Name of Institution: BANK OF TANZANIA GROUP SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Bank or Financial Respondent: Email: Telephone: “Affiliate” means a company that directly or indirectly controls, or is under common control with, a bank or financial institution. Associate companies" means two or more companies linked directly or indirectly through any of the following means ownership, control or power to vote, of twenty per cent or more of the issued and outstanding voting shares; common officer or directorship; common shareholding of ten per cent or more of the issued and outstanding voting shares of the companies; management contract or any arrangement granting power to a bank or financial institution to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of another company; permanent proxy or voting trust in favour of a company involving ten per cent or more of the issued and outstanding voting shares of another company; companies with cross-guarantee; and direct commercial interdependency, which cannot be substituted in the short-term. "Subsidiary" means a company whose more than fifty percent of its total issued and outstanding voting is directly or indirectly owned, controlled by another company called the parent company; QUESTIONS 1. Does the bank or financial institution have any equity investment in any company? YES NO 2. If yes, please provide the following details: Name of company Business line (Banking, Insurance, Investment Services, Others(specify)) Percent of company’s total shares held by the bank or financial institution. 1 2 3 4 3. Please indicate if any of the companies listed in 2 above are subject to supervision by the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA), the Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA), or a financial supervisory authority in any other country: Company Supervisory Authority 1 2 3 4 4. Please provide a diagrammatic presentation of the relationship between the bank or financial institution and its shareholders. Indicate the relationship of the bank shareholders and subsidiaries, associates and affiliates clearly indicating the shareholding relationship, the nature of the business undertaken by each entity. 5. With regards to question 4 above list down the financial supervisory authority to which any shareholders, affiliates or associates are subject (please use a separate paper) Company Supervisory Authority 1 2 3 4 6. Please identify companies in which any director, or individual holding more than five percent of the shares of the bank or financial institution, has a shareholding of more than five percent or is an officer or director of the company. Director / Shareholder Company Percentage shareholding 1 2 7. Does the bank or financial institutions have a subsidiary, associate, branch or representative office in any other country? YES NO i. If yes to 7 above, please provide the following information: Country Indicate subsidiary/associate / branch/representati ve office If a subsidiary or associate, percent ownership held If a subsidiary or associate, value of the investment 1 2 3 4 ii. If yes to 7 above, indicate kinds of reports received by the parent and the frequency of such reports Kind of reports received by the parent from the subsidiary/associate/ branch/representative office and the frequency of such reports Report/information Frequency iii. If yes to 7 above, indicate the individuals or committees of the parent bank to whom the senior officers of the foreign subsidiary, associate, branch or representative office report Country Indicate subsidiary/associate/ branch/representative office Parent bank individuals and/or committees with oversight responsibilities 1 2 3 8. If the bank or financial institution is a subsidiary of a foreign bank: i. Please provide the name of the parent bank; ________________and its home country supervisor________________________. ii. Has the bank or financial institution been inspected within the last 3 years by home country supervisor of the parent bank? YES NO iii. If yes, to ii above, please provide the date: _____________________ iv. Is the financial institution required to submit any information to the home YES NO country supervisor of the parent bank either directly or through the parent bank? v. If yes to iv above, please indicate the nature of the report or information, and the frequency provided. Report/Information Frequency 1 2 3 4 vi. Other than the Board of Directors, to whom does the Chief Executive Officer report ? Individual/Committee 1 2 3 Reported by: Signature: ……………………….………. Position: ……………………………….. Date: ………………………………….. Parent bank or other group affiliation