Science 10: Unit C Plan - Justin Malec`s Education Portfolio


Science 10: Unit C Plan Justin


Science 10

Unit C: Cycling of Matter in Living Systems

August 27, 2014 – October 2


, 2014

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Science 10: Unit C Plan Justin


Focusing Questions:

1. What is a cell and how did technology help further our understanding of a cell?

2. What functions do organelles and the cell membrane perform within plant and animal cells?

3. How do plants make use of specialized systems to support life?

Unit Summary:

The cell is the basic unit of life; this unit looks at how the cell was discovered and what technology aided in this discovery. This unit also focuses on the difference between plant and animal cells and the processes occurring across the cell membrane and within the various organelles of the cell. Finally this unit describes how plants use specialized cells and systems to accomplish everyday tasks that support themselves.

Topic Outline:

7.1. Life from Life – spontaneous generation vs. biogenesis & cell theory

7.2. Cells & Technology – how microscopes work and the parts of a microscope

7.3. What’s in a Cell – plant vs. animal cells, parts of a cell (organelles)

8.1. Membrane Properties – structures, functions & properties.

8.2. Transport Across Cell Membranes – diffusion, osmosis & active transport.

8.3. Cell Size & Function – how surface area and cell size affects a cell.

9.1. Specialized & Organized – cell specialization in plants (leaves, stem, etc.)

9.2. Gas Exchange in Plants – how oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.

9.3. Water Transport in Plants – how plants collect and transport water using various processes

9.4. Plant Control Systems – phototropism vs. gravitropism

Learner Outcomes:

STS & Knowledge

Students will:

STSK 1: Explain the relationship between developments in imaging technology and the current understanding of the cell

STSK 1.1: trace the development of the cell theory: all living things are made up of one or more cells and the materials produced by these, cells are functional units of life, and all cells come from pre-existing cells

STSK 1.2: describe how advancements in knowledge of cell structure and function have been enhanced as a result of developments in microscope technology

STSK 1.3: identify areas of cell research at the molecular level

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STSK 2: Describe the function of cell organelles and structures in a cell, in terms of life processes, and use models to explain these processes and their applications

STSK 2.1: compare diffusion and osmosis with active transport

STSK 2.2: use models to explain and visualize complex processes like diffusion and osmosis, endo- and exocytosis, and the role of cell membrane in these processes

STSK 2.3: describe the cell as an open system that acquires nutrients, excretes waste, and exchanges matter and energy

STSK 2.4: identify the structure and describe the function of various cell organelles found in plant and animal cells.

STSK 2.5: compare the structure, chemical composition and function of plant and animal cells

STSK 2.6: describe the role of the cell membrane in maintaining equilibrium while exchanging matter

STSK 2.7: describe how knowledge about semi-permeable membranes, diffusion and osmosis is applied in various contexts

STSK 2.8: describe cell size and shape as they relate to surface area to volume ratio

STSK 3: Analyze plants as an example of a multicellular organism with specialized structures at the cellular, tissue and system levels

STSK 3.1: explain why larger organisms require a multicellular level of organization, and relate this to the specialization in plants

STSK 3.2: describe how the cells of the leaf system have a variety of specialized structures and functions

STSK 3.3: explain and investigate the transport system in plants

STSK 3.4: explain and investigate the gas exchange system in plants

STSK 3.5: explain and investigate phototropism and gravitropism in plants

STSK 3.6: trace the development of theories of phototropism and gravitropism


Students will:

IP: Ask questions about observed relationships, and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

IP 1: define problems

IP 2: state a prediction and a hypothesis

IP 3: identify the theoretical basis of an investigation

IP 4: define and recognize major variables.

PR: Conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables, and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

PR 1: carry out procedures, controlling the major variables

PR 2: use instruments effectively and accurately for collecting data

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PR 3: estimate quantities

PR 4: compile and organize data

PR 5: use library and electronic research tools to collect information

PR 6: select and integrate information from various print and electronic sources

AI: Analyze data and assess possible solutions

AI 1: compile and display information in a variety of ways.

AI 2: interpret patterns and trends in data

AI 3: state a conclusion based on experimental data

AI 4: explain how data support or refutes a hypothesis or prediction

AI 5: construct and test a prototype of a device or system

AI 6: identify new questions or problems that arise from what was learned

CT: Work as members of a team in addressing problems

CT1: Communicate ideas and thoughts and work together with other group members.


Students will be encouraged to:

A1: Interest in Science - show interest in science-related questions and issues

A2: Mutual Respect - appreciate that scientific understanding evolves from the interaction of ideas involving people with different views and backgrounds

A3: Scientific Inquiry - seek and apply evidence when evaluating alternative approaches to investigations, problems and issues

A4: Collaboration - work collaboratively in planning and carrying out investigations

A5: Stewardship – recognize a balance between human needs and environmental needs

A6: Safety - show concern for safety during all activities

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Assessment Plan:

Assessment Type

Cell Organelle Quiz


Chapter 7 & 8 Test


Unit Exam


Egg Osmosis Lab


Chapter 7, 8 & 9



Plant Research



Major Project – Make

A Model Cell/Cell


(Group or Individual)

Outcomes Covered Assessment Overview

STSK 2.4, STSK 2.5 Quiz on the functions of cell organelles.

