January 2016 - Manitoba Women`s Institute

Minutes, January 4, 2016
Board Meeting
January 4, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
Conference Call
Participant Code 7660004
Donna Young
Ann Mandziuk
Arenda Van Der Deen
Audrey Clark
Denise Joss
Diane Hrychuk
Valerie Watt
Gisela Nolting
Debbie Melosky
Liz Chongva
Pat Orsak (9.03)
SW “A” Regional Rep
SW “B” Regional Rep
Eastern Regional Rep
Northwest Region Rep
Winnipeg/Interlake Rep
Government Appointed Representative
FWIC Executive Officer MB
MAFRD Representative
Joni Swidnicki
Executive Administrator
Maren Mueller
Dr. Joyce Slater
Dept. of Human Nutritional Sciences U of M
Donna Young welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Adoption of the Agenda
Audrey Clark/Gisela Nolting
That the agenda as presented be adopted. CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes
Diane Hrychuk/Liz Chongva
That the minutes from the Board Meeting held December 7, 2015 be approved after
correcting on Page 5 under Strategic Plan, 1016 to 2016. CARRIED.
Minutes, January 4, 2016
Call for Nominations re United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Donna Young introduced the above noted correspondence and advised that previously,
FWIC had sent one person to represent all WI’s, and the suggestion was made that Marie
Kenny would be a good person to attend.
Valerie Watt/Liz Chongva
That the correspondence from The Honourable Patty Hajdu, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Status of Women with respect to the call for nominations to the United
Nations Commission on the Status of Women be received;
And further, that an email be sent to FWIC to support the nomination of an FWIC
member to attend on behalf of all Women’s Institutes, whereby the name of Marie
Kenny was suggested. CARRIED.
2016 Census of Population Program
Donna Young spoke to the correspondence received with respect to the above.
Denise Joss/Debbie Melosky
That the correspondence from Statistics Canada with respect to the 2016 Census of
Population Program be shared with members through the Institute News, Face
Book and the website. CARRIED.
Committee Reports
Resolution Committee – verbal report
Diane Hrychuk reported that the committee had received 10 resolutions, which would be
presented at the February meeting.
Nominations Committee – verbal report
Valerie Watt reported that Denise Joss had submitted nomination papers for the
President-Elect position, and that Heather Klassen had submitted nomination papers for
the Director-at-Large position. She noted that if there were any additional nominations
submitted, an election would be held at the AGM.
2018 FWIC Triennial Convention Report – verbal report
Ann Mandziuk reported that the planning committee had met in December and advised
there were still volunteer positions open on some committees. Joan Clement and Lynne
Hopley will follow up with phone calls to possible participants for the FWIC Triennial
Convention committees.
Minutes, January 4, 2016
Liz Chongva noted her role as FWIC liaison and asked if she would be able to participate
as a committee member. In response, it was suggested that time might allow for her
involvement as a committee member, but definitely not as a committee chair, as she
would have many other responsibilities in her FWIC role.
Debbie Melosky/Audrey Clark
That the verbal committee reports be received. CARRIED.
Unfinished Business
Tabled Items
Strategic Plan – Marketing and Promotion of WI - information from Pat Orsak and
Debbie Melosky
Pat Orsak advised that subsequent to providing the written information, she had had the
opportunity to consider the focus group information prepared in 2013 and had reviewed
same with colleagues. It was believed this information was still relevant, thereby
eliminating the requirement to redo this work, should the Board determine an application
should be made for government funding. Pat Orsak will provide information on the
process to follow for funding, as well as the link to the organizational assessment for all
Board members to complete.
Joni Swidnicki will forward the 2013 information to the full Board, as many members
had not been involved in the 2013 process.
During the discussion on this topic, it was agreed that if a marketing person was to be
hired, it should be someone from within Manitoba. Denise Joss will arrange for a
marketing person to meet with members of the Board to conduct preliminary work
following which a determination on cost, requests for proposals etc. will be discussed.
Included in the discussion was the use of social media to continue to grow the awareness
of MWI. There was also consensus that the Media Committee and Promotions
Committee were already doing some of the elementary marketing work and should be
involved in discussions with a professional marketing person.
Ann Mandziuk noted that another organization she was involved with had conducted the
organizational assessment, and while it did not proceed to make application for funding,
the assessment was still of value to the organization.
Gisela Nolting/Denise Joss
That the information provided by Pat Orsak, MAFRD Representative, and Debbie
Melosky, Government Representative, regarding suggestions for marketing and
promoting WI be received;
Minutes, January 4, 2016
and further, than an ad hoc marketing committee be created consisting of the
members of the Media and Promotions Committees, along with Debbie Melosky, to
meet with a marketing person in Winnipeg in January whereby information will be
brought to the Board for further consideration. CARRIED.
