Integrated Water Management Strategy Implementation Plan 2014–2016 Responsible Directorate: Environment and Infrastructure Authorised By: Chief Executive Officer Date of Authorisation: 27 November 2014 Sunset Date: June 2016 Implementation Plan 2014–2016 1 Table of contents 1. Purpose ............................................................ 3 2. Background...................................................... 3 2.1. 2.2. IWMS vision, guiding principles and objectives Action plan structure 3 4 3. Action plan ....................................................... 5 4. Complementary ongoing activities ................ 8 5. Monitoring and reporting ................................ 8 Appendix 1 - Alignment of IWMS objectives and strategies with actions from the Implementation Plan (2014–16) ................. 9 Implementation Plan 2014–2016 2 1. Purpose The Integrated Water Management Strategy 2014–2024 (IWMS) was adopted by Council on 26 May 2014. The IWMS aims to better integrate the City of Boroondara’s approach to water cycle management and seek solutions that deliver multiple benefits to Council, the community and the environment. This Implementation Plan 2014–2016 incorporates an action plan outlining initiatives that will be undertaken over the next two years to ensure progress towards the Strategy’s vision and objectives. This Implementation Plan is an operational document and actions included are subject to funding being available. Implementation of these actions will lay the foundation for longer-term investment in pollution reduction and water harvesting projects from 2016–17. This Implementation Plan is to be read in conjunction with the IWMS (available to download from 2. Background 2.1. IWMS vision, guiding principles and objectives The Strategy’s vision is for “…a healthy, green and resilient city…where a diversity of water sources is available so that the right quality of water is available when and where it is required…contributing to healthier waterways and open spaces for greater community well-being.” A set of six guiding principles have also informed the objectives of the IWMS and will guide the implementation of the strategy, being: Valuing water - water is one of our most valuable resources not only for drinking but also protecting our local amenity and valuable urban ecology. Partnership approach - partnering with project beneficiaries to co-fund implementation actions is critical to realising the aspirations of this strategy. Balance competing objectives and pursue multiple benefits - the IWMS should be implemented in a way that maximises community well-being and other potential co-benefits (social, environmental, financial) Leadership by Council within the community Action prioritised by impact - prioritise actions according to greatest social, environmental and economic benefit per dollar of Council funds invested. Consider the impacts of climate change - it’s important that we plan ahead to ensure greater resilience to expected heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms. The vision is supported by four overarching objectives that provide a framework for action over the next decade. These objectives are: 1. Minimise use of drinking water. 2. Increase local water harvesting and fit-for-purpose reuse. 3. Remove pollutants contaminating our stormwater before it enters our waterways and Port Phillip Bay. 4. Support Council’s flood mitigating activities in a way that better protects properties from flooding while also protecting the environment, amenity and function of Council assets. The IWMS contains a range of interrelated strategies that have the potential to achieve the four overarching objectives, and associated targets, within the IWMS. Implementation Plan 2014–2016 3 2.2. Action plan structure The actions identified in this initial Implementation Plan have been grouped under categories of: public open space, parks, gardens, and sports grounds private land use planning and development Council buildings community engagement. Actions under each of these categories are delegated to a responsible department, budget implications are noted as well as the objectives and strategies within the IWMS (refer to Section 7 of the IWMS) that the action contributes towards achieving. A number of other activities, undertaken within existing resources on an ongoing basis, will also support the delivery of the IWMS and are included in the ‘Complementary activities’ section of this document. Implementation Plan 2014–2016 4 3. Action plan Acronyms: E&SL (Environment and Sustainable Living Department), P&G (Parks and Gardens Department), P&S (Projects and Strategy Department), SP (Strategic Planning Department), AM (Asset Management Department), FY&R (Family, Youth and Recreation Department). IWMS Objectives: Objective 1 - Minimise use of drinking water; Objective 2 - Increase local water harvesting and reuse; Objective 3 - Remove pollutants from stormwater runoff; Objective 4 - Flood management Public open space, parks, gardens and sports grounds Action # Action Timeframe Resource implications Responsibility Related IWMS objectives and strategies 1 Assess the feasibility and relative priority of opportunities for water sensitive urban design (WSUD) infrastructure across the municipality. 2014–15 Grant funding (Melbourne Water) $90,000 Lead: Principal Sustainability Officer (E&SL) in collaboration with P&S, P&G, IS, SP All objectives Lead: Principal Sustainability Officer (E&SL) in collaboration with P&G, P&S Objective 3 Lead: Manager Parks and Gardens/Senior Coordinator Open Space (P&G) in collaboration with E&SL Objectives 1 and 2 Note: 2014–15 Council Plan commitment 1a 2 Budget allocation $10,000 Pending successful grant application, commence design and community consultation for a wetland in Chandler Park. 2014–15 2015–16 Develop an irrigation management plan that will: - identify a framework for the sustainable management and irrigation of open space - set KPIs for water management based on efficient use, quality of open space outcomes and sustainability - reflect the need for sportsgrounds to be kept playable throughout the year despite weather conditions in line with community expectations. 