer used their hide to make huts
Symbols on rocks
The pacific ocean was were all of the world started. The Indians were the first people to settle in
the world. And they settled in the Pacific Ocean. They got their food from all of the fish that
came up every year and they laid their eggs in the sand. While the fish were their the Indians
took advantage of it and caught as much of them as they could.
Another source of getting food was, reindeer. When the ice age came the Indians would move
along the coast while the reindeer did. Once they all had to cross the ocean, the Indians would
pack up all of their things and cross with them. On the other side of the Pacific Ocean was the
Great Rift Valley. The land over there was flat in some spots and in other spots, there were rocks
the size of glaciers. The rocks were not just ordinary rocks they were rocks with layers that
formed over the years. And did you know that, the lower the layer of the rock is the older it is?
Once the Indians and the reindeer crossed they to find another source of food because they no
longer had the source of the fish and reindeer. So they had to find another source and that other
source is the Antelopes. The antelopes were a source of food but they were hard to hunt. The
reason why is because, they were so fast just like humans are/were. And believe it or not, we
humans are related to apes and antelopes. Amazingly, apes and humans have almost identical to
their two front feet is the way the antelopes move theirs. cal jaws/mouths. And I know you are
wondering how in the world are we related to antelopes. Well the way antelopes and humans
move. It is amazing how much we do not know about history and the way life was before
electricity was!!!