April 2015 - Manitoba Women`s Institute

Minutes, April 6, 2015
Board Meeting
April 6, 2015
Conference Call
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Telephone #1-855-219-6965, Participant #845-890-941
Donna Young
Joan Clement
Audrey Clark
Gisela Nolting
Lynne Hopley
Ann Mandziuk
Diane Hrychuk
Debbie Melosky
Maren Mueller
Shelagh Polischuk
Past President
SW “B” Regional Rep
FWIC Executive Officer MB
Northwest Region Rep
Government Appointed Representative
Eastern Regional Rep
Wpg-Interlake Regional Rep
Joni Swidnicki
Executive Administrator
Dr. Joyce Slater
Linda Wilson
Leanne Sprung
Dept. of Human Nutritional Sciences U of M
SW "A" Regional Rep
MAFRD Representative
Adoption of the Agenda
Shelagh Polischuk/Diane Hrychuk
That the agenda as presented with the addition of the correspondence from Catherine
Marshall and Jim Irwin be adopted. CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes
Diane Hrychuk/Debbie Melosky
That the minutes from the Board Meeting held March 2, 2015 be approved. CARRIED.
Minutes, April 6, 2015
Update and Invoice from Agriculture in the Classroom
Donna Young reported on Agriculture in the Classroom and the value it provides to
children in school. It was noted that the invoice had been paid.
Jan McIntyre – Hebron International Resources Network
Donna Young spoke to the opportunity of having former MWI member Jan McIntrye
speak to any local branches who may be interested in hearing about issues facing women
in other countries. Questions were asked related to any religious connotations whereby it
was noted that it could be requested that any talks steer away from religion and focus on
the issues many women face in different parts of the world.
Catherine Marshall – Body Dissatisfaction, Concerns about Aging, and Food
Choices of Baby Boomers and Older Women in Manitoba
Donna Young provided information on MWI member participation in focus groups
related to body image perception. She advised that a hard cover copy of the report by
Catherine Marshall had been received along with a summary of her findings. Donna
further advised that Catherine will provide participants with a copy of her summary. It
was suggested that Catherine should be kept in mind as a speaker for the FWIC 2018
Jim Irwin – Concept Paper “Friendly Manitoba Society”
Ann Mandziuk indicated that material had been received from Jim Irwin of Experiential
Tourism Strategies Consulting related to the creation of a “Friendly Manitoba Society” to
bring communities together. She indicated the concept focused on building Manitoba’s
social capital for the betterment and sustainability of communities. The item will be
placed on the May agenda.
Maren Mueller/Joan Clement
That the correspondence related to Agriculture in the Classroom, Jan McIntrye,
Catherine Marshall and Jim Irwin be received. CARRIED.
Committee Reports
Recruitment and Promotions
- Winter Fair Ad
Donna Young expressed her thanks to the members involved in creating the
advertisement for the RiversRoyal Manitoba Winter Fair special publication.
Suggestions were made that in all marketing endeavors, there be consistency
Minutes, April 6, 2015
in the photos and logos used, which would require having a high resolution
copy kept on file in the office. Joni to check with Webber Printing to see if
they have the original copies of marketing material that could be used.
Ad for Red River Exhibition
Maren Mueller provided information on her email conversations with Garth
from the Red River Exhibition (RRE). She advised that RRE does not
produce a special edition publication but that they had offered to put small
advertisement on the RRE website with link to the MWI website. Maren will
confirm the Board’s interest with Garth in having MWI information on the
RRE website and Joni will provide an ad copy inclusive of a photo.
Ag More Than Ever Handouts
Donna Young advised that Ag More Than Ever had handouts available and
asked Maren Mueller if the Promotions and Recruitment Committee would
like any for the display table at the Provincial Convention. Maren confirmed
that she would.
Maren further reiterated on the items that would be at the display table
including vest and t-shirt sign-up sheets, sample t-shirts (for sizing purposes)
(members agreed they would allow the vests they were wearing to be tried on
for size if anyone was interested). Maren sought comments on having a draw
using cards, hasty notes and/or a sample t-shirt as a prize as a means to
increase traffic to table.
Diane Hrychuk/Lynne Hopley
That a sample t-shirt and/or other merchandize be offered as a prize at
the Promotions and Recruitment Committee display table at the
Provincial Convention. CARRIED.
There was general discussion on the Wellness Clinic being offered in Rivers,
Mb. whereby it was noted that MWI was recognized in all advertisements for
its participation on the planning committee and support of its refreshment
breaks. Discussion also took place on whether or not there would be an
opportunity to have the MWI display board set up. Joni Swidnicki advised
that Dianne Kowalchuk was going to pick up a banner along with some
handout material from the office for the event. Shelagh Polischuk will follow
up with Dianne on the opportunity to set up the display board.