Action Items
Denise Joss suggested printing stickers that could be distributed to members for their
individual use instead of creating a postage stamp. She will check into cost. Done.
Denise researched several promotional items and indicated 1000 stickers could be
purchased for $131. She suggested creating these for specific purposes, such as
promotion of WI Day or the Triennial Convention.
Valerie Watt noted that postage meters can be equipped with a message or logo stamper
and will check with her local post office for details. Illness and Christmas prevented any
information being provided to Valerie. Valerie will follow up for next meeting.
Ann Mandziuk will provide a sample “MWI Snippets” to Board Members and if
supported, she will provide the first edition for circulation to all members with email
addresses. Done.
Joni Swidnicki to check wording throughout the Strategic Plan to ensure wording does
not give the impression that it is the responsibility of the Resolutions Committee to create
resolutions. Done.
Lynne will begin sorting the resolutions in the Policy Book by MWI Convenorships.
Lynne provided an update on the sorting process to date. Joan asked how WI would
make use of the work, once completed. Donna suggested providing a copy to all
Regions. Joan suggested posting it on the webpage. Work with Joni and Lynne ongoing.
Lynne advised she had emailed the Provincial Archives to see if the resolutions dating
back to 1910 were on file. Ann also suggested putting interesting resolutions on FB.
Joni – the book is approximately 2/3 complete and Lynne is typing the early resolutions
that have been discovered at the Archive, for eventual inclusion in the book. Early
resolutions received inserted into book. Joni working on formatting the final product.
Ann Mandziuk mentioned seeing a1919 article from the Free Press with respect to
FWIC’s first meeting, with representatives from New Brunswick, Alberta, Ontario and
Manitoba in attendance. She asked if Joni Swidnicki could obtain a copy of the article
and provide it to members at the AGM. It was also suggested this could be posted to
Face Book and Twitter with an indication that times may have changed, but the
information is still pertinent.
Leanne Sprung to follow up with the PCWM concern related to hand-out material
provided by the Province not including information for rural Manitoba. Done. Pat Orsak
advised that no rural information had been submitted to PCWM for inclusion. Pat will put
information together on rural Manitoba and circulate it to the Board, prior to submitting
to PCMW for its next brochure.
Minutes, January 4, 2016
Joan Clement to provide information to Leanne Sprung on required amendments to The
Women’s Institute Act. Leanne has information and will pass along to Pat Orsak. Done.
Pat has spoken with Joan and confirmed it had been agreed not to open the Act, but seek
advice on minor amendments. The Constitution and Bylaw Committee needs to meet to
review the Act prior to Pat sending information to the Provincial Government. Ann
Mandziuk advised the Committee will meet in January. Pat advised that Legislative
changes effected by the Provincial Government (such as only one appointment to the
Board) could be forwarded to Provincial lawyer for an omnibus amendment.
Denise Joss asked that Arenda email her for further discussion on contacting media at the
Legislative Building re WI Day. Radio One would be an option but Arenda did not
have contact information.
New Business
Proclamation Signing and Meeting with the Minister
Donna Young advised that due to restrictions with respect to appearances during an
election period, the Minister cannot participate in any promotional activities, such as a
public Proclamation Signing. The document will be signed at his office and forwarded to
MWI. A meeting will be held with ministers following the AGM at which time any
issues of regional or local concern can be brought forward.
Resignation of Kate Belair
Donna Young read Kate Belair’s email with respect to Kate’s resignation as Executive
Director of FWIC. Donna provided a response to Kate indicating MWI would miss her
guidance, professionalism and spark.
Nellie Award
Donna Young advised that the MWI name had been put forward to the Free Press for the
Nellie Award, and that in return, the Free Press had requested the supporting
documentation. Ann Mandziuk advised that MWI is shown on the list of nominees.
International Peace Garden (IPG) Natural Playground
Joni Swidnicki advised that Garry Enns, CEO of the IPG had forwarded to his staff, the
natural playground pictures considered by the Board in December and again confirmed
IPG’s commitment to additional funds if necessary to make the playground a showcase.
Minutes, January 4, 2016
February Board Meeting
Arenda Van Der Deen advised she will be unavailable for the February meeting, as she
will be out of the country. The February Board Meeting will be held on February 1 at
1:30 p.m.
There being no further items of business, Donna Young declared the meeting adjourned at
10:30 a.m.
Joni Swidnicki, Executive Administrator