STSK 1.1 – STSK 2.8

All STSK Outcomes

STSK 2.1, STSK 2,2

All Skill Outcomes

Exam covering material found in chapter 7 & 8.

Exam covering material found in Unit C.

Lab showing the process of osmosis.

Eggs without shells are placed in various solutions.

All STSK Outcomes

STSK 3.1 – STSK 3.4

STSK 2.4, STSK 2.5

An assigned amount of questions will be due at the end of each chapter.

Students will select a species of plant, research their chosen plant and answers questions based on their research.

Students will have to option to make a labeled model cell or labeled cell poster of a plant or animal cell along with a write up.

Due Date

Sept 8 th

Sept 18 th

Oct 2 nd

Sept 16 th

Ch. 7 – Sept 10 th

Ch. 8 – Sept 17 th

Ch. 9 – Oct 1 st

Sept 30 th

Sept 11 th

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Unit Outline

Aug. 25 th

Teacher Prep Day – No


Sept. 1

Holiday – No School

8 th Lesson 7 (80 min)

Quiz –Organelle Functions

Chapter 7 Review

Chapter 7 Questions

15 th st

Lesson 11 (80 min)

Review Membrane


Endo- & Exocytosis

Finish Egg Osmosis Lab

26 th

Teacher Prep Day – No


Cell & Microscope Review

Investigation 7-C: The

Power of Microscopes


2 nd th

Lesson 3 (80 min)

Lesson 8 (80 min)

Membrane Demo

Membrane Properties

Membrane Diagram

16 th Lesson 12 (80 min)

Egg Osmosis Lab Due

Cell Size & Function

Cell SA to V Ratio with Clay

Chapter 8 Questions

27 th Lesson 1 (80 min)

About Me/Expectations

Interest Inventory

Course Outline

Textbook Hunt

Unit C Overview

Spontaneous Generation vs. Biogenesis

3 rd Lesson 4 (80 min)

Cancer & Stem Cells

Investigation 7-D: Stem

Cell Research (book comp lab or lap top cart)

10 th Lesson 9 (80 min)

Chapter 7 Questions Due

Diffusion, Osmosis, Active


Membrane Transport

Jigsaw (book computers)

17 th Lesson 13 (80 min)

Chapter 8 Questions Due

(End of Class)

Review for Chapter 7 & 8


28 th Lesson 2 (80 min)

The Cell

Cell Theory

Parts of a microscope

Types of microscopes

Microscope Worksheet

4 th Lesson 5 (80 min)

Plant vs. Animal Cells

Video: Bill Nye Cells

Organelles Chart

Handout Cell Project

11 th Lesson 10 (80 min)

Cell Project Due

Egg Osmosis Lab

18 th Lesson 14 (80 min)

Chapter 7 & 8 Exam

29 th AM Day

No Science 10

5 th Lesson 6 (100 min)

Review Organelles

Cell Project Work Time

12 th AM Day

No Science 10

19 th Lesson 15 (100 min)

Plant Specialization

Video: Bill Nye Plants

Plant Lab (view leaves with microscope)

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22 nd Lesson 16 (80 min)

Gas Exchange in Plants

Plant Worksheet

Go Over Chapter Exam

29 th

Division Wide PD Day –

No Classes

23 rd Lesson 17 (80 min)

Review Gas Exchange in


Water Transport in Plants

Sugar Transport in Phloem

30 th Lesson 19 (80 min)

Plant Research

Assignment Due

Plant Control Systems

Chapter 9 Review

Chapter 9 Questions

24 th Lesson 18 (80 min)

Plant Research Assignment

(book computers)

Oct. 1 st Lesson 20 (80 min)

Chapter 9 Questions Due

(end of class)

Review for Unit Exam

25 th

School Based PD Day – No


2 nd Lesson 21 (80 min)

Unit C Exam

26 th

School Based PD Day – No


3 rd AM Day

No Science 10

Materials & Equipment:

Lesson 3 – Tweezers, microscope slides, cover slips, microscope, onion, water, methylene blue, filter paper

Lesson 4 & 9 – Laptops and/or Computer Lab

Lesson 10 – Eggs (no shell), water, salt water, sugar water, metric tape, balance, plastic container to hold egg, beaker, marker, masking tape

Lesson 12 – Modeling clay, rulers

Lesson 15 - microscope slides, cover slips, microscope, water, various plant leaves

Lesson 18 – Laptops and/or Computer Lab

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