Fundraising Committee
- Co-op Participation in CSC
No additional information was available for this meeting, however it was
agreed to take the CSC sign-up sheets to the Regional Conventions as well as
Minutes, April 6, 2015
to the Provincial Convention.
Other Fundraisers
There was general discussion on types and need for any alternative
fundraising efforts. It was noted that the reserve funds could not be used for
daily operations, however it was suggested that the reserve could be used to
finance professional marketing and recruitment activities. It was agreed to
discuss this matter further following a review of the cash calendar initiatives
taking place now and in October. Joni - Take CCS forms to all regional
meetings and have stats available. All members - talk about the opportunity
of sharing cards.
Planned Program Committee
Debbie Melosky provided a report from the Planned Program Committee including:
the article for the April newsletter would be authored by Dr. Joyce Slater and
a smaller article on “kids in the kitchen” was also being prepared;
Rivers and Woodmore WI’s had requested seeds from the Seed Program;
2 grants totaling $4,110.00 had been received by the Woodmore local and
would be used to offer programs on gardening, preserving, and cooking. An
individual (non-member) would be hired to do the coordination and follow up
work on the program. It was suggested this information be shared with
FWIC; and
Arrangements would be made for the Board to meet Dr. Slater at her
convenience on May 7 in conjunction with the Provincial Convention.
It was suggested that additional information on the activities/projects of the Planned
Program Committee could be placed on Facebook. Joni to follow up with Val Watt on
information for Facebook.
2015 Provincial Convention
Shelagh Polischuk reported on the last committee meeting whereby she indicated that the
plans were coming together and one more meeting would be held. She advised that Mrs.
Neabel will act as Parliamentarian for the Convention. She provided some information
on the tour of the Human Rights Museum, including some difficulties with their
website/email system currently being worked on. She also indicated the information
received on the Travelling Trunk looked like it was going to be interesting. She advised
attendees to watch hotel rates as there had been one instance where the price being
charged was greater than that agreed upon. It was requested that Joni bring cookbooks to
the Convention as they may be used as presenters’ gifts. It was also suggested that
cookbooks be taken to the Regional Conventions as well.
Minutes, April 6, 2015
Finance Committee
Ann Mandziuk spoke to quarterly report provided to the Board and on the recent meeting
with the auditor on the financial statements which would be submitted to the Finance
Committee on April 10. It was noted that written permission was required from the
auditor before their financial statements could be reproduced in any form. There were
questions on the amount shown in the quarterly report for provincial fees (the figure does
not include individual member fees) and board fees (which includes fees for the October
2 day in person session paid for in November on the credit card).
Peace Garden Committee
Ann Mandziuk temporarily left meeting the meeting (10:39 am) and returned at 10:41
Donna Young provided information on her conversation with the International Peace
Garden related to the MWI Picnic Nook. She indicated that the maps for the IPG
included the name “Maple Picnic Area” which in fact was what MWI referred to as the
MWI Picnic Nook, hence the confusion when members tried to find the “nook” and were
not able to. A staff member from the IPG went out to the area and confirmed that signage
in the parking lot of the area did indicate it was the MWI site. The staff person also
confirmed that in all future printed material, the site will be shown with both the Maple
and MWI names.
Additional discussion took place on the need to improve the visibility of the MWI sign as
the current sign had the letters “cut out” of the metal. It was suggested that welding a
second piece of metal to the back of the sign, in a contrasting color, would improve the
appearance and the ability to read it from a distance. Audrey Clark advised that her
grandson-in-law might be able to make the suggested changes to the sign without too
much difficulty.
Audrey Clark/Ann Mandziuk
That the verbal committee reports be received. CARRIED.
Unfinished Business
Tabled Items
PCWM Round Table Networking and Luncheon
Shelagh Polischuk provided a verbal report on the PCWM luncheon and the
presentation on housing issues, including housing issues facing senior women and
youth. She advised that there had been less opportunity to network and to provide
information about the organizations attendees represented, than there had been the
previous year. She noted there were approximately 30 people in attendance,
Minutes, April 6, 2015
down from 60 the previous year. She stated that she would provide feedback to
PCWM on her observations.
Maren Mueller/Joan Clement
That the verbal report from Shelagh Polischuk on the Provincial Council of
Women of Manitoba Round Table Networking and Luncheon be received.
Erland Lee Award
There have been no nomination received to date.
FWIC/Peace Garden Scholarship
There have been no nominations received to date. It was suggested that this
opportunity be promoted at the next PCWM meeting and included on Facebook.
Action Items
Maren to look into opportunities and costs for Red River Ex ad. Joni/Maren to work on ad for
Royal Manitoba Winter Fair – including something that would provide feedback to the Board on
effectiveness (perhaps information on MWI sponsorships). Done
Joni will bring suitcases of promotional items to the spring convention. Debbie will check to see
if there is anything from Planned Programs that could be displayed at the convention. No action
from Joni until May.
