Cathy Skinner, Anne Carlson, Dai Vu, Ruth Bachman, Matt Flory, Liz

July Membership Committee Meeting Summary
Cathy Skinner, Anne Carlson, Dai Vu, Ruth Bachman, Matt Flory, Liz Deshler
Changes to
Points of Discussion
 8 or so signed up for new member communications and many other current members stopped by to chat
and see if there were any new updates
 Everyone seemed to really like the summit; raved about Otis Brawley
 A lot of people didn’t like the location; likely due to construction, confusing roads, etc.
 Very well put together
 A lot of people missed the research paper presentations because they thought they were the second day;
recommend having a more clear agenda at future events
 How will this help engage new members? More than a dozen people who attended the summit were not
 Did we identify organizational members vs. individual members?
 How many people did we have from out of state?
 Non-members need outreach and communications to get connected to the MN Cancer Alliance. At the
community level you really need that personal touch (phone calls, intentional outreach, scholarships, etc.
Has our list serve ever been cleaned out?
Purpose statement should be focused on retention and engagement (priority for next two years);
Membership needs to be recruiting but we as a committee should not be involved with that
 Year one goal – focus on retaining and engaging members and clean-up list serve
o Who cleans up the list serve? Membership Committee?
 Do we want the member in-reach to be added to the job description?
o Who would be doing the phone calls?
o We should be a group who gets things done. Could we do an email inviting others t meetings,
events, etc.?
 EX: If 50 organizations want to be involved, all five of us could take 10 organizations and
outreach to them
 Member commitment meetings could take place at cancer summit, all member meetings, etc.
***We need to follow-up with whatever commitments were made at the all member meeting in May. If we don’t
it will be hard to keep them engaged to come back next year
 Concern that document is a job description but then starts to become an action plan which should be
Heather will update
description with two year
time limit as well as
following updates and
send out to team from
o Remove
responsibilities that
relate to action plan
and not job
o Re-order
responsibilities based
on prioritization
o Remove reference of
work plan
sessions to
Further define
priorities and
identify action
timeline for
next two years
Fall 2014
different (split out)
Too many bullets. Content is good but it belongs in an action plan
Is MDH going to give us access to the list serve? We should make it our action to determine who can give
access and who can clean up list serve
How do we determine is a member is active of inactive?
How long was the membership committee in existence and what happened to it?
Need to know list of members than identify less active people
o Do not think that this should be based on who completed the survey
o Should not assume that those who were engaged one year will also be engaged the next
Action plan:
 Find out who members are
o Compare list serve to all member meeting attendees
o How many attended 2013 cancer disparities summit
o Who has access to this list serve and can define audience/members
 Should follow-up after events to keep members engaged
Levels of Members/Groups to Engage in Action Plan:
 Completed worksheet
 Attended summit
 Attended member meeting
 Completed/did not complete survey
 Anyone else missing?
addressing Steering
nomination from time
We need to know who is
interested in us. Heather,
for next meeting we need
these cross reference/data
pulls and participant lists
of those who registered
for Earl Brown, Summits,
Member Meeting,
including indication of
those who were not
Future process
 Require at least two names, contact information, and organization
 How to identify target audience:
o Categories give us data to develop action plan based on needs, audiences and priority
o For those who participated but are not current members, personal outreach to inquire about
interest, inform on benefits, etc.
What’s the purpose of the meeting?
 Recruit new members and engage current members
 Have attendees invite a guest who is interested in membership; asking members to recruit people based
on what makes sense to them
 “bring a friend or make a friend”; want to make sure that people feel comfortable not bringing a friend
Committee Meeting in
 Early November
 Thursday evening from 5:00-7:00pm
 Listen to a speaker
 Cocktail hour/networking
 Introduce new/meet new members
 Have a basket to share future ideas and reasons why you would want to come to meetings
 Bar / restaurant
 Cash bar
 Membership table
 Good parking
 Cash bar
 Available early November
 Space for 100 people
 $500 for venue and speaker
 Needs to fit in with cancer draw and also be a name that gets people to come out
 Entertaining but understands what it means to have a cancer plan and reduce the burden of cancer
 30 minute social time
 5 minute overview of MCA Membership Committee; this is what came from May Member Meeting and
this is what’s coming next
 20-30 minutes for speaker including Q&A
 40-45 minutes networking post speaker
o Table topics
o Need to have a takeaway
 15 minute membership plug and wrap-up
How many of these events should we do each year? Quarterly opportunities?
 Group thinks quarterly would keep people engaged
 Once a year go outside of metro area based on where members are located
 Partner with events that are already happening
o Don’t reinvent the wheel
 There’s no better way to engage people then to have them teach others about what we do:
o Ex: out of the metro location ask those local members to staff table and recruit/engage others
August to plan via
conference call; speaker
ideas, table topics,
planning. Ann will email
Heather to re-cap the need
for this meeting
Cathy will look into venue
Heather will reach out to
Ruth as a potential speaker
Matt will create some
draft Table Topic plans
Ann will create a draft
There will be a follow-up
conference call on August
20th to check in on the
tasks assigned
Someone needs to draft an
invitation to the SC
members, encouraging
them not just to attend,
but to commit to bringing
someone else
All Member
Spring 2014
Action plan needs to include:
 Follow-up on 4 breakout action items from 2013 May Member Meeting
Agenda Items
Member Lists
 Summits, May Meeting
 Designated Org. Member, non-member
List Serve Questions
 Mail Chimp / Database features
 Decide on maintenance schedule; propose to SC
 Define ‘active’ vs. ‘in-active’
Finalize Job Description
Finalize Work Plan
Review MCA Membership Application
 Organization member / Individual signup
 Required information
Fall Meeting Planning
Two New Members for Committee:
 Somebody from one of the health systems
o Allina – Lisa Kirckpatrick, Dawn Tucker, Elle Zupke
o MN Oncology – Kim and Ann will reach out for recommendations
o Blue Cross – Susan Nelson
o MnGI – Lisa B
o Health Partners – will reach out to Bryan Rank for suggestions
 Need Marketing and Communications people
Next Steps
Heather will send out a
meeting wizard for a
meeting in the third week
of September
Ann will reach out to Lisa B
Matt will reach out to
Health Partners
Heather will reach out to
other new MCA orgs