2014–15 2015–16 Implementation Plan 2014–2016 Budget allocation $40,000 Grand funding (Melbourne Water pending) $80,000 Budget allocation $25,000 Strategy 3.1 Strategy 2.2 Strategy 3.1 Strategy 1.2 Strategy 2.1 5 3 Implement Bolin Bolin stormwater harvesting project. 2014–15 – 2015–16 Budget allocation: $300,000 Note: this is part of a larger project led by the City of Manningham. 4 Implement the Glenferrie Water Management Plan. 2014–15 – 2015–16 Budget allocation: $950,000 Grant funding: $1,000,000 from Victorian Government $200,000 from Melbourne Water (pending) Lead: Manager Parks and Gardens/ Coordinator Turf Management (P&G) in collaboration with E&SL Objectives 1 and 2 Lead: Team Leader Landscape and Design (E&SL) in collaboration with P&S, P&G Objectives 1, 2 and 3 Strategy 1.2 Strategy 2.2 Strategy 1.2 Strategy 2.2 Strategy 3.1 Private land use and development/planning Action # Action Timeframe Resource implications Responsible department(s) Related IWMS objectives and strategies 5 Include elements of the IWMS into the Planning Scheme through the update of the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS). 2014–15 2015–16 Budget allocation: within existing resources Lead: Senior Project Planner (SP) in collaboration with E&SL All objectives 6 7 Strategy 2.3 Strategy 3.4 Develop local content relating to integrated water cycle management for inclusion in the Planning Scheme. This will be flagged as further strategic work in the updated MSS. From 2014–15 Budget allocation: within existing resources Lead: Senior Project Planner (SP) in collaboration with E&SL All objectives Undertake scoping study for flood modelling project. 2014–15 Budget allocation: $30,000 Lead: Team Leader Drainage Strategy (P&S) in Objective 4 Implementation Plan 2014–2016 Strategy 3.4 Strategy 4.1 6 collaboration with SP, AM, E&SL 8 Commence modelling of the catchments of Boroondara and examine Council drains and floodway system to develop more precise flood mapping. From 2015–16 onwards Foreshadowed budget: $400,000 across a 2-3 year period (TBC through Action 7) Lead: Team Leader Drainage Strategy (P&S) in collaboration with SP, AM, E&SL Objective 4 Strategy 4.1 Council Buildings Action # Action Timeframe Resource implications Responsible department(s) Related IWMS objectives and strategies 9 Establish a Facility Retrofit Program to improve water efficiency and reduce potable water consumption at Council facilities outside Council’s scheduled renewal program. The analysis to inform the program will include a focus on high water using sites and financial payback. Implement retrofit works as funding becomes available. 2014–15 – 2015–16 Budget allocation: $0 Lead: Principal Sustainability Officer (E&SL) in collaboration with FY&R and P&S Objectives 1 and 2 Note: $50,000 per year foreshadowed in 2016–17 and 2018–19 Strategy 1.1 Strategy 2.1 Community Engagement 10 Work with Yarra Riverkeepers to engage with the community around reducing pollutants flowing into waterways 2014–15 2015–16 Budget allocation: $0 Principal Sustainability Officer (E&SL) Strategy 3.5. 2014–15 2015–16 Budget allocation: $15,000 Principal Sustainability Officer (E&SL) Objectives 1-3 Note: Yarra Riverkeepers were the recipient of a triennial operational grant from Council for 2014–15 to 2016–17. 11 Develop and deliver community engagement resources and activities to support the community in the uptake of water sensitive practices. Note: this will be primarily delivered through Council’s Living for our Future program. Implementation Plan 2014–2016 Strategy 1.3 Strategy 2.4 Strategy 3.5 7 4. Complementary ongoing activities In addition to the above priority actions, a range of activities will be undertaken by Council to support delivery of the IWMS. These continuous improvement activities will be delivered within operational resourcing or incorporated into planned capital works projects, for example: Ensure that Sustainable Buildings Policy and guidelines continues to be used as a means of incorporating water efficiency and rainwater harvesting as standard practice (E&SL/ P&S). Promote water saving incentives and rebates available to residents and business (E&SL). Ensure all relevant Council officers are trained in WSUD maintenance, and maintenance checklists and procedures developed (P&G, IS, E&SL). Investigate implementation of technology and practices to better use available water resources and improve irrigation (P&G). 5. Monitoring and reporting Monitoring involves collection and analysis of data and information to assist timely decision-making, ensure accountability and provide the basis for assessing progress toward achievement of objectives and targets. It will help identify if adjustments need to be made to strategies, resourcing and program or project design. Section 8 of the IWMS includes proposed progress indicators for the first three objectives of the Strategy, and the data that will be used to track progress against these indicators. The 2024 targets will be reviewed pending completion of the feasibility assessment and prioritisation of identified WSUD infrastructure opportunities. The actions listed in section 3 of this plan will be entered into Council’s reporting system Interplan and reported on annually. For all queries or feedback regarding this document, please contact the responsible officer below. Contact: Bronwen Hutchinson, Principal Sustainability Officer Contact Number: 9278 4011 Contact email: Implementation Plan 2014–2016 8 Appendix 1 - Alignment of IWMS objectives and strategies with actions from the Implementation Plan (2014–16) IWMS Objectives and strategies Related Implementation Plan actions Objective 1: Minimise use of drinking water Strategy 1.1 Action 9 Strategy 1.2 Action1, Action 2, Action 3, Action 4 Strategy 1.3 Action 11 Objective 2: Increase local water harvesting and reuse Strategy 2.1 Action 2, Action 9 Strategy 2.2 Action 1, Action 3, Action 4 Strategy 2.3 Action 5 Strategy 2.4 Action 11 Objective 3: Remove pollutants from stormwater runoff Strategy 3.1 Action 1, Action 1a, Action 4 Strategy 3.2 No specific action (complementary ongoing activity) Strategy 3.3 No specific action (complementary ongoing activity) Strategy 3.4 Action 5, Action 6 Strategy 3.5 Action 10, Action 11 Objective 4: Flood management Strategy 4.1 Action 7, Action 8 Strategy 4.2 Beyond Implementation Plan timeframe Strategy 4.3 Beyond Implementation Plan timeframe Implementation Plan 2014–2016 9