Members will do some follow up in their respective regions related to Co-op fundraiser.
was requested to bring the sign up forms for CSC to the Annual Convention.
It was requested that Joni put convention information on the website, separate from that already
contained in the Institute News. Done
Donna/Joni to find information on the Leadership Legacy Program to submit. Done
Audrey will follow up with International Peace Garden re sale of cards early in the New Year as
the office was closed during Christmas. Audrey will follow up by phone.
Lynne will begin sorting the resolutions in our Policy Book by MWI Convenorships. Lynne
provided an update on the sorting process to date. Joan asked how WI would make use of the
work, once completed. Donna suggested providing a copy to all Regions. Joan suggested
posting it on the webpage. Work with Joni and Lynne ongoing.
Joni – update webpage with 2015 RREF information. There is already a link on our website to
RREF, but RREF doesn’t have its 2015 information up yet. Ann had sent information to RREF,
but RREF didn’t update it. Ann did follow up again and will phone again. Joan suggested
sending out a press release for community newspaper with respect to the sponsorship. Joni – get
MWI scholarship information to Fran. Done
Minutes, April 6, 2015
Joni – prepare letter to MAAS. Done.
New Business
Support of Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba, Inc. Resolutions
Donna presented the resolutions circulated by the Provincial Council of Women of
Manitoba, Inc. (PCWM) and asked members to indicate if there were any concerns, if
not, Shelagh Polischuk would have Board support to vote in the affirmative for the
resolutions at PCWM’s annual general meeting.
Gisela Nolting/Diane Hrychuk
That the resolutions outlined by the PCWM in its March 14, 2015 correspondence
be supported. CARRIED.
Nomination of Luella Noble to Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba,
Inc. Celebrating Women Gala 2015.
Donna Young spoke on the information received nominating Luella Noble to the
Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba, Inc. Celebrating Women Gala 2015.
Gisela Nolting/Audrey Clark
That the nomination of Luella Noble for the PCWM Celebrating Women Gala 2015
be supported and forwarded to PCWM by the April 15, 2015 deadline. CARRIED.
Shelagh Polischuk/Lynne Hopley
That the meeting do now adjourn (11:34 am). CARRIED.
Joni Swidnicki, Executive Administrator
Minutes, April 6, 2015
Shelagh Polischuk/Diane Hrychuk
That the agenda as presented with the addition of the correspondence from Catherine Marshall
and Jim Irwin be adopted. CARRIED.
Diane Hrychuk/Debbie Melosky
That the minutes from the Board Meeting held March 2, 2015 be approved. CARRIED.
Maren Mueller/Joan Clement
That the correspondence related to Agriculture in the Classroom, Jan McIntrye, Catherine
Marshall and Jim Irwin be received. CARRIED.
Diane Hrychuk/Lynne Hopley
That a sample t-shirt and/or other merchandize be offered as a prize at the Promotions and
Recruitment Committee display table at the Provincial Convention. CARRIED.
Audrey Clark/Ann Mandziuk
That the verbal committee reports be received. CARRIED.
Maren Mueller/Joan Clement
That the verbal report from Shelagh Polischuk on the Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba
Round Table Networking and Luncheon be received. CARRIED.
Gisela Nolting/Diane Hrychuk
That the resolutions outlined by the PCWM in its March 14, 2015 correspondence be supported.
Gisela Nolting/Audrey Clark
That the nomination of Luella Noble for the PCWM Celebrating Women Gala 2015 be supported
and forwarded to PCWM by the April 15, 2015 deadline. CARRIED.
Shelagh Polischuk/Lynne Hopley
That the meeting do now adjourn (11:34 am). CARRIED.
Minutes, April 6, 2015
Joni to check with Webber Printing to see if they have the original copies of marketing material
that could be used.
Maren will confirm the Board’s interest with Garth in having MWI information on the RRE
website and Joni will provide an ad copy inclusive of a photo.
Shelagh Polischuk will follow up with Dianne on the opportunity to set up the display board at
the Rivers Wellness Clinic.
Joni - Take CCS forms to all regional meetings and have stats available. All members - talk
about the opportunity of sharing cards.
Joni to follow up with Val Watt on information for Facebook.
It was requested that Joni bring cookbooks to the Convention as they may be used as presenters’
gifts. It was also suggested that cookbooks be taken to the Regional Conventions as well.
Joni will bring suitcases of promotional items to the spring convention. Debbie will check to see
if there is anything from Planned Programs that could be displayed at the convention. No action
from Joni until May.
Lynne will begin sorting the resolutions in our Policy Book by MWI Convenorships. Lynne
provided an update on the sorting process to date. Joan asked how WI would make use of the
work, once completed. Donna suggested providing a copy to all Regions. Joan suggested
posting it on the webpage. Work with Joni and Lynne ongoing.