EMERGING LEADERS SCHOLARSHIP FUND SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES At any level, your support will provide a fully or partially tax-deductible donation, of which 70% will be used to provide scholarships for youth-participants and 30% will be used for broad support of the event, including for food, audio-visual needs for skill-building workshops, development of print and digital materials, and meeting space. FRIENDS CIRCLE LEVEL up to $99 As a Friends Circle supporter, CJJ will: Show its appreciation for your support in the conference program and webpage. BRONZE CIRCLE LEVEL $100- $250 As a Bronze Circle supporter, CJJ will: Show its appreciation for your support in the conference program and webpage. Provide a 50% discount off membership fees if you or your organization chooses to join CJJ as a member in 2015. SILVER CIRCLE LEVEL $251-$500 As a Silver Circle supporter, CJJ will: Shows its appreciation for your support on the conference program and webpage. Display a printed sign with your name and logo at the conference in a prominent location. Provide a 50% discount off membership fees if you or your organization chooses to join CJJ as a member in 2015. GOLD CIRCLE LEVEL $501-$1,000 As a Gold Circle supporter, CJJ will: Shows its appreciation for your support in the conference program and webpage. Display a printed sign with your name and logo at the conference in a prominent location. Provide one waived conference registration for you or a representative of your organization for either the CJJ Annual Conference or Youth Summit. Provide a 50% discount off membership fees if you or your organization chooses to join CJJ as a member in 2015. CHAMPIONS CIRCLE LEVEL $1,001 and above As a Champion Circle supporter, CJJ will: Shows its appreciation for your support in the conference program and webpage. Acknowledge your support during a snack break, breakfast, or lunch session. Display a printed sign with your name and logo at the conference in a prominent location. Provide two waived conference registration for you and/or a representative of your organization for either the CJJ Annual Conference or Youth Summit. Provide a 50% discount off membership fees if you or your organization chooses to join CJJ as a member in 2015. For any questions regarding payment, please contact Lori Benning via email at Benning@juvjustice.org phone at 202-467-0864, ext. 122. Payment Options: Online: Donate online by clicking on the “CJJ Youth Summit” button at http://bit.ly/1HEAe8x. Mail: Send a check, made out to the Coalition for Juvenile Justice with Emerging Leaders Scholarship Fund in the memo line, to Coalition for Juvenile Justice, 1319 F Street NW, Suite 402, Washington, DC 20004. Phone: Call 202-467-0864 ext. 122 to pay with a credit card. 1319 F Street | Suite 402 | Washington, DC 20004 | 202-467-0864 | info@juvjustice.org